This post shows how the Quantum L3 Agent uses the Linux IP stack to implement the Quantum L3 Routing and NAT API extensions. It explains in detail how 阅读全文
The extension manager for ML2 was introduced in Juno (more details can be found in the approvedspec). The features allows for extending ML2 resources 阅读全文
Neutron API中大多的resource都需要quota limits。 Neutron API暴露出一个extension 来管理quota,Quota limits are enforced at the API layer, Plugin and ML2 drivers唯一例外是subn 阅读全文
callback system 用在进程内部通信,Messaging Callback System是给进程间通信。为了agent不通过RPC就能得到resource的变化。 目前用在: QoS policies; Security Groups. Using a remote publisher/ 阅读全文
Quality of Service advanced service is designed as a service plugin. The service is decoupled from the rest of Neutron code on multiple levels (see be 阅读全文
Client Side Here is an example of an rpc client definition: Server Side The server side of an rpc interface looks like this: server端说明了支持v1.1 Versioni 阅读全文
译者简介:忍忍鱼,曾经从SDNLAB获取了很多知识,现在努力为SDNLAB贡献自己的力量。爱学习,求进步!SDNLAB,么么哒! ETSI NFV ISG已经确定了9个潜在的NFV用例。本章节简单介绍了这些用例,完整的用例描述请参见ETSI网站. NFV基础设施即服务(NFVIaaS) NFVIaa 阅读全文