


* This example program shows how to read DXF files and how to
* use this CAD description of objects to generate shape models.
* The program is a slightly modified copy of the example program
* examples/hdevelop/Applications/Object-Recognition-2D/
* pm_multiple_models.hdev.
* The following modifications to this program were made:
* - The model images are created from the DXF description of
*   the objects.
* - The parameters of the operator find_shape_models were
*   slightly relaxed because the DXF object description does
*   not fit exactly to the objects in the search image because
*   the images were taken with an uncalibrated and slightly
*   oblique viewing camera.
* This program shows how to use HALCON's shape-based
* matching to find multiple different models in one call to
* find_shape_models. Note that this is one mode of operation
* that is frequently useful. However, the number of
* applications that can be solved with this mechanism is much
* larger. Other applications where finding multiple models
* in one call is useful are applications where the same object
* can only occur in small angle ranges around a discrete set
* of angles, e.g., 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270°. In these cases,
* it would be wasteful to train the model for the full 360°
* rotation range and to match the model in this range. Instead,
* four models using the small angle ranges around the discrete
* set of angles should be generated from the same model image
* and used in the matching stage using four different angle
* ranges.
dev_update_pc ('off')
dev_update_window ('off')
dev_update_var ('off')
dev_close_window ()
dev_open_window (0, 0, 646, 482, 'black', WindowHandle)
dev_set_part (0, 0, 481, 645)
dev_set_draw ('margin')
set_display_font (WindowHandle, 16, 'mono', 'true', 'false')
dev_set_line_width (3)
* These colors will be used to graphically discern the different
* models in the visualization code below.
Colors := ['red','green','cyan']
* The object Models will hold a set of XLD contours that
* represent the different models. They are used below to overlay
* the found models on the current image.  XLD contours are used
* because they can be transformed much faster than regions. This
* creates a slight problem because in general multiple XLD
* contours will represent one model.  Therefore, the start and
* end indices of the different models will be stored in IndexS
* and IndexE, respectively.
gen_empty_obj (Models)
IndexS := []
IndexE := []
* The variable ModelIDs holds the different models that are
* created below.
ModelIDs := []
* Likewise, RowsRef and ColumnsRef store the reference points
* of the different models.  They are necessary to transform the
* models to the found instances in the current image.
for J := 1 to 3 by 1
    dev_clear_window ()
    read_contour_xld_dxf (Contours, 'metal-part-' + J$'02', [], [], DxfStatus)//读取DXF文件,并将其转换为DXF轮廓。
    gen_model_image_of_bright_object_with_holes (Contours, Image, 3.38, 646, 482)
    dev_display (Image)
    dev_set_color ('green')
    set_tposition (WindowHandle, 20, 20)
    write_string (WindowHandle, 'Generating shape model ' + J$'d')
    get_domain (Image, Domain)
    area_center (Domain, Area, Row, Column)
    * Although we will use get_shape_model_contours below to
    * obtain the representation of the model, we extract a model
    * representation here using inspect_shape_model because this
    * enables us to display the representation of the model while
    * the model is being created.
    inspect_shape_model (Image, ModelImages, ModelRegions, 1, 30)
    * Since the shape models contain a few extraneous edges,
    * they will be removed here to give a slightly nicer
    * visualization.
    connection (ModelRegions, ConnectedRegions)
    select_shape (ConnectedRegions, SelectedRegions, 'area', 'and', 20, 100000)
    union1 (SelectedRegions, ModelRegions)
    gen_contours_skeleton_xld (ModelRegions, ModelContours, 1, 'filter')
    dev_set_color ('red')
    dev_display (ModelContours)
    create_shape_model (Image, 5, rad(0), rad(360), 'auto', 'pregeneration', 'use_polarity', 30, 10, ModelID)
    get_shape_model_contours (ModelCont, ModelID, 1)
    select_shape_xld (ModelCont, ModelContours, 'contlength', 'and', 20, 1000)
    * Count how many XLD contours there are in the current
    * model and in the already stored models. This is necessary
    * to compute IndexS and IndexE.
    count_obj (ModelContours, NumModel)
    count_obj (Models, NumModels)
    concat_obj (Models, ModelContours, Models)
    IndexS := [IndexS,NumModels + 1]
    IndexE := [IndexE,NumModels + NumModel]
    ModelIDs := [ModelIDs,ModelID]
disp_message (WindowHandle, ['Press left button to start','and stop the demo'], 'image', 50, 20, 'yellow', 'false')
get_mbutton (WindowHandle, Row1, Column1, Button1)
wait_seconds (0.5)
dev_set_color ('red')
Button := 0
ImgNo := 1
while (Button != 1)
    read_image (Image, 'metal-parts/metal-parts-' + ImgNo$'02d')
    count_seconds (S1)
    find_shape_models (Image, ModelIDs, rad(0), rad(360), 0.6, 0, 0.5, 'least_squares', 4, 0.3, Row, Column, Angle, Score, Model)
    count_seconds (S2)
    Time := (S2 - S1) * 1000.
    dev_display (Image)
    Num := |Score|
    for J := 0 to Num - 1 by 1
        * Select the correct XLD contours from the Models object.
        copy_obj (Models, ModelSelected, IndexS[Model[J]], IndexE[Model[J]] - IndexS[Model[J]] + 1)
        * Compute the transformation from the model object to
        * the current instance.
        vector_angle_to_rigid (0, 0, 0, Row[J], Column[J], Angle[J], HomMat2D)
        affine_trans_contour_xld (ModelSelected, ModelTrans, HomMat2D)
        dev_set_color (Colors[Model[J]])
        dev_display (ModelTrans)
    if (Num == 1)
        disp_message (WindowHandle, Num$'1d' + ' object  found in ' + Time$'4.2f' + 'ms', 'image', 20, 20, 'yellow', 'false')
        disp_message (WindowHandle, Num$'1d' + ' objects found in ' + Time$'4.2f' + ' ms', 'image', 20, 20, 'yellow', 'false')
    ImgNo := ImgNo + 1
    if (ImgNo > 15)
        ImgNo := 1
    dev_error_var (Error, 1)
    dev_set_check ('~give_error')
    get_mposition (WindowHandle, R, C, Button)
    dev_error_var (Error, 0)
    dev_set_check ('give_error')
    if (Error != H_MSG_TRUE)
        Button := 0
for J := 0 to |ModelIDs| - 1 by 1
    clear_shape_model (ModelIDs[J])

 程序中read_contour_xld_dxf 是读取DXF格式文件的算子,可以将DXF文件转换为XLD轮廓。如果没有提供文件的绝对路径,则会在当前目录下搜索DXF文件。






* This example program shows how to use the operators
* write_contour_xld_dxf and read_contour_xld_dxf as well as
* the operators write_polygons_xld_dxf and read_polygon_xld_dxf
* First, edges are extracted from an image.
read_image (Image, 'mreut')
edges_sub_pix (Image, Edges, 'canny', 2, 20, 40)
* Then, to create global attributes, the regression lines are determined.
regress_contours_xld (Edges, RegressContours, 'no', 1)
* Now, we can  query what attributes and global attributes
* are available for the contours.
select_obj (RegressContours, ObjectSelected, 1)
query_contour_attribs_xld (ObjectSelected, Attribs)
query_contour_global_attribs_xld (ObjectSelected, GlobalAttribs)
* In the next step, the contours are written into a DXF file. This file
* contains also the attributes and global attributes.
write_contour_xld_dxf (RegressContours, 'contours')
* When the contours are read from the DXF file created with
* read_contours_xld_dxf, the (global) attributes are read, too.
read_contour_xld_dxf (ContoursRead, 'contours', [], [], DxfStatusCont)
* All (global) attributes that were available for the
* original contours (RegressContours) are available also for the
* contours (ContoursRead) that have been read from the DXF file.
select_obj (ContoursRead, ObjectSelected, 1)
query_contour_attribs_xld (ObjectSelected, AttribsTest)
query_contour_global_attribs_xld (ObjectSelected, GlobalAttribsTest)
* Now, we show how to write and read polygons
gen_polygons_xld (ContoursRead, Polygons, 'ramer', 2)
write_polygon_xld_dxf (Polygons, 'polygons')
read_polygon_xld_dxf (PolygonsRead, 'polygons', [], [], DxfStatusPoly)


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