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Python - Dictionary's Key Value items

>>> DictTest={"key1":"value1","key2":"value2","key3":"value3"}
>>> DictTest
'key3': 'value3', 'key2': 'value2', 'key1': 'value1'}
>>> DictTest.keys()
'key3', 'key2', 'key1']
>>> DictTest.values()
'value3', 'value2', 'value1']
>>> DictTest.items()
'key3', 'value3'), ('key2', 'value2'), ('key1', 'value1')]


  1. The keys method of a dictionary returns a list of all the keys. The list is not in the order in which the dictionary was defined (remember that elements in a dictionary are unordered), but it is a list.
  2. The values method returns a list of all the values. The list is in the same order as the list returned by keys, so params.values()[n] == params[params.keys()[n]] for all values of n.
  3. The items method returns a list of tuples of the form (key, value). The list contains all the data in the dictionary.
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