[orginal]checkBox based on web(thinking in & implementation)

structure: the checkbox from physical point of view is two images( checked and unchecked) ,with caption text.

to be nice look we just  add the( 4 image state   mean mousemove, mousedown, mouseout...) see the image below,keep in your mind we  have two images for checkbox one is for checked image and the other for unchecked image  ,keep also that two images have the same width and height ,color.


in the style we just care of the font , width, heigth as you see.

: 宋体;
: 12px;


js code:
  two images are  dynamic switching only.

var che=0;
function ChangeImage(CheckBoxId)
else if(che==1)

html code :
from the html point of view we  think the checkbox as nested span tags,
 parent span tag that is to contain the two internals one is for image state the other for caption.

 <span style=" margin-left:190px;margin-top:82px; width:60px; position:fixed;" onmousemove="changeState('chBox1',13,1);"  onmouseout="changeState('chBox1',13,0);"  onmousedown="changeState('chBox1',13,2); " onmouseup="changeState('chBox1',13,1);ChangeImage('chBox1');" >
<span  id="chBox1"  class="checkbox" style=" margin-left:0px;margin-top:0px; width:13px; position:fixed; "  ></span>
<span style="margin-left:15px;margin-top:0px;position:fixed">忘记密码</span>

js changeState function:

function changeState( element ,height ,statNumber)
//statNumber the number of state we want to show currently
      // elemnt is imageBackground for span
   /// 0: normal status,1 mouseMove status,2 mousepress status, 3 fucuse,4 disable      ,5 no
     var top=height*statNumber;
// alert('100% -'+left+'px');
     document.getElementById(element).style.backgroundPosition='100% -'+top+'px';     

here you go the result:

posted @ 2009-09-23 09:12  ammar  阅读(262)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报