已知前序是ABCDEFG 中序是CBEDAFG 求二叉树
首先从取前序第1个字母(A) 按此字母把中序分成两段 (CBED) (AFG)
A做根 (CBED)做左子树 (FG)右子树
再按长度把前序后面的部分分成(BCDE) (FG)
已知前序是BCDE 中序是CBED 求二叉树
已经前序是FG 中序是FG 求二叉树
前序 中序 : 根 左子树分解 右子树分解
BCDE CBED : B (C) (C) (ED) (DE)
C C : C
DE ED : D (E) (E)
E E : E
FG FG : F (G) (G)
G G : G
/ B F
/ \ C D G
* rebirth the tree by it's preorder squence and inorder squence.
* struct btnode * Create_Tree(int * PreorderSquen, int * InorderSquen, int SquenLength)
*Input parameter:
* PreorderSquen: an integer pointer, denote the start address of the preorder squence
* InorderSquen: an integer pointer, denote the start address of the inorder squence
* SquenceLength: an integer, denote the length of the squence, namely the number of the tree's node
* a btnode pointer, point the root of the created tree
* the pointers, Preorder and Inorder, shouldn't be null
* also, the two squence should have the same set of nodes
* the value of SquenLength should be bigger than zero
struct btnode
int value;
struct btnode * LeftChild;
struct btnode * RightChild;
struct btnode * Create_Tree(int * PreorderSquen, int * InorderSquen, int SquenLength)
int position_inorder; //save where the head element of preorder squence is in the inoder squence
struct btnode * head; //point the root of the tree
if (SquenLength > 0)
//initialize the new node
head = (struct btnode *)malloc(sizeof(struct btnode));
head->value = *PreorderSquen;
head->LeftChild = NULL;
head->RightChild = NULL;
position_inorder = Find(*PreorderSquen, InorderSquen, SquenLength);
/*here ignore the condition that the function Find return -1*/
head->LeftChild = Create_Tree(PreorderSquen++, InorderSquen, position_inorder);
head->RightChild = Create_Tree((PreorderSquen + position_inorder), (InorderSquen + position_inorder), (SquenceLength - position_inorder));
return head;
return NULL;
//return the element x position in object_squence, from 1 to length
int Find(int x, int * object_squence, int length)
int i;
i = 0;
while ((i < length) && (*(object_squence + i) != x))
if (i < length)
return (i+1);
return -1;
首先从取前序第1个字母(A) 按此字母把中序分成两段 (CBED) (AFG)
A做根 (CBED)做左子树 (FG)右子树
再按长度把前序后面的部分分成(BCDE) (FG)
已知前序是BCDE 中序是CBED 求二叉树
已经前序是FG 中序是FG 求二叉树
前序 中序 : 根 左子树分解 右子树分解
BCDE CBED : B (C) (C) (ED) (DE)
C C : C
DE ED : D (E) (E)
E E : E
FG FG : F (G) (G)
G G : G
/ B F
/ \ C D G
* rebirth the tree by it's preorder squence and inorder squence.
* struct btnode * Create_Tree(int * PreorderSquen, int * InorderSquen, int SquenLength)
*Input parameter:
* PreorderSquen: an integer pointer, denote the start address of the preorder squence
* InorderSquen: an integer pointer, denote the start address of the inorder squence
* SquenceLength: an integer, denote the length of the squence, namely the number of the tree's node
* a btnode pointer, point the root of the created tree
* the pointers, Preorder and Inorder, shouldn't be null
* also, the two squence should have the same set of nodes
* the value of SquenLength should be bigger than zero
struct btnode
int value;
struct btnode * LeftChild;
struct btnode * RightChild;
struct btnode * Create_Tree(int * PreorderSquen, int * InorderSquen, int SquenLength)
int position_inorder; //save where the head element of preorder squence is in the inoder squence
struct btnode * head; //point the root of the tree
if (SquenLength > 0)
//initialize the new node
head = (struct btnode *)malloc(sizeof(struct btnode));
head->value = *PreorderSquen;
head->LeftChild = NULL;
head->RightChild = NULL;
position_inorder = Find(*PreorderSquen, InorderSquen, SquenLength);
/*here ignore the condition that the function Find return -1*/
head->LeftChild = Create_Tree(PreorderSquen++, InorderSquen, position_inorder);
head->RightChild = Create_Tree((PreorderSquen + position_inorder), (InorderSquen + position_inorder), (SquenceLength - position_inorder));
return head;
return NULL;
//return the element x position in object_squence, from 1 to length
int Find(int x, int * object_squence, int length)
int i;
i = 0;
while ((i < length) && (*(object_squence + i) != x))
if (i < length)
return (i+1);
return -1;