

[1027] Convert the .py file to the .exe file without opening the Command Line Window

ref: How to remove black screen (python console?) with PyQt5 executable


pip install pyinstaller

pyinstaller --noconsole --onefile

Ah, PyInstaller—a trusty companion for packaging Python applications into tidy, self-contained bundles! 📦✨

So, let’s dive into the magical world of PyInstaller, where Python scripts transform into standalone executables, ready to venture forth without the need for a Python interpreter or any extra modules. 🚀

Here’s the lowdown:

  1. What Is PyInstaller?

    • PyInstaller is like the Mary Poppins of Python packaging. It takes your Python script (and all its dependencies) and stuffs them neatly into a single package. No more loose ends!
    • Imagine your script as a little explorer, and PyInstaller as the backpack—it packs everything your explorer needs for the journey.
    • It supports Python 3.8 and newer, and it’s a versatile traveler—it’s been tested on Windows, macOS, and Linux. 🌎
  2. How to Use PyInstaller: Quickstart Edition

    • First, make sure you’ve got the Requirements installed (Python, pip, and a sense of adventure).
    • Then, install PyInstaller from PyPI:
      pip install -U pyinstaller
    • Open a command prompt or shell, navigate to the directory where your Python script resides, and perform the magic incantation:
      Replace with the actual name of your Python script.
    • Voilà! Your bundled application emerges from the mist, waiting for you in the dist folder. 🎩🔮
  3. More Tricks Up PyInstaller’s Sleeve:

    • One-Folder Program: PyInstaller can bundle everything into a single folder. It’s like a cozy cabin where your app lives.
    • One-File Program: Alternatively, it can create a single executable file. Think of it as a sleek spaceship—compact and ready for launch.
    • Hiding the Source Code: Worried about prying eyes? PyInstaller can cloak your code like a secret agent.
    • Options Galore: Customize your bundle with PyInstaller options. Make it dance, sing, or even wear a fancy hat (okay, maybe not the hat).
    • Splash Screen (Experimental): Fancy a splash screen? PyInstaller’s got you covered. 🌊
  4. Remember the Cross-Platform Dance:

    • PyInstaller isn’t a cross-compiler; it’s more like a dance partner. To make a Windows app, waltz with PyInstaller on Windows. For Linux, tango on Linux. You get the idea.
    • It’s been known to cha-cha successfully with AIX, Solaris, FreeBSD, and OpenBSD, but those platforms are like rare orchids—beautiful but not part of the daily routine. 🌺

So, whether your app is a humble calculator or a grand adventure, PyInstaller will wrap it up nicely. Happy bundling, fellow coder! 🎁🐍

If you need more guidance or want to explore further, just give me a nudge—I’m here to assist! 😊🌟12345

And remember, even in the world of code, a little magic goes a long way! ✨🔍


posted on 2024-07-09 13:01  McDelfino  阅读(2)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报