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16.15Disable iff用法


16.15 Disable iff 解析

        默认disable iff可以在生成块或者module,interface,program声明中声明,其在默认disable iff声明的范围(作用域)和子范围(子作用域)中,为所有并发断言提供了一种默认禁用情况。默认禁用iff可以在生成块或模块、接口或程序声明中声明。此外,默认值扩展到任何嵌套的模块、接口或程序声明,以及嵌套的生成块。但是,如果嵌套模块、接口、程序声明或生成块本身有一个默认disable iff声明,则默认disable iff嵌套声明或生成块应用,并从外部覆盖任何默认disable iff。使用作用域解析的disable iff声明中引用的任何信号,都将从声明的作用域解析。

        默认disable iff声明的作用,与声明在该范围内的位置无关,同一模块、接口、程序声明或生成块中多个默认disable iff声明应为错误,该作用域不会扩展到模块、接口、程序声明的任何实例。

        在下面这个例子中,模块m1rst1声明为默认禁用条件,在嵌套模块m2中没有默认disable iff声明,默认禁用条件rst1适用于m1的整个声明和m2的嵌套声明,因此,断言a1和a2的推断禁用条件都是rst1。

  1.  module m1;
  2. bit clk, rst1;
  3. default disable iff rst1;
  4. a1: assert property (@(posedge clk) p1); // property p1 is
  5. // defined elsewhere
  6. ...
  7. module m2;
  8. bit rst2;
  9. ...
  10. a2: assert property (@(posedge clk) p2); // property p2 is
  11. // defined elsewhere
  12. endmodule
  13. ...
  14. endmodule

        在嵌套模块m2中有默认disable iff声明,则在m2中此默认禁用条件覆盖了在m1中声明的默认禁用条件。因此,下面这个例子a1的推断禁用条件是rst1,但a2的推断禁用条件是rst2。

  1. module m1;
  2. bit clk, rst1;
  3. default disable iff rst1;
  4. a1: assert property (@(posedge clk) p1); // property p1 is
  5. // defined elsewhere
  6. ...
  7. module m2;
  8. bit rst2;
  9. default disable iff rst2;
  10. ...
  11. a2: assert property (@(posedge clk) p2); // property p2 is
  12. // defined elsewhere
  13. endmodule
  14. ...
  15. endmodule


(1)如果断言有一个disable iff分句,则应使用这个分句中指定的禁用条件,并忽略此断言的任何默认disable iff声明;

(2)如果断言不包含一个disable iff分句,但这个断言在默认disable iff声明的作用域中,则这个断言的禁用条件从默认disable iff声明推断出来;



  1. module examples_with_default (input logic a, b, clk, rst, rst1);
  2. default disable iff rst;
  3. property p1;
  4. disable iff (rst1) a |=> b;
  5. endproperty
  6. // Disable condition is rst1 - explicitly specified within a1
  7. a1 : assert property (@(posedge clk) disable iff (rst1) a |=> b);
  8. // Disable condition is rst1 - explicitly specified within p1
  9. a2 : assert property (@(posedge clk) p1);
  10. // Disable condition is rst - no explicit specification, inferred from
  11. // default disable iff declaration
  12. a3 : assert property (@(posedge clk) a |=> b);
  13. // Disable condition is 1'b0. This is the only way to
  14. // cancel the effect of default disable.
  15. a4 : assert property (@(posedge clk) disable iff (1'b0) a |=> b);
  16. endmodule
  17. module examples_without_default (input logic a, b, clk, rst);
  18. property p2;
  19. disable iff (rst) a |=> b;
  20. endproperty
  21. // Disable condition is rst - explicitly specified within a5
  22. a5 : assert property (@(posedge clk) disable iff (rst) a |=> b);
  23. // Disable condition is rst - explicitly specified within p2
  24. a6 : assert property (@ (posedge clk) p2);
  25. // No disable condition
  26. a7 : assert property (@ (posedge clk) a |=> b);
  27. endmodule

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