

learning python

   resume 【rɪ'zju:m】 

  1. to begin again after stopping
    - the game resumed after the rain stopped.
    - she sat down and resumed her work.
  2. to take (a seat, place, position, etc) again: to go back to something
    - she will be resuming her position at the company.

   coverage 【ˈkʌvərɪdʒ】 

  1. when a subject or event is reported on television or radio, or in newspapers
    - the allegations received widespread media coverage.
    - live coverage of the match(= the match is broadcast at the same time that it is happening)
  2. the protection an insurance company gives you, so that it pays you money if you are injured, something is stolen etc
    - health care coverage
  3. the range of subjects and facts included in a book, programme, class etc.
    - prestel's website provides good coverage of the subject.
  4. when something affects or covers a particular area or group of things
    - more satellites are needed to provide telephone coverage in remote areas.
posted @ 2016-08-13 21:22  luser_run  阅读(145)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报