2017-09-27 18:13 安松 阅读(493) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报1. 使用正则表达式替换,按照模板替换,如将 8DD9EE67E8B543D6AFE75D793BF78939 替换为 8DDC9EE67-E8B5-43D6-AFE7-5D793BF78939
7DC9EE62 E8B5 43D6 AFE7 5D793BF78939
public String insertGang(String str){ String template = "$1-$2-$3-$4-$5"; String regex = "(\\w{8})(\\w{4})(\\w{4})(\\w{4})(\\w{10})"; return str.replaceAll(regex, template); }
public String replaceAll(String regex, String replacement) {
return Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(this).replaceAll(replacement);
① : Pattern和Matcher Pattern 一个Pattern是一个正则表达式经编译后的表现模式。
② : Matcher 一个Matcher对象是一个状态机器,它依据Pattern对象做为匹配模式对字符串展开匹配检查。
③ : Pattern.compile(regex) 将给定的正则表达式编译并赋予给Pattern类
Pattern.compile(regex),,这个将生成一个数组 (\\w{8})(\\w{4})(\\w{4})(\\w{4})(\\w{10}) 0-0 1-30 2-0 3-8 4-8 5-12 6-12 7-16 如下图 groups
④ : Matcher matcher(CharSequence input) 生成一个给定命名的Matcher对象
⑤ :
public String replaceAll(String replacement) { reset(); boolean result = find(); if (result) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); do { appendReplacement(sb, replacement); result = find(); } while (result); appendTail(sb); return sb.toString(); } return text.toString(); }
appendReplacement():就是源字符串根据 "$1-$2-$3-$4-$5"; 进行追加“-”字符,根据 Pattern.compile(regex)生成的数组groups分割添加字符“-”
public Matcher appendReplacement(StringBuffer sb, String replacement) { // If no match, return error if (first < 0) throw new IllegalStateException("No match available"); // Process substitution string to replace group references with groups int cursor = 0; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); while (cursor < replacement.length()) { char nextChar = replacement.charAt(cursor); if (nextChar == '\\') { cursor++; if (cursor == replacement.length()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "character to be escaped is missing"); nextChar = replacement.charAt(cursor); result.append(nextChar); cursor++; } else if (nextChar == '$') { // Skip past $ cursor++; // Throw IAE if this "$" is the last character in replacement if (cursor == replacement.length()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Illegal group reference: group index is missing"); nextChar = replacement.charAt(cursor); int refNum = -1; if (nextChar == '{') { cursor++; StringBuilder gsb = new StringBuilder(); while (cursor < replacement.length()) { nextChar = replacement.charAt(cursor); if (ASCII.isLower(nextChar) || ASCII.isUpper(nextChar) || ASCII.isDigit(nextChar)) { gsb.append(nextChar); cursor++; } else { break; } } if (gsb.length() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "named capturing group has 0 length name"); if (nextChar != '}') throw new IllegalArgumentException( "named capturing group is missing trailing '}'"); String gname = gsb.toString(); if (ASCII.isDigit(gname.charAt(0))) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "capturing group name {" + gname + "} starts with digit character"); if (!parentPattern.namedGroups().containsKey(gname)) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No group with name {" + gname + "}"); refNum = parentPattern.namedGroups().get(gname); cursor++; } else { // The first number is always a group refNum = (int)nextChar - '0'; if ((refNum < 0)||(refNum > 9)) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Illegal group reference"); cursor++; // Capture the largest legal group string boolean done = false; while (!done) { if (cursor >= replacement.length()) { break; } int nextDigit = replacement.charAt(cursor) - '0'; if ((nextDigit < 0)||(nextDigit > 9)) { // not a number break; } int newRefNum = (refNum * 10) + nextDigit; if (groupCount() < newRefNum) { done = true; } else { refNum = newRefNum; cursor++; } } } // Append group if (start(refNum) != -1 && end(refNum) != -1) result.append(text, start(refNum), end(refNum)); } else { result.append(nextChar); cursor++; } }
2. 判断字符串中是否包含子串
String content = "I am noob from runoob.com."; String pattern = ".*runoob.*"; boolean isMatch = Pattern.matches(pattern, content); System.out.println("字符串中是否包含了 'runoob' 子字符串? " + isMatch); //字符串中是否包含了 'runoob' 子字符串? true
① 例子
// 按指定模式在字符串查找
String line = "This order was placed for QT3000! OK?";
String pattern = "(\\D*)(\\d+)(.*)";//
// 创建 Pattern 对象
Pattern r = Pattern.compile(pattern);
// 现在创建 matcher 对象
Matcher m = r.matcher(line);
if (m.find( )) {
System.out.println("Found value: " + m.group(0) ); //(\D*)(\d+)(.*) This order was placed for QT3000! OK?
System.out.println("Found value: " + m.group(1) ); //(\D*) This order was placed for QT
System.out.println("Found value: " + m.group(2) ); //(\d+) 3000
System.out.println("Found value: " + m.group(3) ); //(.*) ! OK?
} else {
System.out.println("NO MATCH");
String line = "This order was placed for QT3000! OK?";
String pattern = "\\D*(\\d+).*";//
// 创建 Pattern 对象
Pattern r = Pattern.compile(pattern);
// 现在创建 matcher 对象
Matcher m = r.matcher(line);
System.out.println("count : "+m.groupCount()); // 1
if (m.find()) {
System.out.println("Found value: " + m.group(0) ); // This order was placed for QT3000! OK?
System.out.println("Found value: " + m.group(1) ); // 3000
} else {
System.out.println("NO MATCH");
String REGEX = "\\bcat\\b"; // \b:匹配一个单词边界 String INPUT = "cat cat cat cattie cat"; Pattern p = Pattern.compile(REGEX); Matcher m = p.matcher(INPUT); // 获取 matcher 对象 int count = 0; System.out.println("Match count "+ m.groupCount()); while(m.find()) { count++; System.out.println("Match number "+count); // 1 2 3 4 System.out.println("start(): "+m.start()); // 0 4 8 19 System.out.println("end(): "+m.end()); // 3 7 11 22 }
5. matches和lookingAt区别
matches 和 lookingAt 方法都用来尝试匹配一个输入序列模式。它们的不同是 matches 要求整个序列都匹配,而lookingAt 不要求。
lookingAt 方法虽然不需要整句都匹配,但是需要从第一个字符开始匹配。
String INPUT = "fooooooooooooooooo"; String INPUT2 = "ooooofoooooooooooo"; pattern = Pattern.compile(REGEX);\ matcher = pattern.matcher(INPUT); matcher2 = pattern.matcher(INPUT2); System.out.println("lookingAt(): "+matcher.lookingAt()); // true System.out.println("matches(): "+matcher.matches()); // false System.out.println("lookingAt(): "+matcher2.lookingAt()); // false
6. replaceFirst 和 replaceAll 方法用来替换匹配正则表达式的文本。不同的是,replaceFirst 替换首次匹配,replaceAll 替换所有匹配。
String REGEX = "dog"; String INPUT = "The dog says meow. All dogs say meow."; String REPLACE = "cat";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(REGEX); Matcher m = p.matcher(INPUT); INPUT = m.replaceAll(REPLACE);
System.out.println(INPUT); // The cat says meow. All cats say meow.
7. appendReplacement 和 appendTail
String REGEX = "a*b"; String INPUT = "aabfooaabfooabfoobccc"; String REPLACE = "-"; Pattern p = Pattern.compile(REGEX); // 获取 matcher 对象 Matcher m = p.matcher(INPUT); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); while(m.find()){ m.appendReplacement(sb,REPLACE); } System.out.println("sb1 : "+sb.toString()); // sb1 : -foo-foo-foo- m.appendTail(sb); //用matcher.appendReplacement( sb, REPLACE)就是在Matcher.find()找到匹配的地方用REPLACE替换掉然后加进StringBuffer中去,这时后面可能还有字符串但是不匹配的,matcher.appendTail()就是把不匹配(ccc)的加上 System.out.println(sb.toString()); // -foo-foo-foo-ccc