美版MC 使用


C:\ProgramData\TS Support\MultiCharts .NET\StudyServer\Techniques\CS


pledit 无法打开 解决方法


hkey_current_user\software 下面删除 ts support  文件夹 






直接使用 VS2010 进行 开发 。 

安装 VS2010  可以直接使用C:\ProgramData\TS Support\MultiCharts .NET\StudyServer\Techniques\CS\PLStudies2010.sln 开发 。 注意模板  





using System;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Linq;



namespace PowerLanguage


namespace Function


public sealed class HTTP : FunctionSeries<System.Double>


public aaa(CStudyControl _master) : base(_master) { }

public aaa(CStudyControl _master, int _ds) : base(_master, _ds) { }


protected override void Create()


// create variable objects and function objects



protected override void StartCalc()


// assign inputs



protected override System.Double CalcBar()


// function logic

return default(System.Double);
















using System;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Linq;

using PowerLanguage.Function;


namespace PowerLanguage.Indicator{

public class bbb : IndicatorObject {

public bbb(object _ctx):base(_ctx){}

private IPlotObject plot1;

protected override void Create() {

// create variable objects, function objects, plot objects etc.

plot1 = AddPlot(new PlotAttributes("", EPlotShapes.Line, Color.Red));


protected override void StartCalc() {

// assign inputs 


protected override void CalcBar(){

// indicator logic 











using System;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Linq;

using PowerLanguage.Function;

using ATCenterProxy.interop;


namespace PowerLanguage.Strategy {

public class ccc : SignalObject {

public ccc(object _ctx):base(_ctx){}

private IOrderMarket buy_order;

protected override void Create() {

// create variable objects, function objects, order objects etc.

buy_order = OrderCreator.MarketNextBar(new SOrderParameters(Contracts.Default, EOrderAction.Buy));


protected override void StartCalc() {

// assign inputs 


protected override void CalcBar(){

// strategy logic 








获取 当前订单数量 

int x = Positions[0].OpenTrades.Count;

获取 最近 最高价  最低价 

HighestFC highest;

highest = new HighestFC(this);

highest.len = 50;

            highest.pricevalue = Bars.High;




  • For C# dll you need to add a reference in PowerLanguage .Net Editor (Right click on the workarea with the code in PowerLanguage .Net Editor->References-> Add reference/Add global reference).

  • For C++ dll you need to reference the functions that are provided by this dll for ex:
    [DllImport( "mTestMCdll.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode )]
    public static extern void CreateGPanelHDCHWND( IntPtr hdc, IntPtr hwnd );


 二图表 的相关数据



二图表的 指标  ADX _a = new ADX(this,2);



 定义 introbar  


posted @ 2016-05-14 22:48  Ali.Blacken  阅读(362)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报