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Discrete Math (-OH edition)



group theory / number theory

no constraints

Yuan Zhang、Penghui Yao:

graph theory (8 weeks & 1 quiz each)

probably hw, check-in, exams (no guarantee from Zsir)

class 01, intro (Zsir)

Mostly abstract algebra


Binary operation: f:G2G

Algebraic system: (G,)

Closedness: x,yG,xyG

Group: Algebraic system (G,) where G is a set and is a binary function f:G2G, and:

  •  Identity 1G s.t. aG,a1=1a=a
  • a,b,cG,(ab)c=a(bc)
  • aG,a1G s.t. a1a=aa1=1

Example 1: Klein 4-group

Klein bottle...

The group: ({1,a,b,c},)

1 a b c
1 1 a b c
a a 1 c b
b b c 1 a
c c b a 1

Example 2:

Geometrical operation on a regular triangle: BAC

  1. identity operation: BACBAC
  2. clockwise rotation by 120: BACCBA
  3. counter-clockwise rotation by 120: BACACB
  4. reflection: BACCAB
  5. reflection followed by clockwise rotation: BACBCA
  6. reflection followed by counter-clockwise rotation: BACABC

Composition is assosiative...

Example 3:

Let M be the set of n×n real non-singular matrices, then (M,) is a group.

Matrix multiplication is assosiative...

Uniqueness of identity and inverse

Uniqueness: 11=?

Cancellation law: ab=acb=c, and ba=cab=c

We wonder if cancellation law holds, whether can we say we'll get a group.

Solution of group equation obviously exists in a group:



Introducing the magma: Closedness.
Introducing the semigroup: Closedness, Assosiativity.
Introducing the monoid: Closedness, Assosiativity, Identity.

If cancellation law holds in a semigroup, can we say we'll get a group?

Yes for finite semigroup.


If solution of group equation always exist in a semigroup, can we say we'll get a group?


class 02, graph theory (Yuan Zhang)

Very important, honestly

Konig's 7-bridge problem

Only finite graphs

Graph G is an ordered pair of sets (V,E), where V is a finite set, and E(V2).

V is called the set of vertices, E is called the set of edges.

We say v1 and v2 is adjacent iff e=v1v2E.

We say e1 and e2 is adjacent iff e1e2.

We say v is incident to edge e iff e=uv.

directed graph: G=(V,A), AV2

multigraph: G=(V,E), E is a multiset and E(V1)(V2)

hypergraph: G=(V,E), E2V{}

Important graphs and graph classes

  1. complete graph Kn=([n],(V2))

  2. empty graph En=([n],)

  3. path Pn=([n],{(i,i+1):i=1,2,,n1})

length of a path is # of edges on the edge

  1. cycle Cn=([n],{(i,i+1):i=1,2,,n1,(n,1)})

  2. complete bipartite graph Km,n=(AB,{xy:xA,yB})

triangle-free graph with most edges: Kn2,n2

Basic parameters of a graph

  • order |G|=|V|

  • size ||G||=|E|

G is trivial iff ||G||<1

(on textbook) G is trivial iff |G|1

  • degree of v: d(v)=deg(v)=|{e|eE,e is incident to v}|

Handshake Lemma: 2|E|=vVdeg(v)

  • neighborhood of vertex v: NG(v)={u|uvE}

  • neighborhood of set of vertex U: NG(U)={w|vwE,vU,wVU}

  • min degree δ(G)

  • max degree Δ(G)

  • average degree d(G)=vdeg(v)|V|

  • walk of length k: v0e0v1e1ek1vk, with incidency (no no-revisit guaranteed)

  • closed walk: cycle

Proposition 1.3.1: If a graph has minimal degree δ(G)2, then there must be a path of length δ(G) and a cycle with δ(G)+1 vertices.

proof: take the longest path and look at the first vertice of the path

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