[orginal]Combolist visual design & and implementation ( based on css ,js and html)

Physical structure:

An easy to see that the combolist consist of three(body,head,list)main parts these parts are combine to complete the physical structure of the combolist control , in this article I will try to explain  an easy way how to create  combolist control  From Scratch , not nice look one only but also with straight main operations ,methods and properties .


as you see above the pic1 contain the three parts are

1-body :the plot where the selected item is placed  

2-head: the plot that we can control the hiding and show the element list.

3-list: the plot that contain all combolist elements(items) 

logical structure of combolist :

we discuss the logical structure  from  three aspects(css,js,and html)

the css to control the style ( make nice  or the dress it up )

the css style is tracing the pic1  three parts.

/*div tag*/
: 宋体;


.ComboList .headPar

/*input tag*/
.ComboList .bodyPart
: 1px #3D7BAD solid;
: 1px #B7D9ED solid;
:1px #A4C9E3 solid;
:1px #A4C9E3 solid;
: 宋体;

.ComboList .ListPart
: 1px #B7D9ED solid;
:1px transparent solid;

.ListPart .ComboListItem
: 1px 0px 0px 3px;
/*when mouse move */



Java script aspects:

for js point of view we just consider the operation,methods and properties that the combolist have to contain, for example the selected index ,

selected item , add new item,remove item ,and high level operations like sorting of item.

//style nice looking when mouse move,ou,up/

function changeState( element ,height ,statNumber)
//statNumber the number of state we want to show currently
      // elemnt is imageBackground for span
     /// 0: normal status,1 mouseMove status,2 mousepress status, 3 fucuse,4 disable ,5 no
     var top=height*statNumber;
// alert('100% -'+left+'px');
     document.getElementById(element).style.backgroundPosition='100% -'+top+'px';     
function chageBorderColorWhenMouseMove(element)
='1px #3D7BAD  solid';
='1px #3D7BAD  solid';
='1px #3D7BAD  solid';

function chageBorderColorWhenMouseOut(element)
='1px #B7D9ED solid';
='1px #B7D9ED  solid';
='1px #B7D9ED  solid';
function ShowComboList(element)
function HideComboList(element)

//----------------------selection and add new items

var ComboListItemIndex=-1;
var ComboListSelectedindex=-1;
var ComboListselectedItem="";
function ComboListAddNewListItem(ComboxListId)
var NewItemString="<li id=ComboListItem"+ComboListItemIndex+" class=ComboListItem onclick=ComboListSelectedIndex(this);ComboListSelectedItem(this);>item"+ComboListItemIndex+"</li>";
var listBoxOldElemtns=document.getElementById(ComboxListId).innerHTML;
var newListboxItem=listBoxOldElemtns+NewItemString;

// return the  selected index of the combo list
 function ComboListSelectedIndex(elThis)
var name=elThis.id;
// get the index.
return ComboListSelectedindex;
function ComboListSelectedItem(elThis)
var Item=elThis.innerHTML;
return Item;

function ComboListGetItem(index)
var re="";
if(index>-1 && index<=ComboListItemIndex)
var name="ComboListItem"+index;
'Out Of Rang Index');
return re;

 function ComboListSetItem(index,value)
if(index>-1 && index<=ComboListItemIndex)
var name="ComboListItem"+index;
'Out Of Rang Index');
//-1 for empty.
   function ComboListLength()
return  ComboListItemIndex;



sorting element of combolist :

whatever you used mean the sorting algorithm ,insertion sort,quicksort ,heapsort ,just invoke the combolist sort method like code below ,

here i used the array  bufferCombolist ,js provide sorting  function for array

function ComboListSort()
for(var x=0;x<=ComboListLength();x++)

html aspect :

from html point of view we just think the combolist as below:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />
<title>Untitled 1</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="combolist.css"/>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="combolist.js"></script>


<div class="ComboList">
<span id="HeaderSpan" class="headPar" onmousemove="changeState('HeaderSpan',21,1);chageBorderColorWhenMouseMove('InputBody');"  onmouseout="changeState('HeaderSpan',21,0);chageBorderColorWhenMouseOut('InputBody')"  onmousedown="changeState('HeaderSpan',21,2);ShowComboList('ListPart');"  onmouseup="changeState('HeaderSpan',21,1);"></span>
<input id="InputBody" class="bodyPart" value=""/>
<ul id="ListPart" class="ListPart">

<href="#" onclick="ComboListAddNewListItem('ListPart');">add New Item </a>&nbsp;    
<href="#" onclick="ComboListGetItem('2');">get(i) </a>
<href="#" onclick="ComboListSetItem('2','AMMAR');">set(i,value)</a>




posted @ 2009-09-29 16:37  ammar  阅读(422)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报