

learning python

   underlying 【ˌʌndərˈlaɪɪŋ】 

  1. underlying cause/ principle/ problem etc: the cause, idea etc that is the most important, although it is not easily noticed
    - the underlying causes of her depression
    - there is an underlying assumption that younger workers are easier to train.

   buffer 【ˈbʌfɚ】 

  1. something that gives protection by separating things: a protective barrier
    - thick walls serve as a buffer from/against the sounds of the city.
    - she had to act as a buffer between the two brothers, who wouldn't stop arguing.
  2. a place in the memory of a computer where information is stored for a short time

   navigate 【ˈnævɪˌɡet】 

  1. to find which way you need to go when you are travelling from one place to another
    - i'll drive, you take the map and navigate.
    - early explorers used to navigat by stars.
  2. to understand or deal with something complicated
    - i am curently trying to navigate through a whole stack of information on the subject.
  3. to sail along a river or other area of water
    - the river is too dangerous to navigate.
  4. to find your way around on a particular website, or to move from one website to another
    - the magazine's website is easy to navigate.
posted @ 2016-08-07 21:38  luser_run  阅读(139)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报