<input type="image" height="131" width="139"
src="/userfiles/image/_W@S2WETFST%25F%25Z21AQCI3P.JPG" />
src="/userfiles/image/_W@S2WETFST%25F%25Z21AQCI3P.JPG" />
<input type="image" height="131" width="139" src="\\[Server]\userfiles\image\_W@S2WETFST%25F%25Z21AQCI3P.JPG" />
strsql="select txt,Filename,File_Name from bbs where unique_id="+Request.QueryString("Unique_ID")
set rs=connection.execute(strsql)
myTxt = rs("txt")
dim objRe
set objRe = New RegExp
objRe.Pattern = "(src=)('|"&CHR(34)&"| )?(.[^'| |"&CHR(34)&"]*)(\.)(jpg|gif|png|bmp|jpeg)('|"&CHR(34)&"| |>)?"
objRe.IgnoreCase = true
objRe.Multiline = true
objRe.Global = true
set matches = objRe.Execute(myTxt)
newtxt = myTxt
for each match in matches
cccc = split(match.value,"/")
if(ubound(cccc) <> 0) then
for i=0 to ubound(cccc)
if i = 0 then
mystr = cccc(0)&"\\[server]\"
else if i= ubound(cccc) then
mystr = mystr&cccc(i)
mystr = mystr&cccc(i)&"\"
end if
end if
newtxt = Replace(newtxt,match.value,mystr)
end if
set objRE = nothing
a = "<body background='\\[server]\2008back.gif'>"
Body=a& newtxt &"</body>"
strsql="select txt,Filename,File_Name from bbs where unique_id="+Request.QueryString("Unique_ID")
set rs=connection.execute(strsql)
myTxt = rs("txt")
dim objRe
set objRe = New RegExp
objRe.Pattern = "(src=)('|"&CHR(34)&"| )?(.[^'| |"&CHR(34)&"]*)(\.)(jpg|gif|png|bmp|jpeg)('|"&CHR(34)&"| |>)?"
objRe.IgnoreCase = true
objRe.Multiline = true
objRe.Global = true
set matches = objRe.Execute(myTxt)
newtxt = myTxt
for each match in matches
cccc = split(match.value,"/")
if(ubound(cccc) <> 0) then
for i=0 to ubound(cccc)
if i = 0 then
mystr = cccc(0)&"\\[server]\"
else if i= ubound(cccc) then
mystr = mystr&cccc(i)
mystr = mystr&cccc(i)&"\"
end if
end if
newtxt = Replace(newtxt,match.value,mystr)
end if
set objRE = nothing
a = "<body background='\\[server]\2008back.gif'>"
Body=a& newtxt &"</body>"
.Net 解法:
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
string convertExp(string strTxt)
string strPattern = "(src=)('|" + (char)34 + "| )?(.[^'| |" + (char)34 + "]*)(\\.)(jpg|gif|png|bmp|jpeg)('|" + (char)34 + "| |>)?";
// Compile the regular expression.
Regex objRe=new Regex(strPattern);
// Match the regular expression pattern against a text string.
MatchCollection matches=objRe.Matches(strTxt);
string mystr="";
string strNewTxt = strTxt;
foreach (Match match in matches)
string[] strC = match.Value.Split('/');
//if it's the bottom jpg,break Foreach
if (strC[strC.Length - 1].ToString() == "asdf.jpg\"")
if (strC.Length != 0)
for (int i = 0; i < strC.Length; i++)
if (i == 0)
mystr = strC[0] + "\\\\[server]\\";
else if (i == strC.Length - 1)
mystr = mystr + strC[i];
mystr = mystr + strC[i] + "\\";
strNewTxt = strNewTxt.Replace(match.Value, mystr);
return strNewTxt;
string strPattern = "(src=)('|" + (char)34 + "| )?(.[^'| |" + (char)34 + "]*)(\\.)(jpg|gif|png|bmp|jpeg)('|" + (char)34 + "| |>)?";
// Compile the regular expression.
Regex objRe=new Regex(strPattern);
// Match the regular expression pattern against a text string.
MatchCollection matches=objRe.Matches(strTxt);
string mystr="";
string strNewTxt = strTxt;
foreach (Match match in matches)
string[] strC = match.Value.Split('/');
//if it's the bottom jpg,break Foreach
if (strC[strC.Length - 1].ToString() == "asdf.jpg\"")
if (strC.Length != 0)
for (int i = 0; i < strC.Length; i++)
if (i == 0)
mystr = strC[0] + "\\\\[server]\\";
else if (i == strC.Length - 1)
mystr = mystr + strC[i];
mystr = mystr + strC[i] + "\\";
strNewTxt = strNewTxt.Replace(match.Value, mystr);
return strNewTxt;
StringBuilder sb = getMailContent(strSubject);
lblPreview.Text = convertExp(sb.ToString());
lblPreview.Text = convertExp(sb.ToString());