public class Demo {

public static void main(String[] args) {

HarmonySearch hs = new HarmonySearch();

double low[] = { 2.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
double high[] = { 5.0, 6.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0 };
hs.setBounds(low, high);



public class HarmonySearch {

private int NVAR;
private int HMS;
private int maxIter;
private double PAR;
private double BW;
private double HMCR;
private double low[];
private double high[];
private double NCHV[];
private double bestFitHistory[];
private double bestHarmony[];
private double worstFitHistory[];
private double HM[][];
static int generation = 0;
private boolean terminationCriteria = true;

RandomGenerator randGen = new RandomGenerator(1234);

public void setMaxIteration(int maxIter) {
this.maxIter = maxIter;

public void setNVAR(int NVAR) {
this.NVAR = NVAR;

public void setPAR(double PAR) {
this.PAR = PAR;

public void setHMCR(double HMCR) {
this.HMCR = HMCR;

public void setBW(double BW) {
this.BW = BW;

public void setHMS(int HMS) {
this.HMS = HMS;

public void setArrays() {

low = new double[NVAR];
high = new double[NVAR];
NCHV = new double[NVAR];
bestHarmony = new double[NVAR + 1];
bestFitHistory = new double[maxIter + 1];
worstFitHistory = new double[maxIter + 1];
HM = new double[HMS][NVAR + 1];

public void setBounds(double low[], double high[]) {

this.low = low;
this.high = high;

public void initiator() {

int i;
double curFit;

for (i = 0; i < HMS; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < NVAR; j++) {
HM[i][j] = randGen.randVal(low[j], high[j]);
System.out.print(HM[i][j] + " ");
curFit = fitness(HM[i]);
HM[i][NVAR] = curFit; // the fitness is stored in the last column
// of HM
System.out.print(HM[i][NVAR] + " ");
// updateHarmonyMemory(curFit);

public double fitness(double x[]) {
double fit = 0;

fit = x[1] + x[4] + x[2] + x[0] + x[3];

return fit;

public boolean stopCondition() {
if (generation > maxIter)
terminationCriteria = false;
return terminationCriteria;


public void updateHarmonyMemory(double newFitness) {

// find worst harmony
double worst = HM[0][NVAR];
int worstIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < HMS; i++)
if (HM[i][NVAR] > worst) {
worst = HM[i][NVAR];
worstIndex = i;
worstFitHistory[generation] = worst;
// update harmony
if (newFitness < worst) {
for (int k = 0; k < NVAR; k++)
HM[worstIndex][k] = NCHV[k];
HM[worstIndex][NVAR] = newFitness;

// find best harmony
double best = HM[0][NVAR];
int bestIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < HMS; i++)
if (HM[i][NVAR] < best) {
best = HM[i][NVAR];
bestIndex = i;
bestFitHistory[generation] = best;
if (generation > 0 && best != bestFitHistory[generation - 1]) {
for (int k = 0; k < NVAR; k++)
bestHarmony[k] = HM[bestIndex][k];
bestHarmony[NVAR] = best;

private void memoryConsideration(int varIndex) {

NCHV[varIndex] = HM[randGen.randVal(0, HMS - 1)][varIndex];

private void pitchAdjustment(int varIndex) {

double rand = randGen.ran1();
double temp = NCHV[varIndex];
if (rand < 0.5) {
temp += rand * BW;
if (temp < high[varIndex])
NCHV[varIndex] = temp;
} else {
temp -= rand * BW;
if (temp > low[varIndex])
NCHV[varIndex] = temp;


private void randomSelection(int varIndex) {

NCHV[varIndex] = randGen.randVal(low[varIndex], high[varIndex]);


public void mainLoop() {

long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

while (stopCondition()) {

for (int i = 0; i < NVAR; i++) {
if (randGen.ran1() < HMCR) {
if (randGen.ran1() < PAR)
} else

double currentFit;
currentFit = fitness(NCHV);

long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Execution time : " + (endTime - startTime) / 1000.0
+ " seconds");
System.out.println("best :" + bestHarmony[NVAR]);
for (int i = 0; i < NVAR; i++)
System.out.print(" " + bestHarmony[i]);


import java.util.ArrayList;

public class RandomGenerator {

private final long IA= 16807;
private long IM= 2147483647;
private double AM= (1.0/IM);
private long IQ= 127773;
private long IR= 2836;
private int NTAB= 32;
private double NDIV= (1+(IM-1)/NTAB);
private double EPS= 1.2e-7;
private double RNMX= (1.0-EPS);
private long iy;
private long iv[]= new long [NTAB];
private long idum;

ArrayList<RandomGenerator> arr = new ArrayList<RandomGenerator>();


RandomGenerator(int seed){

public void sran1(int seed){

int j;
long k;

idum = seed;
if (idum < 1) idum=1;
for (j=NTAB+7;j>=0;j--) {
if (idum < 0) idum += IM;
if (j < NTAB) iv[j] = idum;


public double ran1(){

int j;
long k;
double temp;

if (idum < 0) idum += IM;
j = (int)(iy / NDIV);
iv[j] = idum;
if (temp > RNMX) return RNMX;
else return temp;

public double randVal(double low, double high){

return (float)(ran1()*(high-low)+low);

public int randVal(int low, int high){

return (int)(Math.floor(ran1()*(high-low)+low+.5));



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