volatile, atomic, synchronized(二)


The additional power provided by AtomicReference is the compareAndSet() method and friends.

If you do not need those methods, a volatile reference provides the same semantics as AtomicReference.set() and .get().


AtomicReference vs. Volatile



不过,对于普通的”=”来说,不是也可以做到原子切换么?(除了long, double),为什么还一定要用atomicReference?


AtomicReference vs. Synchronized





to be continued…



something interesting:


AtomicReference ref = new AtomicReference(foo);

Thread A: Object oldVal = ref.getAndSet(bar);

Thread B: Object oldVal = ref.getAndSet(woz);

If thread A and B are executing concurrently, we are not guaranteed which one will execute first (your argument). We are, however, guaranteed that A and B will each have different values for oldVal, namely one will be foo and depending on who wins the race, bar or woz. We are guaranteed here that Thread A.oldVal != Thread B.oldVal.

Compare this to the volatile version:

Object ref = foo;

Thread A: Object oldVal = ref; ref = bar;

Thread B: Object oldVal = ref; ref = woz;

Here, both threads could wind up with oldVal being foo (Thread A.oldVal != ThreadB.oldVal no longer holds). We still don't have a guarantee about who will win the race, so ref could end up being bar or woz, as in our AtomicReference example.

The point is about atomicity of the get and set operation which otherwise is two operations.

posted @ 2012-09-27 21:53  技术草根女  Views(787)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报