摘要:Using PyMuPDF (MuPDF) First, we need to install the PyMuPDF library: pip install pymupdf Then, we can use the following code to extract text from a PD
摘要:In Python's regular expressions, (.*?) is a capturing group with a non-greedy quantifier. Let's break down the components: ( and ): Parentheses are us
摘要:ref: Python RegEx A RegEx, or Regular Expression, is a sequence of characters that forms a search pattern. RegEx can be used to check if a string cont
摘要:Here is the problem, this unstructured table of a PDF file can not be extrcted as a table directly. We can only extract the whole texts of every page.
摘要:If your PDF tables have cells with multiple lines, and you want to merge those lines within the same cell when extracting the table, you might need a
摘要:To batch rename columns in a Pandas DataFrame, we can use the rename method. Here is an example: import pandas as pd # Sample DataFrame data = {"ID":
摘要:To add a new row to a Pandas DataFrame, we can use the append method or the loc indexer. Here are examples of both methods: Using append method: impor
摘要:To replace a string in all cells of a Pandas DataFrame, we can use the str.replace() method, which allows us to perform string replacements on each el
摘要:To extract tables from a PDF in Python, we can use several libraries. One popular choice is the tabula-py library, which is a Python wrapper for Apach
摘要:To convert a GeoJSON file to a Shapefile in Python, you can use the geopandas library, which provides convenient tools for working with geospatial dat
摘要:To read PDFs in Python, you can use a library called PyPDF2. Here's a simple example to get you started: Install PyPDF2: pip install PyPDF2 Use the li
摘要:The re module in Python is used for regular expressions. It provides a set of functions that allows us to search a string for a match, replace substri
摘要:To create a progress bar in Python, you can use the tqdm library, which is a popular library for adding progress bars to your loops. If you haven't in
摘要:ref: arcpy.management.MakeFeatureLayer(in_features, out_layer, {where_clause}, {workspace}, {field_info}) ref: arcpy.management.SelectLayerByAttribute
摘要:Geopandas is a Python library that makes working with geospatial data easier by extending the data manipulation capabilities of pandas to spatial data
摘要:In arcpy, you can combine different shapefiles and remove duplicate features using the arcpy.management.Merge tool and the arcpy.management.DeleteIden
摘要:In GeoPandas, you can save a GeoDataFrame as a Shapefile using the to_file method. Here's how to do it: import geopandas as gpd # Create or load a Geo
摘要:ref: Getting Started With Python Programming (QGIS3) ref: 1.4.1. Using PyQGIS in standalone scripts
摘要:ref: The Edit with IDLE and Run with ArcGIS Pro options are not available in the context menu when right-clicking Python files Description In some ins
摘要:In ArcPy, you can get the geometry of a feature from a shapefile using the SearchCursor or UpdateCursor and the SHAPE@ token to access the geometry of
摘要:In ArcPy, you can get the extent of a shapefile using the Describe function and the extent property. Here's how you can do it: import arcpy # Set the
摘要:The script is as follows: arcpy.analysis.Buffer("siteboundary.shp","siteboundary1.shp","-5 Centimeters","FULL","ROUND","NONE",None,"GEODESIC") arcpy.m
摘要:The general idea is as follows: aprx -> layout -> map -> layer -> extent layout -> setExtent layout -> exportToPDF The script is as follows: def expor
摘要:ref: strftime() and strptime() Format Codes The following is a list of all the format codes that the 1989 C standard requires, and these work on all p