AXI-4 总结-introduction



Diversity and inclusion are important values to Arm. Because of this, we are re-evaluating the terminology we use in our documentation. Older Arm documentation, including the AMBA AXI and ACE protocol specification, uses the terms master and slave. This guide uses replacement terminology, as follows:
• The new term manager is synonymous with master in older documentation.
• The new term subordinate is synonymous with slave in older documentation.

因为培训的昨夜里不要求实现AXI的全部功能,而且培训用的是AXI3的标准(估计用的也是很老的ARM ip...),所以这里也跳过了文档的一部分章节。我倒,我说我怎么看这么快呢。

Atomic access部分跳过,AXI4的特有功能例如tuser部分跳过。

Bandwidth = BUS bit width * BUS frequency.
Latency = the time for the completion of the first transfer.


• A transfer is a single exchange of information, with one VALID and READY handshake.
• A transaction is an entire burst of transfers, containing an address transfer, one or more data transfers, and, for write sequences, a response transfer.


AHB is pipelined for performance, while APB is not pipelined for design

AXI支持Exclusive access,多个M可以同时访问一个S,这里面涉及类似访问锁的机制,可以实现独占。并且还可以对


AXI支持Multi issue,即便之前的transaction没有完成,依然可以继续发command。


WLAST transfer must complete before BVALID is asserted.
This dependency does not exist in AXI3 but is introduced for AXI4:
In AXI3, the address does not have to be seen before a write response is sent.
In AXI4, all of the data and the address must have been transferred before the manager can see a write response


RVALID cannot be asserted until ARADDR has been transferred.


WVALID can assert before AWVALID.



WRAP模式通常用作Cache line的传输,当地址递增到达对应cache line的上限之后,地址循环回到低位地址。

The AXI protocol is a point-to-point specification, not a bus specification. Therefore, it describes only the signals and timing between interfaces.


However, there is no need for a Read Response channel, because a read response is passed as part of the Read Data channel.


There is no timing relationship between the groups of read and write channels. This means that a read sequence can happen at the same time as a write sequence.


支持第一次transfer unaligned,后续aligned:

The AXI protocol supports transactions with an unaligned start address that only affects the first transfer in a transaction. After the first transfer in a transaction, all other transfers are aligned.




• A source cannot wait for READY to be asserted before asserting VALID.
• A destination can wait for VALID to be asserted before asserting READY.


The manager drives the WLAST high to indicate the final WDATA. This means that the
subordinate can either count the data transfers or just monitor WLAST.


Once all WDATA transfers are received, the subordinate gives a single BRESP value on the B channel. One single BRESP covers the entire burst. If the subordinate decides that any of the transfers contain an error, it must wait until the entire burst has completed before it informs the manager that an error occurred.


One difference between a read transaction and a write transaction is that for a read transaction there is an RRESP response for every transfer in the transaction. This is because, in the write transaction, the subordinate has to send the response as a separate transfer on the B channel. In the read transaction, the subordinate uses the same channel to send the data back to the manager and to indicate the status of the read operation.

AXI3的AWLEN是4bit,AXI4是8bit,这个对应"the length of the transaction in the number of transfers"。其他区别一并总结如下:


• For the write address channel, the AWLEN signal is wider for the AXI4 protocol. Therefore, AXI4 is able to generate longer bursts than AXI3.
• AXI4 reduces the AWLOCK signal to a single bit to only accommodate exclusive transfers because locked transfers are not supported.
• AXI4 adds the AWQOS signal to the AW channel. This signal supports the concept of quality of service (QoS) in the AXI4 protocol.
• AXI4 adds the AWREGION signal to the AW channel. This signal supports subordinate
regions which allow for multiple logical interfaces from a single physical subordinate interface.
• AXI4 removes the WID signal from the W channel. This is because write data reordering is no longer allowed.
• AXI4 adds user-defined signals to each channel.


• For the AXI4 protocol, the read address length signal ARLEN is wider. Therefore, AXI4 is able to generate longer read bursts than AXI3.
• AXI4 reduces the ARLOCK signal to a single bit to only accommodate exclusive transfers because locked transfers are not supported.
• As with the write channel signals, the concepts of quality of service and subordinate regions apply to read transactions. These use the ARQOS and ARREGION signals in the AR channel.
• AXI4 adds user-defined signals to the two read channels.

AXI4不支持locked transactions,AXI3必须支持。


write data strobe,这个是M告诉S这次transfer中,哪几个byte是有效的。

Using this method, write transactions can be early terminated by setting the remaining transfer byte lane strobes to 0, although the remaining transfers must still be completed. The WSTRB signal can also change between transfers in a transaction.

transaction ID,有了ID之后就可以实现乱序传输。

乱序传输并非完全乱序,同样有一些ordering rules:


Write data on the W channel must follow the same order as the address transfers on the AW channel.


Transactions with different IDs can complete in any order.


A manager can have multiple outstanding transactions with the same ID, but they must be performed in order and complete in order.

For transactions with the same ID, read data on the R channel must be returned in the order that they were requested.


Read data for different IDs on the R channel has no ordering restrictions. This means that the subordinate can send it in any order.

The read data for the different IDs on the R channel can be interleaved, with the RID value differentiating which transaction the data relates to.


posted @ 2021-08-31 17:57  天山明月  阅读(966)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报