小程序 订阅消息功能实现 wx.requestSubscribeMessage
写在前: 小程序 服务通知 订阅消息功能 小程序文档地址 (前端部分)
第一步,html 内容,添加按钮点击事件
<text>{{textcontent}}</text> <button bindtap="subTap" hover-class="other-button-hover">允许订阅消息</button>
第二步,js 内容
data: { textcontent: '提示:未开启' }, // 检测是否开启 更新提示 testingTap: function() { let that = this; wx.getSetting({ withSubscriptions: true, success(res) { // console.log(res) if (res.subscriptionsSetting.mainSwitch) { if (res.subscriptionsSetting.itemSettings != null) { let item = res.subscriptionsSetting.itemSettings.P2wDrfX0CYmme5mgnmyxVdbXMZFp1mjByg9dE4_YrdQ if (item == "reject") { that.setData({ textcontent: '提示:您已经拒绝订阅消息' }) } else if (item == "accept") { that.setData({ textcontent: '提示:您已经开启订阅消息' }) } else if (item == "ban") { that.setData({ textcontent: '提示:您已经被后台封禁' }) } } } else { that.setData({ textcontent: '提示:订阅消息未开启' }) } } }) }, //授权 subTap: function() { let that = this; wx.requestSubscribeMessage({ tmplIds: ['P2wDrfX0CYmme5mgnmyxVdbXMZFp1mjByg9dE4_YrdQ'], success(res) { that.setData({ textcontent: '提示:授权成功' }) }, fail(res) { that.setData({ textcontent: '提示:授权失败' }) } }) },