序号 | 模型 | 文章 |
1 | AlexNet | ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks |
2 | VGG | Very deep convolutional networks for large-scale image recognition——"用于大规模图像识别的深度卷积网络" |
3 | GoogleNet | Going Deeper wit1. h Convolutions——"深入了解卷积" |
4 | TCN | An Empirical Evaluation of Generic Convolutional and Recurrent Networks for Sequence Modeling |
5 | FPN | Feature Pyramid Networks for Object Detection |
序号 | 类别 | 来源 | 文章 |
1 | 锚+分类 | IEEE.PAMI | Ultra Fast Deep Lane Detection with Hybrid Anchor Driven Ordinal Classification——"混合Anchor驱动顺序分类的超快深车道检测" |
2 | 实例分割+无锚 | IEEE.Intelligent vehicles | Adaptive Multi-Lane Detection Based on Robust Instance Segmentation for Intelligent Vehicles——“基于鲁棒实例分割的智能车辆自适应多车道检测” |
3 | 相机+分类+端到端 | 2016 IEEE Conference.CVPRW | DeepLanes: End-To-End Lane Position Estimation using Deep Neural Networks——DeepLanes:使用深度神经网络的端到端车道位置估计 |
4 | anchor-based(Lane Prior) | CVPR.2022 | CLRNet: Cross Layer Refinement Network for Lane Detection |
5 |
序号 | 类别 | 来源 | 文章 |
1 | 交叉注意力机制 | IEEE.PAMI | CCNet: Criss-Cross Attention for Semantic Segmentation——"语义分割的交叉关注" |
2 | IEEE.PAMI | ADPL: Adaptive Dual Path Learning for Domain Adaptation of Semantic Segmentation——"语义分割领域自适应的自适应双路径学习" | |
3 | 综述 | \ | Review on Semantic Segmentation |
序号 | 类别 | 来源 | 文章 |
1 | 基于实例位置和大小的分割 | TPAMI | SOLO:A Simple Framework for Instance Segmentation |
序号 | 类别 | 来源 | 文章 |
1 | 时域动作分割 | IEEE TPAMI | MS-TCN++: Multi-Stage Temporal Convolutional Network for Action Segmentation |
序号 | 关键字 | 来源 | 文章 |
1 | 显着目标检测、特征聚合、全局引导、池化技术、移动应用 | CVPR(2017) | PoolNet+: Exploring the Potential of Pooling for Salient Object Detection |