learning python
flavor 【ˈflevɚ】
- the particular taste of a food or drink
- which flavor do you want?
- a fry wine with flavors of honey and apricot- the quality of tasting good
- i prefer this one because it has more flavor.- a quality or feature that makes something have a particular style or character
- the stories have a strong regional flavor.
- i like the Italian flavor of the neighborhood.- a type or version of something
- different flavors of software
literal 【ˈlɪtərəl】
- the literal meaning of a word or expression is its basic or original meaning
- a trade war is not a war in the literal sense.
iterate 【ˈɪtəˌret】
- if a computer iterates, it goes through a set of instructions before going through them for a second time.
arbitrary 【ˈɑ:rbətreri】
- not planned or chosen for a particular reason
- an arbitrary number has been assigned to each district.
- i don't know why i chose that one, it was a completely arbitrary decision.- done without concern for what is fair or right
- although arbitrary arrests are illegal, they continue to occur in many parts of the country.
embed 【ɛmˈbɛd】
- to put something firmly and deeply into something else, or to be put into something in this way
- a piece of glass was embedded in her hand.