

[882] ArcGIS Pro - Spatial Join

My question:
In ArcGIS Pro, there are two polygon layers, and I would like to compare if those polygons overlay with each other in different layers. How to implement it?
ChatGPT's answer:

In ArcGIS Pro, you can compare if two polygon layers overlay with each other using various spatial analysis tools and methods. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

  1. Open ArcGIS Pro: Launch ArcGIS Pro and open the project containing the two polygon layers you want to compare.

  2. Add the Layers to Your Map:

    • Ensure that both polygon layers are added to your map. If they are not already added, you can add them by going to the "Map" tab and using the "Add Data" button.
  3. Ensure a Common Coordinate System:

    • Make sure that both layers have the same coordinate system. Layers with different coordinate systems may not overlay correctly.
  4. Use the "Spatial Join" Tool:

    • The "Spatial Join" tool can help you compare and analyze the overlay of two polygon layers. To access this tool, go to the "Analysis" tab and open the "Tools" pane.

    • In the "Tools" pane, search for "Spatial Join" and select it.

    • Configure the tool by specifying the following:

      • Target Features: Choose the first polygon layer that you want to analyze.
      • Join Features: Select the second polygon layer that you want to compare.
      • Join Type: Choose an appropriate join type based on your analysis needs. For comparing overlay, you can use options like "Intersect" or "Within."
    • Configure other options as needed, such as field mapping and output location.

    • Run the tool. This will create a new output layer that contains the attributes of both input layers, including information about how they overlay.

  5. Review the Results:

    • Once the "Spatial Join" tool completes, you can examine the output layer. It will contain attributes that indicate the nature of the overlay, such as which polygons from one layer intersect with or are within polygons from the other layer.
  6. Symbolize and Analyze the Results:

    • Symbolize the output layer based on the attributes that represent the overlay relationships to visually identify areas of overlap or containment.
  7. Further Analysis:

    • You can perform additional analysis or calculations on the results, such as calculating areas of overlap or summarizing attributes within overlapping areas, depending on your specific requirements.

By using the "Spatial Join" tool in ArcGIS Pro, you can compare and analyze the overlay relationships between two polygon layers, gaining insights into how they spatially interact with each other.


Final results of this method:

posted on 2023-09-21 09:53  McDelfino  阅读(35)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报