Install MongoDB in win7:
(1)Download MongoDB zip , and unzip it.
(2)Config the mongoDB, config log and data dir.
a. create a file "mongod.cfg" in the folder.
b. add two items, more options please refer to the MongoDB manual:
(3)Install the MongoDB as service, it's more convenient.
Install Service: "D:\mongodb\bin\mongod.exe --config D:\mongodb\mongod.cfg --install"
Start Service: "net start MongoDB"
Stop Service: "net stop MongoDB"
Remove Service: "D:\mongodb\bin\mongod.exe --remove"
Mongo Shell for MongoDB:
1. In cmd line, use "D:\mongodb\bin>start mongo.exe" to start the mongo shell.
2. "db": returns the name of the current database
3. "show dbs": display the list of databases
4. "use mydb": switch to db "mydb"
5. "help": or "" to show helps
6. "show collections": show the collections in this db
7. "db.things.insert(k)": insert docuemnt into the collection "things"
8. "db.things.find( { x : 4 } , { x:1, j : 2 } )": 后面的{x:1,j:2} 是投射,就是说找出来x=4的记录,并且展示出x和j的值。