2-5. 循环和数字。
#coding = utf-8 n = 0 while n < 11: print n n += 1
如果想让输出在同一行,则需要在print n之后加上逗号,为以下代码:
#coding = utf-8 n = 0 while n < 11: print n, n += 1
#coding = utf-8 #while n = 0 while n in range(0, 11): print n, n += 1 print '\n' #for for b in range(0, 11): print b,
2-6 条件判断。判断一个数是正数,还是负数,或者是0。开始先用固定的数值,然后修改你的代码支持用户输入数值再进行判断。
#coding=utf-8 n = 123 if n < 0: print 'fushu' elif n > 0: print 'zhengshu' else: print 'zero' num = raw_input('Please enter a number>>') try: num = int(num) if num < 0: print 'fushu' elif num > 0: print 'zhengshu' else: print 'zero' except: print 'Please enter the number, not string or others.'
2-7 循环和字串。从用户那里接受一个字符串输入,然后逐字符显示该字符串。先用while循环实现,然后再用for循环实现。
#coding=utf-8 string = raw_input('Please enter a string>>') n = 0 while n < len(string): print string[n], n += 1 print '\n' for letter in string: print letter,
2-8 循环和操作符。创建一个包含五个固定数值的列表或元组,输出他们的和。然后修改你的代码为接受用户输入数值。分别使用while和for循环实现。
#coding=utf-8 li = [1, 2, 5, 7, 12] #while total = 0 n = 0 while n < len(li): total += li[n] n += 1 print total #for total = 0 for num in li: total += num; print total
#coding=utf-8 li = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] #while total = 0 n = 0 while n < len(li): li[n] = raw_input('Enter No.%d>>' %n) total += int(li[n]) n += 1 print total #for total = 0 for num in li: num = raw_input('Enter>>') total += int(num) print total
#coding=utf-8 li = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] #while total = 0 n = 0 while n < len(li): while 1: li[n] = raw_input('enter no.%d>>' %n) try: li[n] = int(li[n]) break except: print 'Please enter a number.' total += int(li[n]) n += 1 print total #for total = 0 for num in li: while 1: num = raw_input('Enter>>') try: num = int(num) break except: print 'Please enter a number.' total += int(num) print total
2-9 循环和操作符。创建一个包含五个固定数值的列表或元组,输出他们的平均值。本练习的难点之一使通过除法得到平均值。你会发现整型除会截去小数,因此你必须使用浮点除以得到更精确的结果。float()内建函数可以帮助你实现这一功能。
#coding=utf-8 a = (2, 4, 6, 9, 11) total = 0 for n in a: total += n total = float(total) print total / 5
1 #coding=utf-8 2 a = (2, 4, 6, 9, 11) 3 total = 0 4 for n in a: 5 total += n 6 7 print float(total / 5)
2-10 带文本菜单的程序写一个带文本菜单的程序,菜单项如下:(1)取五个数的和;(2)取五个数的平均值...(X)退出。由用户做一个选择,然后执行相应的功能。当用户选择退出时程序结束。这个程序的有用之处在于用户在功能之间切换不需要一遍一遍地重新启动你的脚本(这对开发人员测试自己的程序程序也大有好处)。
#coding=utf-8 def sum_num(li): total = 0 for n in li: total += n return total def ave_num(li): total = 0 for n in li: total += n total = float(total) return total / 5 a = [3, 9, 11, 5, 14] print 'Hi, that are three choice here: <1> show the sum of 5 numbers. <2> show the average of 5 numbers. <3> exit.' while 1: choice = raw_input('Please enter the number of choice>>') if choice == '1': print sum_num(a) elif choice == '2': print ave_num(a) elif choice == '3': break else: print 'Enter errors.'
2-11 ~ 2-14题目没写,可以看这个文章:
2-15 元素排序。
#coding=utf-8 a = raw_input('Enter the valure of "a">>') b = raw_input('Enter the valure of "b">>') c = raw_input('Enter the valure of "c">>') a = int(a) b = int(b) c = int(c) if a > b: n = a a = b b = n if a > c: n = a a = c c = n if b > c: n = b b = c c = n print a, b, c
刚看了下一章3.2.4中多元赋值的方法,python真是太简洁了,b, a = a, b就能表示a和b替换过了,下面是代码:
#coding=utf-8 a = raw_input('Enter the valure of "a">>') b = raw_input('Enter the valure of "b">>') c = raw_input('Enter the valure of "c">>') a = int(a) b = int(b) c = int(c) if a > b: a, b = b, a if a > c: a, c = c, a if b > c: b, c = c, b print a, b, c
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