服务器, 预控,SQL+SCVMM安装的机子
这里我们的操作系统是Windows Server 2012 R2,已经默认自带了.NET Framework 4.6
- 挂载SQL镜像,进入安装界面
- 选择installation tab 点击全新安装或向现有安装添加功能
- 选择SQL版本类型,不要选择express
在这个步骤中,一定不要忽略“Windows防火墙”这个警告,因为如果在Windows2008操作系统中安装SQL Server,操作系统不会在防火墙自动打开TCP1433这个端口。开启TCP1433端口的方法在后面会提到。
- 勾选需要安装的组件,选择安装路径,下一步
- 点击安装按钮
显示安装进度,直到最后,出现下面的画面,安装完成,点OK 重启机器
1) 依次单击“开始”、“管理工具”、“高级安全 Windows 防火墙”。
2) 右键单击“入站规则”,然后单击“新建规则”。
3) 在“新建入站规则向导”对话框中的“规则类型”页上单击“端口”,然后单击“下一步”。
4) 在“协议和端口”页上单击“TCP”,单击“特定本地端口”,键入 1433,然后单击“下一步”。
5) 在“操作”页上单击“允许连接”,然后单击“下一步”。
6) 在“配置文件”页上执行所有下列操作:
7) 在“名称”页为新的入站规则键入一个有意义的名称。然后单击“完成”。
1) 确认数据库服务已全部运行正常:
点“开始”-“所有程序”-“Microsoft SQL Server 2012 R2”-“配置工具”-“SQL Server配置管理器”,点“SQL Server服务”,将全部的服务启动,并将启动模式改为“自动”
如果安装了SQL的Report Services报表服务,并且准备将数据库和vCenter装在同一台Server上,此时需要将Report Services报表服务关闭,因为Report Services的默认端口为80,与vCenter冲突,当然也可以修改Report Services的默认端口
2) 依次单击“SQL Server 网络配置”-“MSSQLSERVER的协议”,右击“TCP/IP”,在弹出菜单单击“属性”
3) Install SQL Studio
4) 在Windows开始菜单中,打开数据库管理工具
创建一个用于vCenter Server的数据库:在“数据库”一栏点右键,新建数据库
选择SQLServer Native Client 11.0
开始创建scvmm Server数据源,输入数据源名称、描述和数据库服务器,单击“下一步”
在安装SCVMM之前,需要为SCVMM Server的服务帐户分配“服务登陆”特权,点“开始”-“运行”,输入gpedit.msc后回车,打开“本地组策略”,依次展开“计算机配置”-“Windows配置”-“安全设置”-“本地策略”-“用户权限分配”,然后在右侧双击“作为服务登陆”,在弹出对话框单击“添加用户或组”将帐号加入,确认无误后单击“确定”
Add necessary Roles and Features
- Open Server Manager, then select “Roles” node, right click the mouse and select “Add Roles” item. Add relevant roles which the SCVMM server installation required.
- The following roles need to add before you install, also refer to snapshot below.
- Roles: Remote Desktop Services, Web Server (IIS), Application Server
开始菜单中点击server manager按钮
点击add role and feature
选择remote desktop services & Web Server(IIS) in server roles
add Group Policy Management in add feature
add remote desktop connection broker in role services
role services of web server role
选择restart if required 然后点击finish
Download SCVMM installation : https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/evaluate-system-center-2016
This is an exe file.
安装exe文件,然后在安装路劲找到setup application
双击setup, 点击install
Here you need to check “VMM management server” and “VMM console”, but you also check all options based on your requirement. Then click “Next”.
This interface, require you enter a product key, otherwise, the deployment is 180 evaluation version. As have no product key, you can deploy the 180 evaluation version barely, then click “Next”.
Accept the license agreement. Then click “Next”.
select the install path and click next
scvmm need to install ADK, click the link and install (win10+winpe installation)
Install SQL Command Line Utilities
And restart VM
Note: During this step configuration, you need to enable “Named Pipes” and “TCP/IP” protocols for MSSQLSERVER and you also need restart the “SQL Server(MSSQLSERVER)”, start “SQL Server Browser” and “SQL Server Agent(MSSQLSERVER)” in Sql Server Configuration Manager. Please refer to the following snapshots.
- Enable “Name Pipes” and “TCP/IP” protocols.
b. Restart “SQL Server(MSSQLSERVER)”, and start “SQL Server Browser”, “SQL Server Agent(MSSQLSERVER)” in Sql Server Configuration Manager.
Check “Local System account” and next.
Keep Default and click Next
Keep Default and click Next
安装时候遇到1603error 查看log 发现报错信息
安装好以后launch console, 用domain credentials登入
2. Create a new host group
a. Select “VMs and Services” in the bottom left corner and right click the mouse on the “All Hosts”, then select “Create Host Group”.
3. Then right click on the host group you created, and select “Add Hyper-V Hosts and Clusters”.
a. Popping up “Add Resource Wizard” window, keeping default, and click next.
b. Check “Manually enter the credentials”, then input the domain administrator name and password and next.
c. Enter Hyper-V server FQDN in “Computer names” field, other options as default, then next.
d. Check the Hyper-V server you inputed in the “Discovered computers” field, and next.
e. As default, and next.
f. Click Finish.
g. Add virtual machine host is in progress.
Add feature in hyperv machine
4. Select “Library” in the bottom left corner, and right click the mouse on the “Library Servers”, and select “Add Library Server”.
a. Popping up “Add Library Server” window, check “Enter a user name and password”, then enter domain administrator name and password, and next.
b. Click “Search” button directly.
c. Then popping up “ComputerSearch” window, input the Hyper-V server computer name in “Computer name” field. Click “Search” button.
d. When completed above settings, click “Next” to “Add Library Server” window.
Note: Before you select library shares to add, you must create libraries on the Hyper-V server you will connect. Create steps as follows:
1. Create a new folder and nominate a name testing required, then sharing.
2. So this, you must add relevant permissions for this folder, the follow permissions is necessary.
Relevant permissions: SYSTEM, NETWORK, Domain Admins, Domain Users, Domain Comuters, Administrators.
Click “Add Library Servers”
The result
So far, the whole SCVMM2012 Server installation and deployed are all completely.
Note: console连不上,
Also, verify that CredSSP authentication is currently enabled on the service configuration of the target computer njhyperv.scvmmad.local. To enable the CredSSP on the service configuration of the target computer, run the following command from an elevated command line: winrm set winrm/config/service/auth @{CredSSP="true"}
Add host 报错
注意:执行此动作之前,请删除掉hyper-V主机上已经成功安装的SCVMM Agent程序,否则还可能依旧出现上述错误。