swing VS QT

Qt vs. Swing

Class name Qxxxx Jxxxx
Writing the "GUI" class Assume the following class declaration GUI.h
    #include <qmainwindow.h>

    class GUI : public QMainWindow {
          GUI ();
and the corresponding function definition in GUI.cc
    GUI::GUI ()
       setWindowTitle ("Simple Qt Window");
The following is written in GUI.java
    import javax.swing.JFrame;

    public class GUI extends JFrame {
       public GUI ()
          setTitle ("Simple Swing Window");
The main() function
    #include <qapplication.h>

    int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
       QApplication myApp(argc, argv);
       GUI myGUI;
       return a.exec();
    public static void main (String[] args) {
       GUI myGUI = new GUI();
       myGUI.setVisible (true);
Layout Manager
    GUI::GUI (QWidget *parent, const char *name)
       /* create a vertical box layout for this widget */
       QVBoxLayout *p = new QVBoxLayout ();
       QPushButton *b1 = new QPushButton ("Go");
       QPushButton *b2 = new QPushButton ("Go");
       p->addWidget (b1);
       p->addWidget (b2);
    public GUI ()
        JPanel p;
        p = new JPanel();
        /* create a vertical box layout */
        BoxLayout vert = new BoxLayout (contPane, 
        p.setLayout (vert);

        JButton b1 = new JButton ("Go");
        JButton b2 = new JButton ("Stop");
        p.add (b1);
        p.add (b2);
    QMenuBar *mb = new QMenuBar (this);      
    setMenuBar (mb);

    QMenu *file = new QMenu (mb);

    QAction *exit = new QAction();
    exit.setText ("Exit");
    file->addAction (exit);
    JMenubar mb = new JMenubar();
    setJMenubar (mb);      

    JMenu file = new JMenu ("File");
    mb.add (file);

    JMenuItem exit = new JMenuItem ("Exit");
    file.add (exit);

Event Handling

Swing implements its event handling mechanism via its event and listener objects. Any user action to a GUI component may result in an event object generated and sent to its listener(s).

In Qt, a similar mechanism is implemented via signals and slots. Any user action to a GUI component (Qt widget) may result in a signal "generated" and sent to its associated slot(s). In short:

Swing events are analogous to Qt signals
Swing listeners are analogous to Qt slots

However, Qt signal-slot mechanism is more flexible than Swing event-(event listener) mechanism since Qt allows us to define our own signals.

Swing - JavaQt - C++
Assume the following code segment in Java to handle mouse clicks on a JButton
    ActionListener myHandler = new MyBtnHandler(); 
    JButton go = new JButton ("Go");
    go.addActionListener (myHandler);
and the class MyBtnHandler:
    private class MyBtnHandler implements ActionListener
       public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent a)
          /* this method gets called when the go button is clicked */
In Qt, the code is more straight forward:
    QPushButton *go = new QPushButton ("Go");
    connect (go, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(myAction()));
Assuming myAction() is a function in this class (GUI.cc):
    void GUI::myAction()
        /* this function gets called when the go button is clicked */
In the header file (GUI.h) the function myAction() must be declared as a slot:
    class GUI : public QWidget {
       // other stuff not shown

       public slots:
          void myAction();

       // other stuff not shown

The Qt online documentation provides a more comprehensive reading materials on signals and slots.

posted on 2015-10-16 22:21  alleyonine  阅读(1360)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
