Split Temporary Variable

Split Temporary Variable(剖解临时变量)



  • 你的程序有某个临时变量被赋值超过一次,它既不是循环变量,也不是一个集合用临时变量(collecting temporary variable)。针对每次赋值,创造一个独立的、对应的临时变量。


  • 如果临时变量承担多个责任,他就应该被替换(剖解)为多个临时变量,每个变量只承担一个责任。同一个临时变量承担两件不同的事情,会令代码阅读者糊涂。


Comments by Allen Lee:

  • 当我们添加一个新的函数时,我们把想到的都写进去而没有考虑什么是很平常的,只是有点随性(hacking)。但当这个函数日益膨胀(不断修改和/或添加新的代码),以致其体积过分庞大而妨碍我们的维护工作时,我们就要注意了。
  • 很多时候,我们希望使用Replace Temp with Query使得局部变量(local variable)的数据在class内共享,却又因为入选的代码由于临时变量被无故多次赋值时(多数为了方便而把一个临时变量多处使用)无法顺利重构而烦恼时,你就可以考虑先使用Split Temporary Variable把变量的责任划分清楚,再把变量的“喜悦”分享给class的其他成员。
  • 不久前,我在学习这个重构原则的时候,产生了一个疑问:既然变量只被赋值一次,为何不干脆把它声明为常量?带着这个疑问,我E-mail了Martin Fowler,以下是我们的通信原文:


Hi, Fowler. I'm now reading your book Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code, and when I reached Split Temporary Variable, a question come to me. Now first take a look at a para you wrote in your book:

Many other temporaries are used to hold the result of a long-winded bit of code for easy reference later. These kinds of variables should be set only once. That they are set more than once is a sign that they have more than one responsibility within the method. Any variable with more than one responsibility should be replaced with a temp for each responsibility. Using a temp for two different things is very confusing for the reader.

So a variable that is only signed once isn't just like a constant? And why should we use variable here? Can we use a constant here instead of variable due to the fact that the variable is only signed once and won't be changed in the future?

I am looking foward to hearing from you!

Yours sincerely,

Allen Lee

Wed., October 20, 2004


constants are usually constant at compile time or at least constant for the length of the program execution. Local variables (in this form) are constant only for the a single execution of the block they are defined in.

  • 原来,我对常量的理解停留在仅被赋值一次这种片面层次上。从Martin的回复我们可以知道,常量的值通常是在编译时就决定了。
  • 然而,我隐约记得C#提供两种声明变量的方式:readonly和const。它们两个的一个很重要的区别就是,const常量的值必须在编译时决定;而readonly常量的值除了在编译时决定还可以在运行时决定!这下子问题来了,那使用readonly常量不就成了吗?然而,问题远非这么简单,readonly仅能用来修饰class的field!(有关readonly和const的进一步论述,请参见《readonly vs. const [C#]》。)
  • 其实,(函数作用域里面的)局部变量数据确实应该储存在变量里面,因为数据是运行时确定的。虽然一个变量仅用来储存一次数据看起来有点浪费,不过让变量有明确的责任制却是让代码重构起来更灵活的前提。


posted @ 2004-10-22 19:49  Allen Lee  阅读(1276)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报