[orginal] slide bar based on web , from ABC


hi , today we go with slider,we try to explain the greneral three aspects mean 'css, js and HTML'

slider consist of two main parts which are the backbone and  the slide part,


tow parts  can be separated in to tow images ,

here is the css code :






from js point we jsut consider the returned value , in other hand the poisiton of the slide part can be controled by the object left  property if the slide bar  is horizintally otherwise the we consider the top property for the object that is becuase the slide bar will be vertically layouted, the tooltiptext for the  slide that is to show where it slided now.


here the code for slide object:





now we conside  how to  call these to headers(js & css)  to create full functionall silde bar 

include the headers in your html file by


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="Slider.css"/>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="Slider.js"></script>


now add the object where will slide be located


 <div id="slide2"></div>


now go with js object for slider



  var s2=new Slider('slide2',50,10,200,300);


here is the slide object , In IE.






posted @ 2009-10-30 12:25  ammar  阅读(377)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报