


[转]“服务器未能转入应用程序 错误是 不支持此接口”问题的解决。

事件类型: 警告
事件来源: W3SVC
事件种类: 无
事件 ID: 36
日期: 2004-11-2
事件: 8:09:06
用户: N/A
计算机: HEALTHY-29036A5
服务器未能转入应用程序 '/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT'。错误是 '不支持此接口
若要获取关于此消息的更多的信息,请访问 Microsoft 联机支持站点: http://www.microsoft.com/contentredirect.asp 。

Event ID 36
"Server failed to load application "/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT" no such interface supported."


Troubleshooting -- dtSearch Web server error codes

Last Reviewed: September 2, 2004

Article: DTS0178

Applies to: dtSearch Web 6


An error page is returned when you try to search or access a document in dtSearch Web

Troubleshooting Steps

1. Find the error code on the error page

HTTP Error 401 - "Access Denied" or "Unauthorized"

Check the NTFS folder permissions for the /Scripts/dtSearch folder, the index folders, and the documents. If the indexes or documents are located on another server, please see this article for information on accessing documents between servers: dtSearch Web Document Access problems

HTTP Error 404 - "Not Found"

A 404 error means that the dtSearch Web files were not found. Possible reasons for a 404 error when you try to search include:
(1) The search form created for one web site is being used with another. If you have more than one web site on a server, you may have installed dtSearch Web on site "A" but not on site "B", so when a user tries to use the search form with site "B", the dtSearch Web application is not found. To fix this problem,
(a) Run dtSearch Web Setup,
(b) Select site "B",
(c) Click the Install button to install dtSearch Web
(d) Generate a new search form for site "B"
(2) You have installed dtSearch Web under Windows 2003 Server and it is not registered as a Web Services Extension. See this article for instructions to resolve this problem: How to install dtSearch Web on Windows 2003 Server
HTTP Error 405 - Method Not Allowed

A 405 error means that the folder where dtSearch Web is installed does not have "Execute" permission enabled. To fix the problem:

(1) Start dtSearch Web Setup
(2) Select the web site where dtSearch Web is to be installed.

(3) Click the Install button. This will install the dtSearch Web files and will also set the "Execute" permission for the folder where dtSearch Web is installed.
(4) Open Internet Services Manager and check the folder where dtSearch Web was installed to verify that "Execute" permission is enabled.

dtSearch Web error -- the file could not be accessed because it is not in a virtual directory
See dtSearch Web Document access problems.
Http Error 500 - Internal Server Error

To interpret a 500 error, check the Event Viewer to obtain more information about the error that occurred (see below).

If there is nothing in the Event Viewer, check the location of dtisapi6.dll on your web server and on the search form. If dtisapi6.dll is not in the location given in the search form, the server may return a 500 error without logging anything. For example, if the search form references /scripts/dtSearch/dtisapi6.dll and dtSearch Web is really in /dtSearch/dtisapi6.dll, the server will not find dtisapi6.dll when a search is started and will return the 500 error. If the server has more than one web site, check that the virtual directory where dtisapi6.dll is located is defined for the server that is being used for the search.
2. Check the Event Viewer
To access the Event Viewer in Windows 2000 or Windows XP, click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer. Look in the System log for an error at the same time the message appeared. The log entry will contain an Event ID that you can use to determine the source of the problem.
Event ID 36 The server failed to load application '/LM/W3SVC/5/Root'. The error was 'General access denied error'.
See these articles on the Microsoft web site for troubleshooting steps:
Minimum NTFS Permissions Required for IIS 5.0 to Work
PRB: Logon Failure: Unknown User Name or Bad Password When You Run Out-of-Process Webs (Q255770)

Event ID 36 Server failed to load application ' '. The error was '80004005'.

This error occurs when an application does not have a name specified or does not have execute permission enabled. To fix the problem,

(1) Open Internet Services Manager

(2) Open the web site

(3) Open the /scripts/dtSearch application

(4) Under Application Configuration, click "Create"

(5) Enter "dtSearch" as the name

(6) Make sure "Execute" permission is set.

(7) Close the Properties dialog box

For more information, see:

Err Msg: Server Failed to Load Application, 80004005


Event ID 36 The server process could not be started because the configured identity is incorrect. Check the username and password.

Event ID 10004 DCOM got error "" and was unable to logon in order to run the server:

This error occurs when the IWAM_machine identity is "out of sync" in the metabase. A script, Synciwam.vbs, must be run to correct the problem. For more information, see:

PRB: Logon Failure: Unknown User Name or Bad Password When You Run Out-of-Process Webs


If Synciwam.vbs does not work or generates an error, see:


Event ID 36 No such interface supported

Solution 1

(1) Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services

(2) Locate the /Scripts/dtSearch folder under the default web site

(3) Right-click the dtSearch folder and select Properties

(4) Change the "Application Protection" setting to "Low"

(5) Restart IIS
If this fixes the problem, it apparently indicates a synchronization problem with an IIS-related password. This article explains how to fix the underlying cause:
Solution 2

If Crystal Reports 8 was installed, see:
Additional Resources
Microsoft support site (search for "Event ID NN" where NN is the event ID from the Event Viewer).
General information on fixing problems in Internet Information Server
Event ID diagnostic tips, searchable by Event ID code, with links to Microsoft support articles
Reference information on IIS Event IDs


Q288245 PRB: Global.asa Does Not Fire from Personal Web Server on Windows 98
Q265275 FP2000: Global.asa Does Not Run in FrontPage Web
Q173742 FIX: Global.asa Is Not Executed If Restricting Web Access

2.将web站点的应用程序保护级别设置为"低",重启IISAdmin服务.如果asp文件如此能正常执行, 说明问题出在IWAM用户上,请跳到第三步继续.如果没有正常执行,请在管理工具中检查组件服务确保能看到IIS Packages,确保组件服务没有失败后,确认本地用户组中有如下用户存在:
# NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users
Q301919 PRB: Cannot Expand 'My Computer' in Component Services MMC Snap-In

3.如果通过第二步asp文件能正常执行,将站点的应用程序保护级别设回"中"或"高",将IWAM用户添加到本地管理员用户组中,如果通过这步, asp文件能正常执行,说明IWAM用户的访问许可权限就存在问题,请跳到第四步,如果asp文件还没正常执行,请在命令提示符中执行 Synciwam.vbs 工具.
C:\Inetpub\adminscripts>cscript synciwam.vbs.
Q308622 HOW TO: Perform Administration Tasks in IIS from a Command Prompt
Q297989 PRB: Configured Identity Is Incorrect for IWAM Account
Q255770 PRB: Logon Failure: Unknown User Name or Bad Password When You Run Out-of-Process Webs
Q236007 Domain Controller Demotion Causes Out-of-Process Applications to Fail

4.解决IWAM用户许可权限的问题,请使用windows 2000的第三方产品:Regmon 和 Filemon.请在http://www.sysinternals.com中下载这些工具.
当你执行asp页面请求时运行这些工具, Dllhost.exe 进程在Regmon 中查找"ACCDENIED" (在Filemon中查找"FAILURE").
Q271071 Minimum NTFS Permissions Required for IIS 5.0 to Work
在看到Dllhost.exe 进程"操作失败"的错误信息后,用Regedit32工具修改注册表里任何必须的NTFS许可权限(好像是病句,,汗...)

5.在装完IIS5.0后,从WEB 服务器控制台或其他网络上的工作站浏览asp或html文件,WEB服务可能返回如下错误信息:
HTTP 500 内部服务器错误.
默认的web服务可能处于运行状态,如果运行netstat -an 你可能注意到WEB服务器正监听TCP80端口,即HTTP的默认端口.
Q218155 Description of Hypertext Transport Protocol Error Messages
# Application Log: COM+ error with Event ID 4099
# System Log: W3SVC error with Event ID 59
# System Log: W3SVC warning with Event ID 36.
Iis5.log 文件(WINNT目录下)可能包含下面错误信息:
0x8004e00f=COM+ was unable to talk to the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator

IIS5.0依赖与COM+,COM+依赖于Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) 服务运行,DTC检查版本的机制(包括在windows 2000以前的SQL SERVER版本)不能识别Windows2000所用的版本属性,结果SQL SERVER的DTC安装程序移除了WINDOWS 2000安装的DTC服务,更多请查阅微软知识库:
Q249310 BUG: Installing SQL Server on Windows 2000 Uninstalls DTC Service
a.验证Dtcsetup.exe (默认在c:\Winnt\System32 下)是否为1999.9.3422.24 或以后版本号
b.运行Dtcsetup.exe 安装DTC服务

微软已经确认在SQL Server versions 6.5 和 7.0 and MSDE 1.0中这会是个问题

6.最后一招:依照下面步骤自己创建IIS Packages
a.IIS In-Process Applications
b.IIS Out-of-Process Pooled Applications
c.IIS Utilities
rundll32 wamreg.dll, CreateIISPackage
c.重新打开组件服务,你将看到IIS COM+应用已经重新创建了.

How To Reinstall IIS
2、把 %windir%\system32\inetsrv 删除。
3、把%windir%\iisX.log删除,X 是IIS版本。
4、把 \inetpub\ 目录删除。


关于Visual InterDev 6.0 调试ASP工程的个人方法。


posted on 2005-07-03 00:18  AlleNny  阅读(2151)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报