
linux ubuntu android SDK安装

2010-07-29 12:08  Alex77Lee  阅读(22174)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

1.下载android sdk 
2.下载eclipse 3.4.2 
按官方文档说,android sdk 可以运行在eclipse 3.3以上的IDE中,ubuntu源中的eclipse版本过低,建议使用eclipse 3.4.2,其下载地址为: 
3.安装eclipse 3.4.2 
$tar xzvf eclipse-SDK-3.4.2-linux-gtk.tar.gz 
$sudo mv eclipse /usr/local/ 
4.安装android sdk 
解压android sdk包: 
$unzip android-sdk-linux_x86-1.5_r2.zip 
$mv android-sdk-linux_x86-1.5_r2 android-sdk 
$sudo mv android-sdk /usr/local/ 
修改~/.bashrc文件,加入android sdk与eclipse的环境变量。 
$vi ~/.bashrc 
export PATH=/usr/local/android-sdk/tools:/usr/local/eclipse:$PATH 
$source ~/.bashrc 
6.android avd配置信息的生成 
android avd的创建格式为:android create avd -n your-avd-name -t your-targets 
其中:-n的参数为我们要创建的avd的名字;-t的参数为Available Android targets的id,我们可以使用命令:android list查寻其具体信息。 
$android list 


Available Android targets: 
id: 1 
     Name: Android 1.1 
     Type: Platform 
     API level: 2 
     Skins: HVGA-P, HVGA (default), QVGA-P, HVGA-L, QVGA-L 
id: 2 
     Name: Android 1.5 
     Type: Platform 
     API level: 3 
     Skins: HVGA-P, HVGA (default), QVGA-P, HVGA-L, QVGA-L 
id: 3 
     Name: Google APIs 
     Type: Add-On 
     Vendor: Google Inc. 
     Description: Android + Google APIs 
     Based on Android 1.5 (API level 3) 
      * com.google.android.maps (maps.jar) 
          API for Google Maps 
     Skins: QVGA-P, HVGA-L, HVGA (default), QVGA-L, HVGA-P 
Available Android Virtual Devices: 

下面我们就以创建一个android 1.5的avd为例: 

$android create avd -n android-sdk-15 -t 2 

Android 1.5 is a basic Android platform. 
Do you wish to create a custom hardware profile [no]yes 

Device ram size: The amount of physical RAM on the device, in megabytes. 
hw.ramSize [96]:128 

Touch-screen support: Whether there is a touch screen or not on the device. 
hw.touchScreen [yes]:yes 

Track-ball support: Whether there is a trackball on the device. 
hw.trackBall [yes]:yes 

Keyboard support: Whether the device has a QWERTY keyboard. 
hw.keyboard [yes]:yes 

DPad support: Whether the device has DPad keys 
hw.dPad [yes]:yes 

GSM modem support: Whether there is a GSM modem in the device. 
hw.gsmModem [yes]:yes 

Camera support: Whether the device has a camera. 
hw.camera [no]: 

Camera support: Whether the device has a camera. 
hw.camera [no]:yes 

Maximum horizontal camera pixels 
hw.camera.maxHorizontalPixels [640]:854 

Maximum vertical camera pixels 
hw.camera.maxVerticalPixels [480]:480 

GPS support: Whether there is a GPS in the device. 
hw.gps [yes]:yes 

Battery support: Whether the device can run on a battery. 
hw.battery [yes]:yes 

Accelerometer: Whether there is an accelerometer in the device. 
hw.accelerometer [yes]:yes 

Audio recording support: Whether the device can record audio 
hw.audioInput [yes]:yes 

Audio playback support: Whether the device can play audio 
hw.audioOutput [yes]:yes 

SD Card support: Whether the device supports insertion/removal of virtual SD Cards. 
hw.sdCard [yes]:yes 

Cache partition support: Whether we use a /cache partition on the device. 
disk.cachePartition [yes]:yes 

Cache partition size 
disk.cachePartition.size [66MB]:100MB 

Created AVD ''android-sdk-15'' based on Android 1.5 

这样我们就创建了一个基于1.5的avd,上面的具体意思我想大家都能看懂,就不多说了。下在我们就可以测试一下android emulator了: 

$emulator @android-sdk-15 -show-kernel 

这样就可以启动android emulator了: 

加入参数-show-kernel是为了在终端上打印android kernel的信息。




因为初使androidSDK的時候是需要更sdk 的,这時你的权限并不是 root所以无法用androidSDK自帶的更新器.

所以,最好androidSDK不要放到usr/local里面去 .

*如果用sudo去执行 android update sdk命令,应该就不会出现 权限问题了吧,(没有实验过)