[原]c++ vs c++cli (part0)

items :
CLR : commond language runtime 
CIL : comman intermediat langauge
MSIL: microsoft intermediat langauge
JIT : just in time 
VES :Virtual Execution System
 before we go on with c++ & c++\cli we just  take  simple breath here with native code,virtual machine and managed code 

Managed code

Native code

 the code that executes under the management of a virtual machine


 the code xecuted directly by the computer's CPU

 include programmer convenience and enhanced security guarantees

 Some complex with low level security guarantees



The Virtual Machine
C++/CLI applications execute in the context of the CLR. The CLR implements a virtual machine,
which is a software implementation of an idealized, abstract execution environment. Programs
that run on the CLR virtual machine use a language known as the Common Intermediate
Language (CIL). Microsoft’s implementation of CIL is often referred to as MSIL, or just plain IL.
The CLR relies on a JIT (just-in-time) compiler to translate the CIL code on demand into machine
code in order to execute the program.
The CLR virtual machine is Microsoft’s implementation of the Virtual Execution System
(VES), which is part of the ECMA standard. As processors change, you need only change the
way in which the executable code is generated from the processor-independent layer, and
you’ll still be able to run the old programs written for the earlier processor. Pure IL generated
by compilers targeting the CLR does not contain x86 instructions or any other object code that
is configured to run on a particular processor. Compilers output MSIL code that can run on the
virtual machine.



Pointer / Handle












it will done auto by Garbage collector 

Use Native Heap


ü( Value types only)

Use Managed Heap



Use Stack




* and & never

^ and % always

c++ is native code , C++CLI is managed code 
that what i want to tell You!!
posted @ 2009-07-22 11:50  ammar  阅读(286)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报