
understanding temporal and spatial travel paterns of individual passengers by mining smart card data

Question1:what is the temporal acess pattern?

Question2:what is the spatio access pattern?

Question3:is there any relationship between the temporal and spatio pattern?

Question4:is this passenger's paterns normal or special?



  • policy evaluation
  • anomaly detection(beggar:specail passengers)
  • social networking(a scalable processing:connecting the passengers with similar public transportation patterns)


  • a systematic approach :extract temporal and spatial features,uses spatio-temporal analyse to perform abnoramal detection.
  • an in-depth analysis and explanations for different groups

Morency 的三篇论文与其相似,已下载

Dataset: a month,21 weekdays,metro or bus transactions

Data preprocessing:

  1. find all trips belongs to one passenger
  2. filter out the passengers that rarely take metro.make a picture to show the distribution of the number of passengers according to the number of active days:有80%的人活动工作日天数少于7,20%的最活跃的人占有68% 的交易。研究那些很少出行的人没有意义,因此将工作日天数少于6的人去掉

 Temporal features extraction:  n维数据来描述时间属性

  • n值不能太大也不能太小
  • the central idea of temporal feature extraction is to divide time into sequential and overlapped slots.
  • 选择这个的原因,第一:non-overlapped slots即不重叠的时间序列很难表示一些trips;第二:很少有trips超过三个小时,因此把时间长度定位3小时,8:00-10:59;9:00-11:59等
  • 三步骤提取时空属性

Spatial features extract:  

  • OD矩阵,按OD对的频率下降排列,将空间属性的值设为4

anomaly features extract:

  • 用时多于相同的OD用时  概率W ;起始点与终点相同  概率P
  • 需要找出这两种异常经常发生的人

Temporal analysis:

  • Clustering:k-means 将按时间属性将乘客分成四类:
  1. TGrp1:one dominant travel slot
  2. TGrp2:two dominant travel slot
  3. TGrp3:one relatively high dominant travel slot and one general travel slot
  4. TGrp4:no significant diference
  • 分析一番,将公交聚类,BTGrp1-4
  • 将TGrp与BTGrp 结合起来分析,分析乘客的行为

Spatial analysis:

  • k-means聚类方法将其分成四类
  1. SGrp1:only one frequently accessed OD-pair
  2. SGrp2:two frequently accessed OD -pairs
  3. SGrp3:one relatively frequnetly accessed OD-pair and one general accessed OD-pair
  4. SGrp4:no remarkable frequently accessed OD-pair
  • SGrp与TGrp的关系:使用条件概率,发现概率很大
  • 解释为什么有些人choose metro in a single trip and choose bus in another trip ,instead of metro in round trips.

Anomaly analysis:

  • W:the radio of abnomal travel time trips
  • P:the radio of abnomal OD pairs of a passengers
  • 将概率W与P为40%一下的去掉,WP二维散点表,得到几类异常
posted @ 2016-12-19 16:19  Amelie.tingting  阅读(171)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报