Mirantis OpenStack 7.0: NFVI Deployment Guide — NUMA/CPU pinning
Compute hosts configuration
To enable CPU Pinning, perform the following steps on every compute host where you want CPU pinning to be enabled.
- Upgrade QEMU to 2.4 to use NUMA CPU pinning (see the Appendix A1 “Installing qemu 2.1”).
- Get the NUMA topology for the node:
# lscpu | grep NUMA
NUMA node(s): 2 NUMA node0 CPU(s): 0-5,12-17 NUMA node1 CPU(s): 6-11,18-23
- 在/etc/default/grub添加以下来告诉系统哪些cores只能被虚拟机使用,而不能被host os使用:
- 同时把相同的list添加到 vcpu_pin_set in /etc/nova/nova.conf:
In this example we ensured that cores 0 and 6 will be dedicated to the host system. Virtual machines will use cores 1-5 and 12-17 on NUMA cell 1, and cores 7-11 and 18-23 on NUMA cell 2.
- Update boot record and reboot compute node:
update-grub reboot
Nova configuration
- 创建 aggregates for instances with and without cpu pinning:
# nova aggregate-create performance # nova aggregate-set-metadata performance pinned=true
# nova aggregate-create normal # nova aggregate-set-metadata normal pinned=false
- Add one or more hosts to the new aggregates:
# nova aggregate-add-host performance node-9.domain.tld # nova aggregate-add-host normal node-10.domain.tld
- Create a new flavor for VMs that require CPU pinning:
# nova flavor-create m1.small.performance auto 2048 20 2 # nova flavor-key m1.small.performance set hw:cpu_policy=dedicated # nova flavor-key m1.small.performance set aggregate_instance_extra_specs:pinned=true
- To be thorough, you should update all other flavours so they will start only on hosts without CPU pinning:
# openstack flavor list -f csv|grep -v performance |cut -f1 -d,| \ tail -n +2| xargs -I% -n 1 nova flavor-key % set aggregate_instance_extra_specs:pinned=false
- On every controller add values AggregateInstanceExtraSpecFilter and NUMATopologyFilter to the scheduler_default_filters parameter in /etc/nova/nova.conf:
- Restart nova scheduler service on all controllers:
restart nova-scheduler
Using CPU pinning
Once you’ve done this configuration, using CPU Pinning is straightforward. Follow these steps:
- Start a new VM with a flavor that requires pinning …
# nova boot --image TestVM --nic net-id=`openstack network show net04 -f value | head -n1` --flavor m1.small.performance test1
… and check its vcpu configuration:
# hypervisor=`nova show test1 | grep OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host | cut -d\| -f3` # instance=`nova show test1 | grep OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name | cut -d\| -f3` # ssh $hypervisor virsh dumpxml $instance |awk '/vcpu placement/ {p=1}; p; /\/numatune/ {p=0}’
<vcpu placement='static'>2</vcpu> <cputune> <shares>2048</shares> <vcpupin vcpu='0' cpuset='16'/> <vcpupin vcpu='1' cpuset='4'/> <emulatorpin cpuset='4,16'/> </cputune> <numatune> <memory mode='strict' nodeset='0'/> <memnode cellid='0' mode='strict' nodeset='0'/> </numatune>
You should see that each vCPU is pinned to a dedicated CPU core, which is not used by the host operating system, and that these cores are inside the same host NUMA cell (in our example it’s cores 4 and 16 in NUMA cell 1).
- Repeat the test for the instance with two NUMA cells:
# nova flavor-create m1.small.performance-2 auto 2048 20 2 # nova flavor-key m1.small.performance-2 set hw:cpu_policy=dedicated # nova flavor-key m1.small.performance-2 set aggregate_instance_extra_specs:pinned=true # nova flavor-key m1.small.performance-2 set hw:numa_nodes=2 把instance pin到2个NUMA cell上 # nova boot --image TestVM --nic net-id=`openstack network show net04 -f value | head -n1` --flavor m1.small.performance-2 test2 # hypervisor=`nova show test2 | grep OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host | cut -d\| -f3` # instance=`nova show test2 | grep OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name | cut -d\| -f3` # ssh $hypervisor virsh dumpxml $instance |awk '/vcpu placement/ {p=1}; p; /\/numatune/ {p=0}’
<vcpu placement='static'>2</vcpu> <cputune> <shares>2048</shares> <vcpupin vcpu='0' cpuset='2'/> <vcpupin vcpu='1' cpuset='10'/> <emulatorpin cpuset='2,10'/> </cputune> <numatune> <memory mode='strict' nodeset='0-1'/> <memnode cellid='0' mode='strict' nodeset='0'/> <memnode cellid='1' mode='strict' nodeset='1'/> </numatune>
You should see that each vCPU is pinned to a dedicated CPU core, which is not used by the host operating system, and that these cores are inside another host NUMA cell. In our example it’s core 2 in NUMA cell 1 and core 10 in NUMA cell 2. As you may remember in our configuration, cores 1-5 and 12-17 from cell 1 and cores 7-11 and 18-23 from cell 2 are available to virtual machines.
You might run into the following errors:
internal error: No PCI buses available in /etc/nova/nova.conf
In this case, you’ve specified the wrong hw_machine_type in /etc/nova/nova.conf
libvirtError: unsupported configuration
Per-node memory binding is not supported with this version of QEMU. You may have an older version of qemu, or a stale libvirt cache.
- http://docs.openstack.org/developer/nova/testing/libvirt-numa.html