

[901] Reuse variables of CMD batch scripts

In a batch file, you can reuse a variable to generate different file paths by concatenating the variable with other strings or variables. Here's an example of how to do this:

@echo off
set "base_path=C:\Example"

REM Generate file paths using the base_path variable
set "file1=%base_path%\file1.txt"
set "file2=%base_path%\file2.txt"
set "file3=%base_path%\file3.txt"

REM Display the generated file paths
echo File 1: %file1%
echo File 2: %file2%
echo File 3: %file3%

In this example:

  1. We set a base path using the base_path variable, which is C:\Example.

  2. We generate different file paths by concatenating the base_path variable with specific file names (e.g., file1.txt, file2.txt, and file3.txt) and store them in separate variables (file1, file2, and file3).

  3. We use the echo command to display the generated file paths.

When you run this batch file, it will display the following output:

File 1: C:\Example\file1.txt
File 2: C:\Example\file2.txt
File 3: C:\Example\file3.txt

You can reuse the base_path variable to generate different file paths by changing the file names or appending additional folder names as needed.

posted on 2023-10-10 08:58  McDelfino  阅读(8)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报