

news from BBC

Euro 2016: France expels Russia far-right fan chief Shprygin

   expel 【ɪkˈspel】 驱逐,赶走

1.  The far-right leader of the Russian footballer supporters' association is being thrown out of France following violence at the England-Russia Euro 2016 match in Marseille.

   association 【əˌsəʊʃiˈeɪʃn】 协会,联想

2.  Alexander Shprygin is among 20 Russian fans being deported.  

   deport 【dɪˈpɔ:t】 驱逐出境

3.  They were detained on Tuesday while travelling from Marseille to Lille to watch Russia face Slovakia.

   detain 【dɪˈteɪn】 拘留,搁置

Orlando shootings: Would Trump’s national security plan work?

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says US counter-terrorism efforts are "terrible" - and that he has a way to make the system better. Is he right? And are his proposals really new?

1.  He used the speech to slam the Obama administration's counter-terrorism efforts.

   slam 【slæm】  to criticize someone or something strongly

2.  He's also said: "We have terrible intelligence gathering right now."

   intelligence gathering 情报搜集 

3.  In the past, Trump ripped into Apple for refusing to help officials in their investigation of the San Bernardino gunman, Syed Rizwan Farook, who gunned down 14 people in 2015. Federal investigators wanted Apple to break into Farook's iPhone, but Apple executives refused.

   rip 【rɪp】 撕破,扯破

   rip into 抨击,猛攻 

4.  Weeks after 9/11, Bush signed the Patriot Act into law, giving broad authority to law enforcement to conduct surveillance operations on US citizens. At the National Security Agency (NSA), officials embarked on a massive effort to collect phone records of American citizens.

   conduct 【kənˈdʌkt】 to carry out a particular activity or process,especially in order to get information or prove facts.

5.  When NSA contractor and whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed that the government's most aggressive surveillance programmes were sometimes focused on Muslims, many Americans were outraged.

   outraged 【aʊtreɪdʒəd】 引起愤怒

6.  "If we fall into the trap of painting all Muslims with a broad brush and imply that we are at war with an entire religion, then we are doing the terrorists work for them," Obama said.

   trap 【træp】 诱骗,受限制 

   a broad brush 一刀切 

   brush 【brʌʃ】 刷子,画笔

posted @ 2016-06-16 21:15  luser_run  阅读(160)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报