A python tool to static sim.log duration time

When working ALU IMS Patch team, we need to static the SU duration to add it to the patch report, the duration time alway is hard work, so I write the follow tool to auto do this work.

 1 #!/usr/bin/python2.6
 2 import re,datetime
 3 file_name='/home/alzhong/logs/qtat1/R2860.01.13/sim-applycommitrollback-bld1.log'
 4 file=open(file_name,'r')
 5 acnum=[];time_res=[];lnum=0
 6 def trans_time(time):
 7     t1=datetime.datetime.strptime(time,'%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
 8     return t1
 9 for (num,line) in enumerate(file):
11     if(re.search(r'^(.*)BEGINNING SIM PROCEDURE(.*)$',line)):
12         m=re.search(r'^(.*)BEGINNING SIM PROCEDURE(.*)$',line)
13         print 'Step %d:'%(lnum), m.group(0);lnum+=1
14         acnum.append(trans_time(line[0:17]))
15     elif(re.search(r'^(.*)CP_W(.*)$', line)):
16         m=re.search(r'^(.*)CP_W(.*)$', line)
17         print 'Step %d:'%(lnum), m.group(0);lnum+=1
18         acnum.append(trans_time(line[0:17]))
19     elif(re.search(r"^(.*)VERIFY_S(.*)$", line)):
20         m=re.search(r"^(.*)VERIFY_S(.*)$", line)
21         print 'Step %d:'%(lnum), m.group(0);lnum+=1
22         acnum.append(trans_time(line[0:17]))
23     elif(re.search(r"^(.*)--action commit(.*)$",line)):
24         m=re.search(r"^(.*)--action commit(.*)$",line)
25         print 'Step %d:'%(lnum), m.group(0);lnum+=1
26         acnum.append(trans_time(line[0:17]))
27     elif(re.search(r"^(.*)COMPLETED SIM PROCEDURE(.*)$",line)):
28         m=re.search(r"^(.*)COMPLETED SIM PROCEDURE(.*)$",line)
29         print 'Step %d:'%(lnum), m.group(0);lnum+=1
30         acnum.append(trans_time(line[0:17]))
31     elif(re.search(r"^(.*)RESUMING SIM PROCEDURE(.*)$",line)):
32         m=re.search(r"^(.*)RESUMING SIM PROCEDURE(.*)$",line)
33         print 'Step %d:'%(lnum), m.group(0);lnum+=1
34         acnum.append(trans_time(line[0:17]))
36 file.close()
37 if(re.search(r"^(.*)backout(.*)$",file_name)):
38     time_res.append((acnum[2]-acnum[0]).seconds/60)
39     time_res.append((acnum[4]-acnum[3]).seconds/60)
40     time_res.append((acnum[6]-acnum[5]).seconds/60)
41     time_res.append(((acnum[8]-acnum[7])+(acnum[10]-acnum[9])+(acnum[13]-acnum[11])).seconds/60)
42     print "\n3). sim --proc update --action apply to \"CP_WARNING\" %s mins" %(time_res[0])
43     print "4). sim --proc update --action resume to  \"VERIFY_SOFTWARE\" %s mins"%(time_res[1])
44     print "5). sim --proc update --action resume to  \"COMMIT\" %s mins"%(time_res[2])
45     print "8). Backout from RXX to RXX  %s mins"%(time_res[3])
46 elif(re.search(r"^(.*)rollback(.*)$",file_name)):
47     time_res.append((acnum[2]-acnum[0]).seconds/60)
48     time_res.append((acnum[4]-acnum[3]).seconds/60)
49     time_res.append((acnum[6]-acnum[5]).seconds/60)
50     time_res.append((acnum[8]-acnum[7]).seconds/60)
51     time_res.append(((acnum[10]-acnum[9])+(acnum[12]-acnum[11])+(acnum[15]-acnum[13])).seconds/60)
52     print "\n3). sim --proc update --action apply to \"CP_WARNING\" %s mins" %(time_res[0])
53     print "4). sim --proc update --action resume to  \"VERIFY_SOFTWARE\" %s mins"%(time_res[1])
54     print "5). sim --proc update --action resume to  \"COMMIT\" %s mins"%(time_res[2])
55     print "6). sim --proc update --action commit to end of Patch %s mins"%(time_res[3])
56     print "8). Rollback from RXX to RXX %s mins" %(time_res[4])
57 if __name__ == '__main__':
58     pass

The output of the script as follows:

<lsslogin1-alzhong>/home/alzhong/tools: ls
<lsslogin1-alzhong>/home/alzhong/tools: ./simt
Step 0: 14/06/16 12:31:32 BEGINNING SIM PROCEDURE 'update apply' type=hot ...
Step 1: 14/06/16 13:18:42 RESUMING SIM PROCEDURE 'update apply' type=hot ...
Step 2: 14/06/16 13:30:43 SIM0317 PAUSE_REQUEST: (PROCEDURE) [PAUSE(CP_WARNING): Use 'sim --proc update --action resume' to continue...] (update:1435)
Step 3: 14/06/16 13:43:40 RESUMING SIM PROCEDURE 'update apply' type=hot ...
Step 4: 14/06/16 13:47:49 SIM0343 PAUSE_REQUEST: (PROCEDURE) [PAUSE(VERIFY_SOFTWARE): Use 'sim --proc update --action resume' to continue...] (update:1634)
Step 5: 14/06/16 13:54:26 RESUMING SIM PROCEDURE 'update apply' type=hot ...
Step 6: 14/06/16 14:25:41 SIM0496 PAUSE_REQUEST: (COMMIT) [PAUSE(COMMIT): Use 'sim --proc update --action commit' to continue...] (update:2579)
Step 7: 14/06/16 14:41:51 RESUMING SIM PROCEDURE 'update commit' type=hot ...
Step 8: 14/06/16 15:18:34 COMPLETED SIM PROCEDURE 'update commit' type=hot
Step 9: 14/06/16 15:31:35 BEGINNING SIM PROCEDURE 'update rollback' type=hot level=9999 ...
Step 10: 14/06/16 15:47:34 SIM0091 PAUSE_REQUEST: (PROCEDURE) [PAUSE(CP_WARNING): Use 'sim --proc update --action resume' to continue...] (update_rlbk:421)
Step 11: 14/06/16 15:53:30 RESUMING SIM PROCEDURE 'update rollback' type=hot level=9999 ...
Step 12: 14/06/16 16:02:03 SIM0135 PAUSE_REQUEST: (PROCEDURE) [PAUSE(VERIFY_SOFTWARE): Use 'sim --proc update --action resume' to continue...] (update_rlbk:564)
Step 13: 14/06/16 16:04:22 RESUMING SIM PROCEDURE 'update rollback' type=hot level=9999 ...
Step 14: 14/06/16 16:09:42 RESUMING SIM PROCEDURE 'update rollback' type=hot level=9999 ...
Step 15: 14/06/16 16:26:56 COMPLETED SIM PROCEDURE 'update rollback' type=hot level=9999

3). sim --proc update --action apply to "CP_WARNING" 59 mins
4). sim --proc update --action resume to  "VERIFY_SOFTWARE" 4 mins
5). sim --proc update --action resume to  "COMMIT" 31 mins
6). sim --proc update --action commit to end of Patch 36 mins
8). Rollback from RXX to RXX 47 mins


posted @ 2015-08-24 21:31  自由清风  阅读(185)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报