################################################################## # Licensed Material - Property Of IBM # # "Restricted Materials of IBM" # # IBM Informix # Copyright IBM Corporation 1996, 2011. All rights reserved. # # Title: onconfig.std # Description: Informix Configuration Parameters # # Important: $INFORMIXDIR now resolves to the environment # variable INFORMIXDIR. Replace the value of the INFORMIXDIR # environment variable only if the path you want is not under # $INFORMIXDIR. # # For additional information on the parameters: # ################################################################### ################################################################### # Root Dbspace Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # ROOTNAME - The root dbspace name to contain reserved pages and # internal tracking tables. # ROOTPATH - The path for the device containing the root dbspace # ROOTOFFSET - The offset, in KB, of the root dbspace into the # device. The offset is required for some raw devices. # ROOTSIZE - The size of the root dbspace, in KB. The value of # 200000 allows for a default user space of about # 100 MB and the default system space requirements. # MIRROR - Enable (1) or disable (0) mirroring # MIRRORPATH - The path for the device containing the mirrored # root dbspace # MIRROROFFSET - The offset, in KB, into the mirrored device # # Warning: Always verify ROOTPATH before performing # disk initialization (oninit -i or -iy) to # avoid disk corruption of another instance ################################################################### ROOTNAME rootdbs ROOTPATH $INFORMIXDIR/tmp/demo_on.rootdbs ROOTOFFSET 0 ROOTSIZE 200000 MIRROR 0 MIRRORPATH $INFORMIXDIR/tmp/demo_on.root_mirror MIRROROFFSET 0 ################################################################### # Physical Log Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # PHYSFILE - The size, in KB, of the physical log on disk. # If RTO_SERVER_RESTART is enabled, the # suggested formula for the size of PHSYFILE # (up to about 1 GB) is: # PHYSFILE = Size of BUFFERS * 1.1 # PLOG_OVERFLOW_PATH - The directory for extra physical log files # if the physical log overflows during recovery # or long transaction rollback # PHYSBUFF - The size of the physical log buffer, in KB ################################################################### PHYSFILE 50000 PLOG_OVERFLOW_PATH $INFORMIXDIR/tmp PHYSBUFF 128 ################################################################### # Logical Log Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # LOGFILES - The number of logical log files # LOGSIZE - The size of each logical log, in KB # DYNAMIC_LOGS - The type of dynamic log allocation. # Acceptable values are: # 2 Automatic. Informix adds a new logical log to the # root dbspace when necessary. # 1 Manual. Informix notifies the DBA to add new logical # logs when necessary. # 0 Disabled # LOGBUFF - The size of the logical log buffer, in KB ################################################################### LOGFILES 6 LOGSIZE 10000 DYNAMIC_LOGS 2 LOGBUFF 64 ################################################################### # Long Transaction Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # If Informix cannot roll back a long transaction, the server hangs # until more disk space is available. # # LTXHWM - The percentage of the logical logs that can be # filled before a transaction is determined to be a # long transaction and is rolled back # LTXEHWM - The percentage of the logical logs that have been # filled before the server suspends all other # transactions so that the long transaction being # rolled back has exclusive use of the logs # # When dynamic logging is on, you can set higher values for # LTXHWM and LTXEHWM because the server can add new logical logs # during long transaction rollback. Set lower values to limit the # number of new logical logs added. # # If dynamic logging is off, set LTXHWM and LTXEHWM to # lower values, such as 50 and 60 or lower, to prevent long # transaction rollback from hanging the server due to lack of # logical log space. # # When using Enterprise Replication, set LTXEHWM to at least 30% # higher than LTXHWM to minimize log overruns. ################################################################### LTXHWM 70 LTXEHWM 80 ################################################################### # Server Message File Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # MSGPATH - The path of the Informix message log file # CONSOLE - The path of the Informix console message file ################################################################### MSGPATH $INFORMIXDIR/tmp/online.log CONSOLE $INFORMIXDIR/tmp/online.con ################################################################### # Tblspace Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # TBLTBLFIRST - The first extent size, in KB, for the tblspace # tblspace. Must be in multiples of the page size. # TBLTBLNEXT - The next extent size, in KB, for the tblspace # tblspace. Must be in multiples of the page size. # The default setting for both is 0, which allows Informix to manage # extent sizes automatically. # # TBLSPACE_STATS - Enables (1) or disables (0) Informix to maintain # tblspace statistics ################################################################### TBLTBLFIRST 0 TBLTBLNEXT 0 TBLSPACE_STATS 1 ################################################################### # Temporary dbspace and sbspace Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # DBSPACETEMP - The list of dbspaces used to store temporary # tables and other objects. Specify a colon # separated list of dbspaces that exist when the # server is started. If no dbspaces are specified, # or if all specified dbspaces are not valid, # temporary files are created in the /tmp directory # instead. # SBSPACETEMP - The list of sbspaces used to store temporary # tables for smart large objects. If no sbspace # is specified, temporary files are created in # a standard sbspace. ################################################################### DBSPACETEMP SBSPACETEMP ################################################################### # Dbspace and sbspace Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # SBSPACENAME - The default sbspace name where smart large objects # are stored if no sbspace is specified during # smart large object creation. Some DataBlade # modules store smart large objects in this # location. # SYSSBSPACENAME - The default sbspace for system statistics # collection. Otherwise, Informix stores statistics # in the sysdistrib system catalog table. # ONDBSPACEDOWN - Specifies how Informix behaves when it encounters a # dbspace that is offline. Acceptable values # are: # 0 Continue # 1 Stop # 2 Wait for DBA action ################################################################### SBSPACENAME SYSSBSPACENAME ONDBSPACEDOWN 2 ################################################################### # System Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # SERVERNUM - The unique ID for the Informix instance. Acceptable # values are 0 through 255, inclusive. # DBSERVERNAME - The name of the default database server # DBSERVERALIASES - The list of up to 32 alternative dbservernames, # separated by commas # FULL_DISK_INIT - Specifies if oninit -i can run: # 0 allows full disk initialization only if no # instance is detected at the rootchunk location. # 1 required if an existing instance is detected at # the rootchunk location. ################################################################### SERVERNUM 0 DBSERVERNAME DBSERVERALIASES FULL_DISK_INIT 0 ################################################################### # Network Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # NETTYPE - The configuration of poll threads # for a specific protocol. The # format is: # NETTYPE <protocol>,<# poll threads> # ,<number of connections/thread> # ,(NET|CPU) # You can include multiple NETTYPE # entries for multiple protocols. # LISTEN_TIMEOUT - The number of seconds that Informix # waits for a connection # MAX_INCOMPLETE_CONNECTIONS - The maximum number of incomplete # connections before Informix logs a Denial # of Service (DoS) error # FASTPOLL - Enables (1) or disables (0) fast # polling of your network, if your # operating system supports it. # NUMFDSERVERS - The maximum number of poll threads to handle # network connections migrating between VPs # NS_CACHE - The number of seconds for Informix name service cache # (host, service, user, group) expiration time. # 0 to disable cache. ################################################################### NETTYPE ipcshm,1,50,CPU LISTEN_TIMEOUT 60 MAX_INCOMPLETE_CONNECTIONS 1024 FASTPOLL 1 NUMFDSERVERS 4 NS_CACHE host=900,service=900,user=900,group=900 ################################################################### # CPU-Related Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # MULTIPROCESSOR - Specifies whether the computer has multiple # CPUs. Acceptable values are: 0 (single # processor), 1 (multiple processors or # multi-core chips) # VPCLASS cpu - Configures the CPU VPs. The format is: # VPCLASS cpu, num=<number of CPU VPs>, # [,max=<maximum number for class>] # [,aff=<single CPU number> | <start cpu>-<end cpu> | # ( <start cpu>-<end cpu>/<skip amount> ) ] # [,noage] # for example: # num=4,aff=(1-10/3) means assign 4 CPU VPs to processors # 1,4,7,10 # VP_MEMORY_CACHE_KB - Specifies the amount of private memory # blocks of your CPU VP, in KB, that the # database server can access. # Acceptable values are: # 0 (disable) # 800 through 40% of the value of SHMTOTAL # SINGLE_CPU_VP - Optimizes performance if Informix runs with # only one CPU VP. Acceptable values are: # 0 multiple CPU VPs # Any nonzero value (optimize for one CPU VP) ################################################################### MULTIPROCESSOR 0 VPCLASS cpu,num=1,noage VP_MEMORY_CACHE_KB 0 SINGLE_CPU_VP 0 ################################################################### # AIO and Cleaner-Related Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # VPCLASS aio - Configures the AIO VPs. The format is: # VPCLASS aio,num=<#>[,max=<#>][,aff=<#>][,noage] # CLEANERS - The number of page cleaner threads # AUTO_AIOVPS - Enables (1) or disables (0) automatic management # of AIO VPs # DIRECT_IO - Specifies whether direct I/O is used for cooked # files used for dbspace chunks. # Acceptable values are: # 0 Disable # 1 Enable direct I/O # 2 Enable concurrent I/O ################################################################### #VPCLASS aio,num=1 CLEANERS 8 AUTO_AIOVPS 1 DIRECT_IO 0 ################################################################### # Lock-Related Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # LOCKS - The initial number of locks when Informix starts. # Dynamic locking can add extra locks if needed. # DEF_TABLE_LOCKMODE - The default table lock mode for new tables. # Acceptable values are ROW and PAGE (default). ################################################################### LOCKS 20000 DEF_TABLE_LOCKMODE page ################################################################### # Shared Memory Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # RESIDENT - Controls whether shared memory is resident. # Acceptable values are: # 0 off (default) # 1 lock the resident segment only # n lock the resident segment and the next n-1 # virtual segments, where n < 100 # -1 lock all resident and virtual segments # SHMBASE - The shared memory base address; do not change # SHMVIRTSIZE - The initial size, in KB, of the virtual # segment of shared memory # SHMADD - The size, in KB, of additional virtual shared # memory segments # EXTSHMADD - The size, in KB, of each extension shared # memory segment # SHMTOTAL - The maximum amount of shared memory for Informix, # in KB. A 0 indicates no specific limit. # SHMVIRT_ALLOCSEG - Controls when Informix adds a memory segment and # the alarm level if the memory segment cannot # be added. # For the first field, acceptable values are: # - 0 Disabled # - A decimal number indicating the total percentage # of virtual memory used before a segment is added # - The total KB virtual memory remaining when a segment # is added # For the second field, specify an alarm level # from 1 (non-event) to 5 (fatal error). # SHMNOACCESS - A list of up to 10 memory address ranges # that Informix cannot use to attach shared memory. # Each address range is the start and end memory # address in hex format, separated by a hyphen. # Use a comma to separate each range in the list. ################################################################### RESIDENT 0 SHMBASE 0x44000000L SHMVIRTSIZE 32656 SHMADD 8192 EXTSHMADD 8192 SHMTOTAL 0 SHMVIRT_ALLOCSEG 0,3 SHMNOACCESS ################################################################### # Checkpoint and System Block Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # CKPINTVL - Specifies how often, in seconds, Informix checks # if a checkpoint is needed. 0 indicates that # Informix does not check for checkpoints. Ignored # if RTO_SERVER_RESTART is set. # AUTO_CKPTS - Enables (1) or disables (0) monitoring of # critical resource to trigger checkpoints # more frequently if there is a chance that # transaction blocking might occur. # RTO_SERVER_RESTART - Specifies, in seconds, the Recovery Time # Objective for Informix restart after a server # failure. Acceptable values are 0 (off) and # any number from 60-1800, inclusive. # BLOCKTIMEOUT - Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, # for a system block. ################################################################### CKPTINTVL 300 AUTO_CKPTS 1 RTO_SERVER_RESTART 0 BLOCKTIMEOUT 3600 ################################################################## # Conversion Guard Related Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # CONVERSION_GUARD - To turn on conversion guard feature. # - 0 - Off, # - 1 - On, Abort conversion on Conversion Guard error, # - 2 - On, Continue conversion; ignore Conversion # Guard error # # RESTORE_POINT_DIR - The directory, which stores the Conversion Guard # - feature generated files. ################################################################### CONVERSION_GUARD 2 RESTORE_POINT_DIR $INFORMIXDIR/tmp ################################################################### # Transaction-Related Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # TXTIMEOUT - The distributed transaction timeout, in seconds # DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT - The maximum time, in seconds, to wait for a # lock in a distributed transaction. # HETERO_COMMIT - Enables (1) or disables (0) heterogeneous # commits for a distributed transaction # involving an EGM gateway. ################################################################### TXTIMEOUT 300 DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT 60 HETERO_COMMIT 0 ################################################################### # ontape Tape Device Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # TAPEDEV - The tape device path for backups. To use standard # I/O instead of a device, set to STDIO. # TAPEBLK - The tape block size, in KB, for backups # TAPESIZE - The maximum amount of data to put on one backup # tape. Acceptable values are 0 (unlimited) or any # positive integral multiple of TAPEBLK. ################################################################### TAPEDEV /dev/tapedev TAPEBLK 32 TAPESIZE 0 ################################################################### # ontape Logial Log Tape Device Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # LTAPEDEV - The tape device path for logical logs # LTAPEBLK - The tape block size, in KB, for backing up logical # logs # LTAPESIZE - The maximum amount of data to put on one logical # log tape. Acceptable values are 0 (unlimited) or any # positive integral multiple of LTAPEBLK. ################################################################### LTAPEDEV /dev/tapedev LTAPEBLK 32 LTAPESIZE 0 ################################################################### # Backup and Restore Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # BAR_ACT_LOG - The ON-Bar activity log file location. # Do not use the /tmp directory. Use a # directory with restricted permissions. # BAR_DEBUG_LOG - The ON-Bar debug log file location. # Do not use the /tmp directory. Use a # directory with restricted permissions. # BAR_DEBUG - The debug level for ON-Bar. Acceptable # values are 0 (off) through 9 (high). # BAR_MAX_BACKUP - The number of backup threads used in a # backup. Acceptable values are 0 (unlimited) # or any positive integer. # BAR_RETRY - Specifies the number of time to retry a # backup or restore operation before reporting # a failure # BAR_NB_XPORT_COUNT - Specifies the number of data buffers that # each onbar_d process uses to communicate # with the database server # BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE - The size, in pages, of each data buffer. # Acceptable values are 1 through 15 for # 4 KB pages and 1 through 31 for 2 KB pages. # RESTARTABLE_RESTORE - Enables ON-Bar to continue a backup after a # failure. Acceptable values are OFF or ON. # BAR_PROGRESS_FREQ - Specifies, in minutes, how often progress # messages are placed in the ON-Bar activity # log. Acceptable values are: 0 (record only # completion messages) or 5 and above. # BAR_BSALIB_PATH - The shared library for ON-Bar and the # storage manager. The default value is # $INFORMIXDIR/lib/ibsad001 (with a # platform-specific file extension). # BACKUP_FILTER - Specifies the pathname of a filter program # to transform data during a backup, plus any # program options # RESTORE_FILTER - Specifies the pathname of a filter program # to transform data during a restore, plus any # program options # BAR_PERFORMANCE - Specifies the type of performance statistics # to report to the ON-Bar activity log for backup # and restore operations. # Acceptable values are: # 0 = Turn off performance monitoring (Default) # 1 = Display the time spent transferring data # between the Informix instance and the storage # manager # 2 = Display timestamps in microseconds # 3 = Display both timestamps and transfer # statistics # BAR_CKPTSEC_TIMEOUT - Time in seconds to wait for an archive # checkpoint to complete in the secondary server ################################################################### BAR_ACT_LOG $INFORMIXDIR/tmp/bar_act.log BAR_DEBUG_LOG $INFORMIXDIR/tmp/bar_dbug.log BAR_DEBUG 0 BAR_MAX_BACKUP 0 BAR_RETRY 1 BAR_NB_XPORT_COUNT 20 BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE 31 RESTARTABLE_RESTORE ON BAR_PROGRESS_FREQ 0 BAR_BSALIB_PATH BACKUP_FILTER RESTORE_FILTER BAR_PERFORMANCE 0 BAR_CKPTSEC_TIMEOUT 15 ################################################################### # Informix Storage Manager (ISM) Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # ISM_DATA_POOL - Specifies the name for the ISM data pool # ISM_LOG_POOL - Specifies the name for the ISM log pool ################################################################### ISM_DATA_POOL ISMData ISM_LOG_POOL ISMLogs ################################################################### # Data Dictionary Cache Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # DD_HASHSIZE - The number of data dictionary pools. Set to any # positive integer; a prime number is recommended. # DD_HASHMAX - The number of entries per pool. # Set to any positive integer. ################################################################### DD_HASHSIZE 31 DD_HASHMAX 10 ################################################################### # Data Distribution Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # DS_HASHSIZE - The number of data Ddstribution pools. # Set to any positive integer; a prime number is # recommended. # DS_POOLSIZE - The maximum number of entries in the data # distribution cache. Set to any positive integer. ################################################################### DS_HASHSIZE 31 DS_POOLSIZE 127 ################################################################## # User Defined Routine (UDR) Configuration Parameters ################################################################## # PC_HASHSIZE - The number of UDR pools. Set to any positive # integer; a prime number is recommended. # PC_POOLSIZE - The maximum number of entries in the UDR # cache. Set to any positive integer. # PRELOAD_DLL_FILE - Specifies a C UDR shared library path name # to load when the server starts. Each # shared library file needs a separate # PRELOAD_DLL_FILE entry. ################################################################### PC_HASHSIZE 31 PC_POOLSIZE 127 PRELOAD_DLL_FILE ################################################################### # SQL Statement Cache Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # STMT_CACHE - Controls SQL statement caching. Acceptable # values are: # 0 Disabled # 1 Enabled at the session level # 2 All statements are cached # STMT_CACHE_HITS - The number of times an SQL statement must be # executed before becoming fully cached. # 0 indicates that all statements are # fully cached the first time. # STMT_CACHE_SIZE - The size, in KB, of the SQL statement cache # STMT_CACHE_NOLIMIT - Controls additional memory consumption. # Acceptable values are: # 0 Limit memory to STMT_CACHE_SIZE # 1 Obtain as much memory, temporarily, as needed # STMT_CACHE_NUMPOOL - The number of pools for the SQL statement # cache. Acceptable value is a positive # integer between 1 and 256, inclusive. ################################################################### STMT_CACHE 0 STMT_CACHE_HITS 0 STMT_CACHE_SIZE 512 STMT_CACHE_NOLIMIT 0 STMT_CACHE_NUMPOOL 1 ################################################################### # Operating System Session-Related Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # USEOSTIME - The precision of SQL statement timing. # Accepted values are 0 (precision to seconds) # and 1 (precision to subseconds). Subsecond # precision can degrade performance. # STACKSIZE - The size, in KB, for a session stack # ALLOW_NEWLINE - Controls whether embedded new line characters # in string literals are allowed in SQL # statements. Acceptable values are 1 (allowed) # and any number other than 1 (not allowed). # USELASTCOMMITTED - Controls the committed read isolation level. # Acceptable values are: # - NONE Waits on a lock # - DIRTY READ Uses the last committed value in # place of a dirty read # - COMMITTED READ Uses the last committed value # in place of a committed read # - ALL Uses the last committed value in place # of all isolation levels that support the last # committed option ################################################################### USEOSTIME 0 STACKSIZE 64 ALLOW_NEWLINE 0 USELASTCOMMITTED NONE ################################################################### # Index Related Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # FILLFACTOR - The percentage of index page fullness # MAX_FILL_DATA_PAGES - Enables (1) or disables (0) filling data # pages that have variable length rows as # full as possible # BTSCANNER - Specifies the configuration settings for all # btscanner threads. The format is: # BTSCANNER num=<#>,threshold=<#>,rangesize=<#>, # alice=(0-12),compression=[low|med|high|default] # ONLIDX_MAXMEM - The amount of memory, in KB, allocated for # the pre-image pool and updator log pool for # each partition. ################################################################### FILLFACTOR 90 MAX_FILL_DATA_PAGES 0 BTSCANNER num=1,threshold=5000,rangesize=-1,alice=6,compression=default ONLIDX_MAXMEM 5120 ################################################################### # Parallel Database Query (PDQ) Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # MAX_PDQPRIORITY - The maximum amount of resources, as a # percentage, that PDQ can allocate to any # one decision support query # DS_MAX_QUERIES - The maximum number of concurrent decision # support queries # DS_TOTAL_MEMORY - The maximum amount, in KB, of decision # support query memory # DS_MAX_SCANS - The maximum number of concurrent decision # support scans # DS_NONPDQ_QUERY_MEM - The amount of non-PDQ query memory, in KB. # Acceptable values are 128 to 25% of # DS_TOTAL_MEMORY. # DATASKIP - Specifies whether to skip dbspaces when # processing a query. Acceptable values are: # - ALL Skip all unavailable fragments # - ON <dbspace1> <dbspace2>... Skip listed # dbspaces # - OFF Do not skip dbspaces (default) ################################################################### MAX_PDQPRIORITY 100 DS_MAX_QUERIES DS_TOTAL_MEMORY DS_MAX_SCANS 1048576 DS_NONPDQ_QUERY_MEM 128 DATASKIP ################################################################### # Optimizer Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # OPTCOMPIND - Controls how the optimizer determines the best # query path. Acceptable values are: # 0 Nested loop joins are preferred # 1 If isolation level is repeatable read, # works the same as 0, otherwise works same as 2 # 2 Optimizer decisions are based on cost only # DIRECTIVES - Specifies whether optimizer directives are # enabled (1) or disabled (0). Default is 1. # EXT_DIRECTIVES - Controls the use of external SQL directives. # Acceptable values are: # 0 Disabled # 1 Enabled if the IFX_EXTDIRECTIVES environment # variable is enabled # 2 Enabled even if the IFX_EXTDIRECTIVES # environment is not set # OPT_GOAL - Controls how the optimizer should optimize for # fastest retrieval. Acceptable values are: # -1 All rows in a query # 0 The first rows in a query # IFX_FOLDVIEW - Enables (1) or disables (0) folding views that # have multiple tables or a UNION ALL clause. # Disabled by default. # AUTO_REPREPARE - Enables (1) or disables (0) automatically # re-optimizing stored procedures and re-preparing # prepared statements when tables that are referenced # by them change. Minimizes the occurrence of the # -710 error. # AUTO_STAT_MODE - Enables (1) or disables (0) update statistics # automatic mode. In automatic mode, statistics of # table, fragment or index are rebuilt only if existing # statistics are considered stale. A table, fragment # or index can change by STATCHANGE percentage before # its statistics are regarded as stale. # STATCHANGE - In automatic mode, rebuild statistics only for # table, fragment or index changed by STATCHANGE # percentage since last statistics run. # USTLOW_SAMPLE - Enables (1) or disables (0) the use of sampling # during update statistics low operations that gather # index statistics for large indexes. #################################################################### OPTCOMPIND 2 DIRECTIVES 1 EXT_DIRECTIVES 0 OPT_GOAL -1 IFX_FOLDVIEW 0 AUTO_REPREPARE 1 AUTO_STAT_MODE 1 STATCHANGE 10 USTLOW_SAMPLE 0 ################################################################### # Scan Configuration Parameters ################################################################### #BATCHEDREAD_TABLE - Turn on/off xps api for table scans. #BATCHEDREAD_INDEX - Turn on/off xps api for index scans. #BATCHEDREAD_KEYONLY - Turn on/off xps api for key-only index scans. # Only takes effect if BATCHEDREAD_INDEX is off. # # RA_PAGES & RA_THRESHOLD have been replaced with AUTO_READAHEAD. # # AUTO_READAHEAD mode[,readahead_cnt] # mode 0 = Disable (Not recommended) # 1 = Passive (Default) # 2 = Aggressive (Not recommended) # readahead_cnt Optional Range 4-4096 # readahead_cnt allows for tuning the # of # pages that automatic readahead will request # to be read ahead. When not set, the default # is 128 pages. # # Notes: # The threshold for starting the next readahead request, which # use to be known as RA_THRESHOLD is always set to 1/2 of the # readahead_cnt. RA_THRESHOLD is deprecated and no longer used. # # If RA_PAGES & AUTO_READAHEAD are not present in the ONCONFIG file, # Informix will default to using an AUTO_READAHEAD setting of 1. # # If RA_PAGES is present in the ONCONFIG file and AUTO_READAHEAD is # not, Informix will set AUTO_READAHEAD to 1,RA_PAGES (passive mode # with a readahead_cnt=RA_PAGES). # ################################################################### BATCHEDREAD_TABLE 1 BATCHEDREAD_INDEX 1 BATCHEDREAD_KEYONLY 0 AUTO_READAHEAD 1 ################################################################### # SQL Tracing and EXPLAIN Plan Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # EXPLAIN_STAT - Enables (1) or disables (0) including the Query # Statistics section in the EXPLAIN output file # SQLTRACE - Configures SQL tracing. The format is: # SQLTRACE level=(low|med|high),ntraces=<#>,size=<#>, # mode=(global|user) ################################################################### EXPLAIN_STAT 1 #SQLTRACE level=low,ntraces=1000,size=2,mode=global ################################################################### # Security Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # DBCREATE_PERMISSION - Specifies the users who can create # databases (by default, any user can). # Add a DBCREATE_PERMISSION entry # for each user who needs database # creation privileges. Ensure user # informix is authorized when you # first initialize Informix. # DB_LIBRARY_PATH - Specifies the locations, separated # by commas, from which Informix can use # UDR or UDT shared libraries. If set, # make sure that all directories containing # the blade modules are listed, to # ensure all DataBlade modules will # work. # IFX_EXTEND_ROLE - Controls whether administrators # can use the EXTEND role to specify # which users can register external # routines. Acceptable values are: # 0 Any user can register external # routines # 1 Only users granted the ability # to register external routines # can do so (Default) # SECURITY_LOCALCONNECTION - Specifies whether Informix performs # security checking for local # connections. Acceptable values are: # 0 Off # 1 Validate ID # 2 Validate ID and port # UNSECURE_ONSTAT - Controls whether non-DBSA users are # allowed to run all onstat commands. # Acceptable values are: # 1 Enabled # 0 Disabled (Default) # ADMIN_USER_MODE_WITH_DBSA - Controls who can connect to Informix # in administration mode. Acceptable # values are: # 1 DBSAs, users specified by # ADMIN_MODE_USERS, and the user # informix # 0 Only the user informix (Default) # ADMIN_MODE_USERS - Specifies the user names, separated by # commas, who can connect to Informix in # administration mode, in addition to # the user informix # SSL_KEYSTORE_LABEL - The label, up to 512 characters, of # the Informix certificate used in Secure # Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol # communications. ################################################################### #DBCREATE_PERMISSION informix #DB_LIBRARY_PATH IFX_EXTEND_ROLE 1 SECURITY_LOCALCONNECTION UNSECURE_ONSTAT ADMIN_USER_MODE_WITH_DBSA ADMIN_MODE_USERS SSL_KEYSTORE_LABEL ################################################################### # LBAC Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # PLCY_POOLSIZE - The maximum number of entries in each hash # bucket of the LBAC security information cache # PLCY_HASHSIZE - The number of hash buckets in the LBAC security # information cache # USRC_POOLSIZE - The maximum number of entries in each hash # bucket of the LBAC credential memory cache # USRC_HASHSIZE - The number of hash buckets in the LBAC credential # memory cache ################################################################### PLCY_POOLSIZE 127 PLCY_HASHSIZE 31 USRC_POOLSIZE 127 USRC_HASHSIZE 31 ################################################################### # Optical Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # STAGEBLOB - The name of the optical blobspace. Must be set to # use the optical-storage subsystem. # OPCACHEMAX - Maximum optical cache size, in KB ################################################################### STAGEBLOB OPCACHEMAX 0 ################################################################### # Built-in Character Data Types Parameters ################################################################### # SQL_LOGICAL_CHAR - Enable/Disable the expansion of size # specification for built-in character data # types ################################################################### SQL_LOGICAL_CHAR OFF ################################################################### # Sequence Cache Parameters ################################################################### # SEQ_CACHE_SIZE - Maximum number of sequence objects that can # have preallocated values in sequence cache ################################################################### SEQ_CACHE_SIZE 10 ################################################################### # High Availability and Enterprise Replication Security # Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # ENCRYPT_HDR - Enables (1) or disables (0) encryption for HDR. # ENCRYPT_SMX - Controls the level of encryption for RSS and # SDS servers. Acceptable values are: # 0 Do not encrypt (Default) # 1 Encrypt if possible # 2 Always encrypt # ENCRYPT_CDR - Controls the level of encryption for ER. # Acceptable values are: # 0 Do not encrypt (Default) # 1 Encrypt if possible # 2 Always encrypt # ENCRYPT_CIPHERS - A list of encryption ciphers and modes, # separated by commas. Default is all. # ENCRYPT_MAC - Controls the level of message authentication # code (MAC). Acceptable values are off, high, # medium, and low. List multiple values separated # by commas; the highest common level between # servers is used. # ENCRYPT_MACFILE - The paths of the MAC key files, separated # by commas. Use the builtin keyword to specify # the built-in key. Default is builtin. # ENCRYPT_SWITCH - Defines the frequencies, in minutes, at which # ciphers and keys are renegotiated. Format is: # <cipher_switch_time>,<key_switch_time> # Default is 60,60. ################################################################### ENCRYPT_HDR ENCRYPT_SMX ENCRYPT_CDR 0 ENCRYPT_CIPHERS ENCRYPT_MAC ENCRYPT_MACFILE ENCRYPT_SWITCH ################################################################### # Enterprise Replication (ER) Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # CDR_EVALTHREADS - The number of evaluator threads per # CPU VP and the number of additional # threads, separated by a comma. # Acceptable values are: a non-zero value # followed by a non-negative value # CDR_DSLOCKWAIT - The number of seconds the Datasync # waits for database locks. # CDR_QUEUEMEM - The maximum amount of memory, in KB, # for the send and receive queues. # CDR_NIFCOMPRESS - Controls the network interface # compression level. # Acceptable values are: # -1 Never # 0 None # 1-9 Compression level # CDR_SERIAL - Specifies the incremental size and # the starting value of replicated # serial columns. The format is: # <delta>,<offset> # CDR_DBSPACE - The dbspace name for the syscdr # database. # CDR_QHDR_DBSPACE - The name of the transaction record # dbspace. Default is the root dbspace. # CDR_QDATA_SBSPACE - The names of sbspaces for spooled # transaction data, separated by commas. # CDR_SUPPRESS_ATSRISWARN - The Datasync error and warning code # numbers to be suppressed in ATS and RIS # files. Acceptable values are: numbers # or ranges of numbers separated by commas. # Separate numbers in a range by a hyphen. # CDR_DELAY_PURGE_DTC - Specifies the time at which delete table purge # can be delayed. # CDR_LOG_LAG_ACTION - Specifies the action when ER log # processing lags behind the current log. # Separate multiple actions with a plus sign (+). # Actions are prioritized from left to right. # Supported options are: # logstag: Enable compressed logical log staging. # Stage log files in the directory # specified by the LOG_STAGING_DIR # configuration parameter. The # CDR_LOG_STAGING_MAXSIZE # configuration parameter must also be set. # dlog: Enable adding dynamic logs. The # CDR_MAX_DYNAMIC_LOGS and # DYNAMIC_LOGS configuration parameters # must be enabled. # ignore: Prevents blocking client update activity. # The replay position can be overrun. # ddrblock: (Default) Block client update activity # to avoid overrunning the log replay position. # shutdown: Shut down ER if the log replay # position is in danger of being overrun. # Restart ER using the cdr cleanstart # command and resynchronize the data. # Supported combinations: # logstage+dlog+ddrblock # logstage+dlog+ignore # logstage+dlog+shutdown # logstage+ddrblock # logstage+ignore # logstage+shutdown # dlog+ddrblock # dlog+ignore # dlog+shutdown # ddrblock # ignore # shutdown # # CDR_LOG_STAGING_MAXSIZE - Maximum size, in KB (default), # MB, GB, or TB, that ER can use to stage log files in # the directory specified by the LOG_STAGING_DIR # configuration parameter. ER temporarily stops # staging log files, at a log file boundary, when the # staging directory reaches this value. # CDR_MAX_DYNAMIC_LOGS - The maximum number of dynamic log # requests that ER can make within one # server session. Acceptable values are: # -1 (unlimited), 0 (disabled), # 1 through n (limit to n requests) ################################################################### CDR_EVALTHREADS 1,2 CDR_DSLOCKWAIT 5 CDR_QUEUEMEM 4096 CDR_NIFCOMPRESS 0 CDR_SERIAL 0 CDR_DBSPACE CDR_QHDR_DBSPACE CDR_QDATA_SBSPACE CDR_SUPPRESS_ATSRISWARN CDR_DELAY_PURGE_DTC 0 CDR_LOG_LAG_ACTION ddrblock CDR_LOG_STAGING_MAXSIZE 0 CDR_MAX_DYNAMIC_LOGS 0 ################################################################### # High Availability Cluster (HDR, SDS, and RSS) # Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # DRAUTO - Controls automatic failover of primary # servers. Valid for HDR, SDS, and RSS. # Acceptable values are: # 0 Manual # 1 Retain server type # 2 Reverse server type # 3 Connection Manager Arbitrator controls # server type # DRINTERVAL - The maximum interval, in seconds, between HDR # buffer flushes. Valid for HDR only. # DRTIMEOUT - The time, in seconds, before a network # timeout occurs. Valid for HDR only. # DRLOSTFOUND - The path of the HDR lost-and-found file. # Valid of HDR only. # DRIDXAUTO - Enables (1) or disables (0) automatic index # repair for an HDR pair. Default is 0. # HA_ALIAS - The server alias for a high-availability # cluster. Must be the same as a value of # DBSERVERNAME or DBSERVERALIASES that uses a # network-based connection type. Valid for HDR, # SDS, and RSS. # LOG_INDEX_BUILDS - Enable (1) or disable (0) index page logging. # Required for RSS. Optional for HDR and SDS. # SDS_ENABLE - Enables (1) or disables (0) an SDS server. # Set this value on an SDS server after setting # up the primary. Valid for SDS only. # SDS_TIMEOUT - The time, in seconds, that the primary waits # for an acknowledgement from an SDS server # while performing page flushing before marking # the SDS server as down. Valid for SDS only. # SDS_TEMPDBS - The temporary dbspace used by an SDS server. # The format is: # <dbspace_name>,<path>,<pagesize in KB>,<offset in KB>, # <size in KB> # You can include up to 16 entries of SDS_TEMPDBS to # specify additional dbspaces. Valid for SDS. # SDS_PAGING - The paths of two buffer paging files, # Separated by a comma. Valid for SDS only. # SDS_LOGCHECK - The time, in seconds, that the SDS server waits # to detect if the primary server is generating # log activity before allowing failover to the # secondary server. # Acceptable values are: # 0 Do not detect. Allow failover. (default) # n Wait up to n seconds. If detected that the # primary is generating log activity, then failover # is stopped. Otherwise, failover is allowed. # UPDATABLE_SECONDARY - Controls whether secondary servers can accept # update, insert, and delete operations from clients. # If enabled, specifies the number of connection # threads between the secondary and primary servers # for transmitting updates from the secondary. # Acceptable values are: # 0 Secondary server is read-only (default) # 1 through twice the number of CPU VPs, threads # for performing updates from the secondary. # Valid for HDR, SDS, and RSS. # FAILOVER_CALLBACK - Specifies the path and program name called when a # secondary server transitions to a standard or # primary server. Valid for HDR, SDS, and RSS. # TEMPTAB_NOLOG - Controls the default logging mode for temporary # tables that are explicitly created with the # CREATE TEMP TABLE or SELECT INTO TEMP statements. # Secondary servers must not have logged temporary # tables. Acceptable values are: # 0 Create temporary tables with logging enabled by # default. # 1 Create temporary tables without logging. # Required to be set to 1 on HDR, RSS, and SDS # secondary servers. # DELAY_APPLY - Specifies a delay factor for RSS # secondary nodes. The format is ###[DHMS] where # D stands for days # H stands for hours # M stands for minutes # S stands for seconds (default) # STOP_APPLY - Halts the apply on an RSS node # 1 halts the apply # 0 resumes the apply (default) # YYYY:MM:DD:hh:mm:ss - time at which to stop # LOG_STAGING_DIR - Specifies a directory in which to stage log files # RSS_FLOW_CONTROL - Defines the point at which RSS flow control will # be activated. Values defined as being # RSS_FLOW_CONTROL <start>,<end> # where start is the point at which flow control # is activated and end is the point at which it # deactivated. Valid values are # -1 - Never use flow control - can result in a # log wrap # 0 Default (8 times log buffer size) # Start,Stop - where start should be a larger value # than Stop. The values can have a scale # factor of 'K', 'M', 'G' for kilobytes, # megabyte, gigabyte. # Example: # RSS_FLOW_CONTROL 10000K,9000K # FAILOVER_TX_TIMEOUT - Specifies the timeout for a failover to take # before transaction survival is abandonded # ENABLE_SNAPSHOT_COPY- Specifies whether we can clone this instance # Directly to another machine using the # Snapshot Clone facility. # 1 - Enable snapshot copies # 0 - Disable snapshot copies # SMX_COMPRESS - Controls the network interface compression level. # Acceptable values are: # -1 - Never # 0 - None # 1-9 - Compression level ################################################################### DRAUTO 0 DRINTERVAL 30 DRTIMEOUT 30 HA_ALIAS DRLOSTFOUND $INFORMIXDIR/etc/dr.lostfound DRIDXAUTO 0 LOG_INDEX_BUILDS SDS_ENABLE SDS_TIMEOUT 20 SDS_TEMPDBS SDS_PAGING SDS_LOGCHECK 0 UPDATABLE_SECONDARY 0 FAILOVER_CALLBACK FAILOVER_TX_TIMEOUT 0 TEMPTAB_NOLOG 0 DELAY_APPLY 0 STOP_APPLY 0 LOG_STAGING_DIR RSS_FLOW_CONTROL 0 ENABLE_SNAPSHOT_COPY 0 SMX_COMPRESS 0 ################################################################### # Logical Recovery Parameters ################################################################### # ON_RECVRY_THREADS - The number of logical recovery threads that # run in parallel during a warm restore. # OFF_RECVRY_THREADS - The number of logical recovery threads used # in a cold restore. Also, the number of # threads used during fast recovery. ################################################################### ON_RECVRY_THREADS 1 OFF_RECVRY_THREADS 10 ################################################################### # Diagnostic Dump Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # DUMPDIR - The location Assertion Failure (AF) diagnostic # files # DUMPSHMEM - Controls shared memory dumps. Acceptable values # are: # 0 Disabled # 1 Dump all shared memory # 2 Exclude the buffer pool from the dump # DUMPGCORE - Enables (1) or disables (0) whether Informix dumps a # core using gcore # DUMPCORE - Enables (1) or disables (0) whether Informix dumps a # core after an AF # DUMPCNT - The maximum number of shared memory dumps or # core files for a single session ################################################################### DUMPDIR $INFORMIXDIR/tmp DUMPSHMEM 1 DUMPGCORE 0 DUMPCORE 0 DUMPCNT 1 ################################################################### # Alarm Program Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # ALARMPROGRAM - Specifies the alarm program to display event # alarms. To enable automatic logical log backup, # edit and set BACKUPLOGS=Y. # ALRM_ALL_EVENTS - Controls whether the alarm program runs for # every event. Acceptable values are: # 0 Logs only noteworthy events # 1 Logs all events # STORAGE_FULL_ALARM - <time interval in seconds>,<alarm severity> # specifies in what interval: # - a message will be printed to the online.log file # - an alarm will be raised # when # - a dbspace becomes full # (ISAM error -131) # - a partition runs out of pages or extents # (ISAM error -136) # time interval = 0 : OFF # severity = 0 : no alarm, only message # SYSALARMPROGRAM - Specifies the system alarm program triggered # when an AF occurs ################################################################### ALARMPROGRAM $INFORMIXDIR/etc/ ALRM_ALL_EVENTS 0 STORAGE_FULL_ALARM 600,3 SYSALARMPROGRAM $INFORMIXDIR/etc/ ################################################################### # RAS Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # RAS_PLOG_SPEED - Technical Support diagnostic parameter. # Do not change; automatically updated. # RAS_LLOG_SPEED - Technical Support diagnostic parameter. # Do not change; automatically updated. ################################################################### RAS_PLOG_SPEED 0 RAS_LLOG_SPEED 0 ################################################################### # Character Processing Configuration Parameter ################################################################### # EILSEQ_COMPAT_MODE - Controls whether when processing characters, # Informix checks if the characters are valid for # the locale and returns error -202 if they are # not. Acceptable values are: # 0 Return an error for characters that are not # valid (Default) # 1 Allow characters that are not valid #################################################################### EILSEQ_COMPAT_MODE 0 ################################################################### # Statistic Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # QSTATS - Enables (1) or disables (0) the collection of queue # statistics that can be viewed with onstat -g qst # WSTATS - Enables (1) or disables (0) the collection of wait # statistics that can be viewed with onstat -g wst #################################################################### QSTATS 0 WSTATS 0 #################################################################### # USERMAPPING - Control access to Informix for users without operating # system accounts. #################################################################### # OFF - users without operating system accounts cannot use Informix # BASIC - users without operating system accounts can use Informix but # not as privileged users # ADMIN - users without operating system accounts can use Informix as # privileged users #################################################################### USERMAPPING OFF ################################################################### # Storage Provisioning Parameters ################################################################### # SP_AUTOEXPAND - When set to 1, Informix will automatically expand spaces # that are low on or out of free pages. Set this param # to 0 to disable automatic chunk extensions and chunk # additions. # Default value is 1 (enabled). # SP_THRESHOLD - Minimum amount of free space in a DBspace, BLOBspace, # or Smart BLOBspace before the space will automatically # be expanded. Value is a decimal, and can be an absolute # number of kilobytes or a percentage of the total size # in the DBspace. # Default value is 0, which effectively disables this # proactive storage provisioning trigger. # SP_WAITTIME - Access to the storage pool is serialized. When one thread # is accessing the storage pool, SP_WAITIME is the number of # seconds another thread will wait before giving up on # its own access. # Default value is 30. #################################################################### SP_AUTOEXPAND 1 SP_THRESHOLD 0 SP_WAITTIME 30 ################################################################### # Default escape character for LIKE/MATCHES parameter ################################################################### # DEFAULTESCCHAR - The default escape character. If not defined, # '\' is used as escape character. Prior to # 11.70, '\' was the default. Acceptable values: # 'NONE' - no default escape character # c - any one-character value # The default defined here may be overriden in a # session using: # SET ENVIRONMENT DEFAULTESCCHAR # and for a specific statement by including the # ESCAPE clause. ################################################################### DEFAULTESCCHAR \ ################################################################### # MQ Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # MQSERVER - Specifies the location of the WebSphere MQ server and # the communication method to be used # MQCHLLIB - Specifies the path to the directory containing the # client channel definition table # MQCHLTAB - Specifies the name of the client channel definition # table #################################################################### #VPCLASS MQ,noyield MQSERVER MQCHLLIB MQCHLTAB ################################################################### # REMOTE_SERVER_CFG - Specifies the name of a file that lists the # remote hosts that are trusted by the computer on which the # database server resides. The file specified must be located in # $INFORMIXDIR/etc. If the configuration parameter is set then the # file specified is used instead of the /etc/hosts.equiv file. # # REMOTE_USERS_CFG - Specifies the name of a file that lists names # of trusted users that exist on remote hosts. The file specified # must be located in $INFORMIXDIR/etc. If the configuration # parameter is set then the file specified is used instead of the # ~/.rhosts file. # # S6_USE_REMOTE_SERVER_CFG - Specifies that the server will use # the value for REMOTE_SERVER_CFG rather than $INFORMIXDIR/etc/hosts.equiv # when using secured ER/HDR connections (i.e. s=6). If set to 0 then # the existing behaviour is used ($INFORMIXDIR/etc/hosts.equiv). If # set to 1 then the value of REMOTE_SERVER_CFG will be used #################################################################### REMOTE_SERVER_CFG REMOTE_USERS_CFG S6_USE_REMOTE_SERVER_CFG 0 #################################################################### # Low Memory Parameter #################################################################### # LOW_MEMORY_RESERVE - the amount of memory reserved for critical # operations like rollback. If these operations fail then it crashes # the Server. Valid range 0 (off) or 128 Kbytes up to 20% the first # virtual segment size. Units are Kbytes. # # The LOW_MEMORY_MGR allows Informix to throttle sessions when the # server is running low on memory. When SHMTOTAL is set, Informix # will attempt to adhere to the memory restriction set by SHMTOTAL. # For all Informix editions other than Ultimate edition, LMM is # on and can't be turned off. Ultimate edition, LMM can be turned off. #################################################################### LOW_MEMORY_RESERVE 0 LOW_MEMORY_MGR 0 ####################################################################### # GSKit Library Version ####################################################################### # GSKIT_VERSION - Specifies which version (7, 8, etc.) of GSKit the # server uses. If the parameter is not set, the server uses the GSKit # version that came in the installation bundle. ####################################################################### GSKIT_VERSION ################################################################### # Java Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # VPCLASS jvp - Configures the Java VP. The format is: # VPCLASS jvp,num=<#>[,max=<#>][,aff=<#>][,noage] # JVPJAVAHOME - The JRE root directory (deprecated) # JVPHOME - The Krakatoa installation directory (deprecated) # JVPPROPFILE - The Java VP property file # JVPLOGFILE - The Java VP log file # JDKVERSION - The version of JDK supported by this server (deprecated) # JVPJAVALIB - The location of the JRE libraries, relative # to JVPJAVAHOME (deprecated) # JVPJAVAVM - The JRE libraries to use for the Java VM (deprecated) # JVPARGS - Configures the Java VM. To display JNI calls, # use JVPARGS -verbose:jni. Separate options with # semicolons. # JVPCLASSPATH - The Java classpath to use. Use krakatoa_g.jar # for debugging. Comment out the JVPCLASSPATH # entry you do not want to use. ################################################################### #VPCLASS jvp,num=1 #JVPJAVAHOME $INFORMIXDIR/extend/krakatoa/jre #JVPHOME $INFORMIXDIR/extend/krakatoa JVPPROPFILE $INFORMIXDIR/extend/krakatoa/.jvpprops JVPLOGFILE $INFORMIXDIR/tmp/jvp.log #JDKVERSION 1.5 #JVPJAVALIB /bin/j9vm #JVPJAVAVM jvm #JVPARGS -verbose:jni JVPARGS #JVPCLASSPATH $INFORMIXDIR/extend/krakatoa/krakatoa_g.jar:$INFORMIXDIR/extend/krakatoa/jdbc_g.jar JVPCLASSPATH $INFORMIXDIR/extend/krakatoa/krakatoa.jar:$INFORMIXDIR/extend/krakatoa/jdbc.jar ################################################################### # Buffer pool and LRU Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # BUFFERPOOL - Specifies the default values for buffers and LRU # queues in each buffer pool. Each page size used # by a dbspace has a buffer pool and needs a # BUFFERPOOL entry. The onconfig.std file contains # two initial entries: a default entry from which # to base new page size entries on, and an entry # for the operating system default page size. # When you add a dbspace with a different page size, # IDS adds a BUFFERPOOL entry to the onconfig file # with values that are the same as the default # BUFFERPOOL entry, except that the default # keyword is replaced by size=Nk, where N is the # new page size. With interval checkpoints, these # values can now be set higher than in previous # versions of IDS in an OLTP environment. # AUTO_LRU_TUNING - Enables (1) or disables (0) automatic tuning of # LRU queues. When this parameter is enabled, IDS # increases the LRU flushing if it cannot find low # priority buffers for number page faults. ################################################################### BUFFERPOOL default,buffers=10000,lrus=8,lru_min_dirty=50.00,lru_max_dirty=60.50 BUFFERPOOL size=2k,buffers=50000,lrus=8,lru_min_dirty=50,lru_max_dirty=60 AUTO_LRU_TUNING 1
#************************************************************************** # # Licensed Material - Property Of IBM # # "Restricted Materials of IBM" # # IBM Informix Dynamic Server # Copyright IBM Corporation 1996, 2011 # # Title: sqlhosts.demo # Description: Default sqlhosts file for running demos. # #************************************************************************** # The connectivity information for each database server includes four fields # of required information and one optional field. You can also configure # database server groups. # # The format for the five fields of connectivity information for a database # server is one line in the UNIX sqlhosts file, as follows: # # <dbservername> <nettype> <hostname> <servicename> <options> # # dbservername is the name of a database server on the network. # # nettype is an 8-character string specifying the protocol in this format: # # ddiiippp # # where # dd = Database product [|ol|on|dr] # iii = Interface type [ipc|soc|tli|sql] # ppp = Protocol [imc|nmp|shm|spx|str|tcp|ssl|mux] # # hostname is the name of the computer where the database server resides. # # servicename is a service name entry from the services file. # # options in the fifth field: # # b=<connection buffer size> # c=<connection redirection> # g=<group name> # i=<group identifier> # e=<end of group> # m=<multiplexed connection> # k=<keep alive setting> # r=<client security setting> # s=<server security setting> # csm=<communication support module> # # To create an entry for a group, put a group name in the dbservername field, # the word group in the nettype field, a hyphen in both the hostname and the # servicename fileds, and i=<group identifier> in the options field. # # For additional information on the parameters, see the IBM Informix # Administrator's Guide. #************************************************************************** # IANA ( assigned port number/service names for Informix: # sqlexec 9088/tcp # sqlexec-ssl 9089/tcp demo_on onipcshm on_hostname on_servername