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【026】◀▶ ArcObjects 类库(三)

ArcObjects 类库(三)


●·● 目录:

esriSystem 命名空间

A1 ………… IObjectCopy 接口
A2 ………… IArray 接口
A3 ………… IClone 接口
A4 ………… IFeatureCursor 接口
A5 ………… IFeature 接口

Framework 命名空间

G1 ………… IStyleSelector 接口
G2 ………… IComPropertySheet 接口
G3 ………… IComPropertyPage2 接口
G4 ………… ILayer 接口

SystemUI 命名空间

U1 ………… ICommand 接口
U2 ………… ITool 接口
U3 ………… IMap 接口
U4 ………… ILayer 接口

stdole 命名空间

X1 ………… IFontDisp 接口
X2 ………… Font 接口
X2 ………… IPictureDisp 接口


●·● esriSystem 命名空间

1. 该类库提供了统一的接口来访问空间数据,使用频率非常高的接口 IFeatureClass、ITable、IQueryFilter 等接口都是位于该类库中。用户在打开要素类、打开表、查询数据、读取数据、更新数据时都需要引用此类库。下图描述了表格、要素类、字段等对象之间的关系。


╠════╣    第A1个    ╠══════════════════════════════════════════════════╣

●·● IObjectCopy 接口

1. Provides access to members to copy objects by value. The object must support IPersistStream to be copied.

  Provides a mechanism['mekənizəm]【机制、原理】 to duplicate['dju:plikət, 'dju:plikeit]【副本、复制品】 an object using an objects persistence[pə'sistəns, -'zis-]【存留】 mechanism (IPersistStream). The objects state is written to a temporary stream and then "rehydrated" from that stream into a new instance of the object. This process is also known as a deep clone as an object will also duplicate all sub objects that it contains. Even if the object supports IClone, you may still want to use ObjectCopy since it does a full copy or 'deep clone' of the object.

  CoClasses that implement IObjectCopy

CoClasses and ClassesDescription
ObjectCopy CoClass to copy objects by value.

2. 属性和方法:

Method Copy
(object pInObject)
Obtains a new object which is a copy of the input object.
Method Overwrite
(object pInObject, ref object pOverwriteObject)
Overwrites the object with the contents of input object.
IObjectCopy objectCopy = new ObjectCopy();  
object InPage = objectCopy.Copy(axMapControl1.Map);
object ToPage = axPageLayoutControl1.ActiveView.FocusMap;
objectCopy.Overwrite(InPage, ref ToPage);



╠════╣    第A2个    ╠══════════════════════════════════════════════════╣

●·● IArray 接口

1. Provides access to members that control a simple array of objects.

  An Array object is used to hold an indexed collection of generic objects. The Array uses a zero-based index.

  CoClasses that implement IArray

CoClasses and ClassesDescription
Array Generic array of objects.
EnumGPEnvironment (esriGeoprocessing) Enumeration of multiple geoprocessing environment objects.
EnumGPName (esriGeoprocessing) Enumeration of multiple geoprocessing name objects.
TxMaps (esriTrackingAnalyst) TxMaps is a container class that holds a list or array of objects implementing IMap.

2. 属性和方法:

Method Add Adds an object to the array.
Read-only property Count The element count of the array.
Read-only property Element
属性:Element[int index]
方法:get_Element(int index)
Searches for the object in the array.
IArray arrayMap = axMapControl1.ReadMxMaps(filePath, Type.Missing);  //获取数组
int i;
IMap map;  //一个map相当于一个框架
for (i = 0; i < arrayMap.Count; i++)  //遍历所有的框架
map = arrayMap.get_Element(i) as IMap;  //用数组中的元素赋值
if (map.Name == "China")  //判断这个框架的名称,是China才会加载,并退出循环
axMapControl1.MousePointer = esriControlsMousePointer.esriPointerHourglass;
axMapControl1.MousePointer = esriControlsMousePointer.esriPointerDefault;
Method Insert Adds an object to the array at the specified index.
Method Remove Removes an object from the array.
Method RemoveAll Removes all objects from the array.


╠════╣    第A3个    ╠══════════════════════════════════════════════════╣

●·● IClone 接口

1. Provides access to members that control cloning of objects.


Method Assign Assigns the properties of src to the receiver.
Method Clone Clones the receiver and assigns the result to *clone.
Method IsEqual Indicates if the receiver and other have the same properties.
Method IsIdentical Indicates if the receiver and other are the same object.



●·● Framework 命名空间

1. The Framework library provides core components to support user interface components and applications.


╠════╣    第G1个    ╠══════════════════════════════════════════════════╣

●·● IStyleSelector 接口

1. Provides access to members that work with the style selector dialog.

  CoClasses that implement IStyleSelector

CoClasses and ClassesDescription
BackgroundSelector (esriCartoUI) Background style selector.
BorderSelector (esriCartoUI) Border style selector.
HatchStyleSelector (esriLocationUI) Style selector for hatches.
LabelStyleSelector (esriCartoUI) Style selector for labels.
LegendItemSelector (esriCartoUI) Style selector for legend items.
MapGridSelector (esriCartoUI) Style selector for map grids.
MaplexLabelStyleSelector (esriCartoUI) Style selector for Maplex labels.
NorthArrowSelector (esriCartoUI) Style selector for north arrows.
RepresentationMarkerSelector (esriEditor) Style selector for representation markers.
RepresentationRuleSelector (esriEditor) Style selector for representation rules.
ScaleBarSelector (esriCartoUI) Style selector for scalebars.
ScaleTextSelector (esriCartoUI) Style selector for scale text.
ShadowSelector (esriCartoUI) Shadow style selector.
VectorizationStyleSelector (esriArcScan) Style selector for vectorization.

2. 属性和方法:

Method AddStyle Specifies the original style. May specify more than one.
Method DoModal
(int parentHWnd)
Shows the style selector dialog.
每个控件都有 HWnd 属相,返回一个特殊的 int 值!
Method GetStyle Returns the updated style. Index is required when more than one style was originally added.


╠════╣    第G2个    ╠══════════════════════════════════════════════════╣

●·● IComPropertySheet 接口

1. Provides access to members that work with a COM property sheet.


Read/write property ActivePage The zero-based index of the page that is active.
Method AddCategoryID Adds a new Category ID used to look up COM property pages.
Method AddPage Manually adds a page to the property sheet. Page must implement IComPropertyPage or IPropertyPage.
Method CanEdit Indicates if this object can edit the given set of objects.
Method ClearCategoryIDs Clears the category IDs used to look up COM property pages.
Read/write property DisableCancelButton Indicates if the Cancel button is disabled on the property sheet.
Method EditProperties Displays a property sheet for the given set of objects and returns a flag indicating if the objects changed.
Read/write property HideApplyButton Indicates if the Apply button is visible on the property sheet.
Read/write property HideHelpButton Indicates if the Help button is visible on the property sheet.
Read/write property Title The title of the property sheet.


  CoClasses that implement IComPropertySheet

CoClasses and ClassesDescription
ComPropertySheet COM Property Sheet Object.



╠════╣    第G3个    ╠══════════════════════════════════════════════════╣

●·● IComPropertyPage2 接口

1. Provides access to members that control a COM property page.


Method Activate Occurs on page creation. Return the hWnd of the page here.
Method Applies Indicates if the page applies to the specified objects.
Method Apply Applies any changes to the object(s).
Method Cancel Cancels the changes to the object(s).
Method Deactivate Destroys the page.
Read-only property Height The height of the page in pixels.
Read-only property HelpContextID The help context ID for the specified control on the page.
Read-only property HelpFile The help file name for the page.
Method Hide Hides the page.
Read-only property IsPageDirty Indicates if the page made any changes to the object(s).
Write-only property PageSite The sheet that contains the page.
Read/write property Priority The page priority. The higher the priority, the sooner the page appears in the containing property sheet.
Method QueryCancel Returns VARIANT_FALSE to prevent the cancel operation or VARIANT_TRUE to allow it.
Method SetObjects Supplies the page with the object(s) to be edited.
Method Show Shows the page.
Read/write property Title The title of the property page.
Read-only property Width The width of the page in pixels.

CoClasses that implement IComPropertyPage2

CoClasses and Classes Description
AAPDriverPrinterPropertyPage (esriOutputExtensionsUI) Advanced ArcPress Printer Driver Property Page.
AddAGSConnectionPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI AGS Server user connection general property page.
AddAGSFolderPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI AGS Server user connection folders property page.
AddAGSServerPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI AGS Server admin connection general property page.
AdvancedTextPropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with Advanced Text.
AGSCachingPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI AGS Caching property page.
AGSCapabilityPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI AGS Service Capability property page.
AGSGeneralPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI AGS Object Configuration general property page.
AGSGeocodeParameterPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI AGS Geocode Parameter property page.
AGSGeoDataServerParameterPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI AGS GeoDataServer Parameter property page.
AGSGeometryParameterPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI AGS Geometry Parameter property page.
AGSGeoprocessingParameterPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI AGS Geoprocessing Parameter property page.
AGSGlobeParameterPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI AGS Globe Parameters property page.
AGSImageParameterPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI AGS Image Service Parameter property page.
AGSMapParameterPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI AGS Map Parameters property page.
AGSNewCachingPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI AGS Caching property page.
AGSParameterPagesContainer (esriCatalogUI) ESRI AGS Server Parameter Pages Container.
AGSPoolingPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI AGS Pooling property page.
AGSProcessPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI AGS Process property page.
AGSServerDirsPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI AGS Server Directories property page.
AGSServerGeneralPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI AGS Server General property page.
AGSServerHostsPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI AGS Server Hosts property page.
AGSServerStatisticsPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI AGS Server Statistics property page.
AGSServerTypesPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI AGS Server Types property page.
AGSSOEPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI AGS Server Object Extensions property page.
AlgorithmicColorRampPropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) Defines property page for the algorithmic color ramp.
AnglePropertyPage Angle Format Property Page.
AnnoDisplayPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for managing display properties of annotation.
AnnoLabelClassesPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for managing label classes in annotation layers.
AnnoLEPropsConflictPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) A label engine layer properties conflict detection property page.
AnnoLEPropsExpressionPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) A label engine layer properties expression property page.
AnnoLEPropsPlacementPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) A label engine layer properties placement property page.
AnnoPlacementPropertyPluginPage (esriCartoUI) An annotation placement properties page designed to be plugged into a host dialog.
AnnoSymbologyPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for managing symbology in annotation layers.
AnnotationClassesFLPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for managing annotation extension properties for feature linked annotation layers.
AnnotationClassesPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for managing annotation extension properties for non-feature linked annotation layers.
AnnotationClassPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for managing annotation extension properties for graphics layers.
AnnotationSublayerInfoPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Annotation sublayer properties page.
AreaGraphicPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Area graphic element property page.
ArrowMarkerPropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with Arrow Marker.
BalloonCalloutPropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with Balloon Callout.
BarChartPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Bar charts' layer symbology option.
BarChartSymbolPropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with BarChartSymbol objects.
BiUniqueValuePropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Quantity by category' layer symbology option.
CadastralFabricLayerHistoryPropPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for managing cadastral fabric layer history properties.
CadUniqueValuePropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Cad fields' layer symbology option.
CalibratedBorderPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for calibrated grid borders.
CartographicLinePropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with Cartographic Line.
CFAssociationsPage (esriCartoUI) Cadastral fabric associations property page.
CFGeneralPage (esriCartoUI) Cadastral fabric general property page.
CFSourcePage (esriCartoUI) Cadastral Fabric Source property page.
CFSubClassesPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for cadastral fabric sub classes.
CharacterMarkerPropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with Character Marker.
CmykPropertyPage ESRI custom color dialog CMYK page.
ColorCorrectionPropertyPage (esriOutputUI) PostScript Color Correction Property Page.
ColorNamePropertyPage ESRI custom color dialog ColorName page.
ColorTuningPropertyPage (esriOutputExtensionsUI) AdvancedArcPress Color Adjuster Property Page.
ColumnAndMarginPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for Columns and Margins.
CombiUniqueValuePropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Unique values based on many fields' layer symbology option.
CoordSysDetailsPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI Coordinate System Details Page.
CornerLabelPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for corner grid labels.
CovAnnoFontPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Coverage annotation layer property page for fonts.
CovAnnoLevelPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Coverage annotation layer property page for levels.
CovFCGeneralPage (esriCatalogUI) Coverage Featureclass General Property Page.
CovGeneralPage (esriCatalogUI) Coverage General Property Page.
CovProjectPage (esriCatalogUI) Coverage Projection and Extent Property Page.
CurrencyPropertyPage Currency Format Property Page.
CustomPropertyPage Custom Number Format Property Page.
DataConnectionPropertyPage (esriArcMapUI) Data Connection Property Page.
DataExclusionPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Data exclusion property page for working with legend properties.
DataExclusionQueryPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Data exclusion property page for working with query properties.
DataSamplingPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Data sampling property page.
DataViewPropertyPage (esriArcMapUI) Property page for Data view properties.
DibExporterPropertyPage (esriOutputUI) DIB (Device Independant Bitmap) Exporter Property Page.
DimensionPropertyPage (esriEditor) A property page for modifying the properties of dimension feature classes.
DirectionPropertyPage Direction Format Property Page.
DisplayStringPropPage (esriCartoUI) Simple property page for Display String manipulation.
DmsLabelPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for DMS grid labels.
DocumentPropertyPage (esriArcMapUI) Property page for Document general properties.
DomainsPropertyPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI workspace domains property page.
EmfExporterPropertyPage (esriOutputUI) EMF (Windows Enhanced Metafile) Exporter Property Page.
FeatDSNamePage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI Feature Dataset Name Page.
FeatDSSpaRefPage (esriCatalogUI) Feature Dataset Spatial Reference Property Page.
FeatureAdjustmentAssociationPage (esriCartoUI) Cadastral Feature Adjustment Association Page.
FeatureClassRepresentationsPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI feature class representations page.
FeatureLayerDisplayPropertyPage (esriCartoUI)
Property page for managing a feature layer's display properties.
FeatureLayerHTMLPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for managing a feature layer's HTML popup properties.
FeatureLayerSelectionPropertyPage (esriCartoUI)
Property page for managing selection properties for a feature layer.
FeatureLayerSourcePropertyPage (esriCartoUI)
Property page for managing a feature layer's source.
FillPropertiesPropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with Fills.
FillShapeElementPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Fill Shape graphic element property page.
FontMappingPropertyPage (esriOutputUI) Font Mapping Property Page.
FormattedTextPropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with Formatted Text.
FractionPropertyPage Fraction Format Property Page.
FramePropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for frames.
GeneralCOPropertyPage (esriGeoDatabaseDistributedUI) A dialog for setting the properties of a check-out.
GeneralDatabaseServerPropertyPage (esriCatalogUI) The general geodatabase property page.
GeneralGDBPropertyPage (esriGeoDatabaseDistributedUI) The general geodatabase property page.
GeneralLayerPropPage (esriCartoUI)
General property page for managing layer properties.
GeneralLegendItemPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for managing general legend item properties.
GeneralRelationshipClassPropertyPage (esriCatalogUI) General Relationship Class Property Page.
GeoDataServerObjectPropPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI ArcGIS Server GeoData Server Object property page.
GeoDBAdminPropertyPage (esriCatalogUI) The Geodatabase Administration property page.
GeographicCoordSysPropPage (esriCatalogUI) Geographic Coordinate System Property Page.
GeometryServerObjectPropPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI ArcGIS Server Geometry Server Object property page.
GeoprocessingServerObjectPropPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI ArcGIS Server Geoprocessing Server Object property page.
GlobeServerObjectPropPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI ArcGIS Server Globe Server Object property page.
GNConnectivityRulesPropPage (esriGeoDatabaseUI) ESRI GeometricNetwork ConnectivityRules property page.
GNNamePropPage (esriGeoDatabaseUI) ESRI GeometricNetwork Name property page.
GNWeightsPropPage (esriGeoDatabaseUI) ESRI GeometricNetwork Weights property page.
GradientFillPropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with Gradient Fill.
GraduatedColorPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Graduated colors' layer symbology option.
GraduatedSymbolPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Graduated symbols' layer symbology option.
GraphicsLayerAnnoPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for managing annotation properties for read-only graphics layers.
GraticuleIntervalsPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for graticule intervals.
GrayPropertyPage ESRI custom color dialog Gray page.
GridHatchPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for grid hatching.
GroupLayerDisplayPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for managing a group layer's display properties).
GroupLayerPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for a group layer.
GxAddressLocatingPropPage (esriLocationUI) A property page for geocoding settings for feature classes in ArcCatalog.
GxAGSFolderPropertyPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI AGS Server folder property page.
GxContentsViewPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI GxContentsView property page.
GxFeatureAccessSOEPage (esriCatalogUI) Feature Access SOE properties page.
GxFileFilterDefinitionPage (esriCatalogUI) GX File Filter Definition Property Page.
GxKMLSOEPage (esriCatalogUI) KML SOE properties page.
GxMSDFilePropPage (esriCatalogUI) Provides access to GxMSDFile property page.
GxNASOEPage (esriCatalogUI) NA SOE properties page.
GxObjectVisibilityPage (esriCatalogUI) GX Object Visibility Property Page.
GxPackagePropPage (esriCatalogUI) Provides access to GxPackage property page.
GxShapefileIndexPage (esriCatalogUI) Shapefile Index Property Page.
GxWCSSOEPage (esriCatalogUI) WCS SOE properties page.
GxWFSSOEPage (esriCatalogUI) WFS SOE properties page.
GxWMSSOEPage (esriCatalogUI) WMS SOE properties page.
HashLinePropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with Hash Line.
HatchClassPropertyPage (esriLocationUI) Property page for managing hatch classes.
HatchDefEndPropertyPage (esriLocationUI) Property page for managing end hatch definitions.
HatchDefPropertyPage (esriLocationUI) Property page for managing line hatch definitions.
HatchPropertyPage (esriLocationUI) Polyline M Hatch Property Page.
HatchStylePropertyPage (esriLocationUI) Hatch Style Property Page.
HatchTemplatePropertyPage (esriLocationUI) Property page for managing hatch templates.
HorizontalBarLegendItemPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for managing the properties of horizontal bar legend items.
HorizontalLegendItemPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for managing the properties of horizontal legend items.
HsvPropertyPage ESRI custom color dialog HSV page.
IMSLayersPropertyPage (esriArcMapUI) IMS Map Layers property page.
IMSMapLayerSourcePropertyPage (esriArcMapUI) IMS Map Layer source property page.
IMSPropsPropertyPage (esriArcMapUI) IMS properties property page.
IndexGridPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for index grid cells and labels.
IndexTabPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for index grid tabs.
InfoItemsPage (esriCatalogUI) INFO Table Items Property Page.
InfoTableGeneralPage (esriCatalogUI) INFO Table General Property Page.
InteriorLabelsPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for interior grid labels.
JoinRelatePage (esriArcMapUI)
Join 和 Relate 设置
Join and Relate property page.
JpegExporterPropertyPage (esriOutputUI) JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) Exporter Property Page.
LabelDefinitionPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for managing a label definition.
LabelStylePropertyPage (esriCartoUI) A label Style property page.
LabelWeightsPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) ESRI label engine weights ranking property page.
LayerDefinitionQueryPropertyPage (esriCartoUI)
Property page for managing a feature layer's definition query.
LayerDrawingPropertyPage (esriCartoUI)
Property page for managing a feature layer's drawing properties (symbology).
LayerFieldsPropertyPage (esriCartoUI)
Property page for managing properties associated with a feature layer's fields.
LayerLabelsPropertyPage (esriCartoUI)
Property page for managing labelling properties for a feature layer.
LayoutViewPropertyPage (esriArcMapUI) Property page for Layout view properties.
LegendElementItemsPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for a legend's items.
LegendElementPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for legends.
LegendPatchPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for managing legend patch properties.
LengthGraphicPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Length graphic element property page.
LineCalloutPropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with Line Callout.
LineElementPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Line graphic element property page.
LineFillPropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with Line Fill.
LinePropertiesPropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with Line.
LocalCachePage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI GIS Server Map Service Local Cache property page.
LookupSymbolPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Match to symbols in a style' layer symbology option.
MapCachePropertyPage (esriCartoUI) ESRI Feature Cache property page.
MapDocumentPropPage (esriArcMapUI) Property page for Document properties.
MapFrameLocatorPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for map frame locator.
MapFramePropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for the map frame.
MapGraphicsLayerPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Basic Graphics Layer property page for a map.
MapGridAxesPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for map grid axes.
MapGridIntervalsPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for map grid intervals.
MapGridLabelsPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for map grid labels.
MapGridLinesPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for map grid lines.
MapGridOverlayPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for custom overlay grids.
MapGridsPropertyPage (esriArcMapUI) Property page for Map grid properties.
MapGridSystemPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for map grid coordinate systems.
MapIlluminationPropertyPage (esriArcMapUI) Property page for Map illumination properties.
MapInsetPropertyPage (esriArcMapUI) Property page for magnifier window.
MaplexAnnoLEPropsAdvancedPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Maplex Label engine layer properties advanced property page.
MaplexAnnoLEPropsConflictPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Maplex Label engine layer properties conflict detection property page.
MaplexAnnoLEPropsPlacementPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Maplex Label engine layer properties placement property page.
MaplexAnnoLEPropsStackingPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Maplex Label engine layer properties stacking property page.
MaplexAnnoLEPropsStrategyPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Maplex Label engine layer properties conflict property page.
MaplexAnnoPlacementPropertyPluginPage (esriCartoUI) An annotation placement properties page designed to be plugged into a host dialog.
MaplexLabelStylePropertyPage (esriCartoUI) A Maplex label Style property page.
MaplexOverposterOptionsPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Maplex overposter options properties page.
MapProjectionPropPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for map projections.
MapPropertyPage (esriArcMapUI) Property page for Map general properties.
MapScalePropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for standard scales.
MapServerLayerAdvancedPropertyPage (esriArcMapUI) Property page for showing a map server layer's advanced properties.
MapServerLayerCachePropertyPage (esriArcMapUI) Property page for showing a map server layer's local cache properties.
MapServerLayerSourcePropertyPage (esriArcMapUI) Property page for showing a map server layer's source information.
MapServerObjectPropPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI ArcGIS Server Map Server Object property page.
MapServerSublayersPropertyPage (esriArcMapUI) Property page for showing a map server layer's sublayer information.
MarkerElementPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Marker graphic element property page.
MarkerFillPropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with Marker Fill.
MarkerLinePropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with Marker Line.
MarkerLocationPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Marker location property page.
MarkerTextBackgroundPropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with Marker Text Background.
MaskPropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with Mask.
MgrsGridPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for MGRS grids.
MixedFontLabelPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for mixed font grid labels.
MultiDotDensityPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Dot density' layer symbology option.
MultiPartColorRampPropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) Defines property page for the multi part color ramp.
NestedLegendItemPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for managing the properties of nested legend items.
NetCDFFeaturePropertyPage (esriArcMapUI) The NetCDF Feature Property Page.
NetCDFRasterPropertyPage (esriArcMapUI) The NetCDF Raster Property Page.
NetCDFTablePropertyPage (esriArcMapUI) The NetCDF Table Property Page.
NetworkDirectionsGeneralPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI network directions general page.
NetworkDirectionsRoadDetailPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI network directions road detail page.
NetworkDirectionsShieldsPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI network directions shields page.
NorthArrowElementPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for north arrow elements.
NumericPropertyPage Numeric Format Property Page.
OverposterGeneralPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Annotate map properties page.
OverviewPropertyPage (esriArcMapUI) Property page for Overview window properties.
PageIndexExtentPropPage (esriArcMapUI) Extent property page for data driven pages.
PageIndexGeneralPropPage (esriArcMapUI) General property page for data driven pages.
PDFExporterPropertyPage (esriOutputUI) PDF (Portable Document Format) Exporter Property Page.
PercentagePropertyPage Percentage Format Property Page.
PictureElementPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Picture graphic element property page.
PictureFillPropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with Picture Fill.
PictureLinePropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with Marker Line.
PictureMarkerPropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with Picture Marker.
PieChartPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Pie charts' layer symbology option.
PieChartSymbolPropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with PieChartSymbol objects.
Pre70CoveragePropertyPage (esriCatalogUI) Pre 7.0 Coverage Property Page.
PresetColorRampPropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) Defines property page for the preset color ramp.
PrincipalDigitsPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for grid labels that highlight the principal digits of the label values.
ProjectedCoordSysPropPage (esriCatalogUI) Projected Coordinate System Property Page.
ProportionalSymbolPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Proportional symbols' layer symbology option.
ProxyServerPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI Proxy Server property page.
PSMarksPropertyPage (esriOutputUI) PostScript Marks Property Page.
PsPageLayoutExporterPropertyPage (esriOutputUI) PostScript Exporter Page Layout Property Page.
PSPageLayoutPrinterPropertyPage (esriOutputUI) PostScript Printer Driver Page Layout Property Page.
PSSeparationsPrinterPropertyPage (esriOutputUI) PostScript Printer Driver Separations Property Page.
QueryLayerSourcePropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for managing a query layer's source.
QueryPropertyPage (esriGeoDatabaseUI) Property page for setting up the query.
RandomColorRampPropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) Defines property page for the random color ramp.
RasterCoordSysPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI Raster Coordinate System Page.
RatePropertyPage Rate Format Property Page.
RelationshipRulesPage (esriCatalogUI) Relationship Class Rules Property Page.
ReplicaDescriptionPage (esriGeoDatabaseDistributedUI) A dialog for viewing the properties of a replica.
RepresentationClassPropertyPage (esriEditor) A property page for modifying the properties of a feature class representation.
RepresentationRulesPropertyPage (esriEditor) A property page for modifying the collection of rules of a feature class representation.
ResolutionPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI coordinate system resolution page.
RgbPropertyPage ESRI custom color dialog RGB page.
RoutePropertyPage (esriLocationUI) Property page for route feature layers.
ScaleBarFormatPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for a scale bar's format.
ScaleBarLabelsAndMarksPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for a scale bar's labels and marks.
ScaleBarScalePropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for a scale bar's scale and units.
ScaleFormatPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for scale format.
ScaleTextElementPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for scale text elements.
ScaleTextPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for scale text.
ScientificPropertyPage Scientific Format Property Page.
SearchServerObjectPropPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI ArcGIS Server Catalog Server Object property page.
SimpleFillPropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with Simple Fill.
SimpleLineCalloutPropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with Simple Line Callout.
SimpleLineDecorationElementPropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with Simple Line Decoration Elements.
SimpleLinePropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with Simple Line.
SimpleMarkerPropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with Simple Marker.
SimpleTextPropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with Simple Text.
SingleSymbolPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Single symbol' layer symbology option.
SizeAndPositionPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for positioning graphic elements.
StackedChartPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Stacked charts' layer symbology option.
StackedChartSymbolPropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with StackedChartSymbol objects.
StandaloneTableGeneralPropPage (esriEditorExt) Property page for managing a StandAloneTable's general properties.
StandaloneTableSourcePropPage (esriEditorExt) Property page for managing a StandAloneTable's datasource properties.
SubtypesPropertyPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI table subtypes page.
SymbolBackgroundPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for Symbol Backgrounds.
SymbolBorderPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for Symbol Borders.
SymbolShadowPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for Symbol Shadows.
SynchronizePage (esriGeoDatabaseDistributedUI) A dialog for setting the properties of replica synchronization.
TableDefCoordPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI feature class coordinate system page.
TableDefDomainPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI feature class domain page.
TableDefFieldsPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI table definition fields page.
TableDefNamePage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI table definition name page.
TableDefRelationshipsPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI table definition relationships page.
TableDefTolerancePage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI feature class tolerance page.
TableDefVerticalPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI feature class vertical page.
TableDefWeightsPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI feature class weights association page.
TableIndexPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI table index page.
TableWindowOptionsPage (esriEditorExt) Table Window Options Property Page.
TemplatePropertyPage (esriDisplayUI) A dialog for managing properties associated with Templates.
TextElementPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Text graphic element property page.
TiffExporterPropertyPage (esriOutputUI) TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) Exporter Property Page.
TimeDataPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for managing a layer's time related properties.
TimeTablePropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for managing a layer's time definition related properties.
TimeTrackPropertyPage (esriAnimationUI) The animation tracks property page.
TOCGeneralPropertyPage (esriArcMapUI) Property page for Table Of Contents window general properties.
TOCPatchesPropertyPage (esriArcMapUI) Property page for Table Of Contents window patch properties.
UniqueValuePropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Renderer property page for managing properties associated with the 'Unique values' layer symbology option.
VersioningGeneralPropertyPage (esriGeoDatabaseUI) A dialog for setting the properties of a versions in a versioned geodatabase.
VerticalCoordSysPropPage (esriCatalogUI) Vertical Coordinate System Property Page.
VerticalLegendItemPropertyPage (esriCartoUI) Property page for managing the properties of stacked legend items.
WMSLayerAdvancedPropertyPage (esriArcMapUI) Property page for showing a map server layer's advanced properties.
WMSLayerSourcePropertyPage (esriArcMapUI) Property page for showing a map server layer's source information.
WMSLayerStylePropertyPage (esriArcMapUI) Property page for showing wms sub layer's properties.
WMSSublayersPropertyPage (esriArcMapUI) Property page for showing a map server layer's sublayer information.
XYCoordSysPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI XY Coordinate System Page.
ZCoordSysPage (esriCatalogUI) ESRI Z Coordinate System Page.


private bool SetupFeaturePropertySheet(ILayer layer)
    if (layer == null) return false;
    ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IComPropertySheet pComPropSheet;
    pComPropSheet = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.ComPropertySheet();
    pComPropSheet.Title = layer.Name + " - 属性";

    ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.UID pPPUID = new ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.UIDClass();

    // General....
    ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IPropertyPage pGenPage = new ESRI.ArcGIS.CartoUI.GeneralLayerPropPageClass();

    // Source
    ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IPropertyPage pSrcPage = new ESRI.ArcGIS.CartoUI.FeatureLayerSourcePropertyPageClass();

    // Selection...
    ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IPropertyPage pSelectPage = new ESRI.ArcGIS.CartoUI.FeatureLayerSelectionPropertyPageClass();

    // Display....
    ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IPropertyPage pDispPage = new ESRI.ArcGIS.CartoUI.FeatureLayerDisplayPropertyPageClass();

    // Symbology....
    ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IPropertyPage pDrawPage = new ESRI.ArcGIS.CartoUI.LayerDrawingPropertyPageClass();

    // Fields... 
    ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IPropertyPage pFieldsPage = new ESRI.ArcGIS.CartoUI.LayerFieldsPropertyPageClass();

    // Definition Query... 
    ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IPropertyPage pQueryPage = new ESRI.ArcGIS.CartoUI.LayerDefinitionQueryPropertyPageClass();

    // Labels....
    ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IPropertyPage pSelPage = new ESRI.ArcGIS.CartoUI.LayerLabelsPropertyPageClass();

    // Joins & Relates....
    ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IPropertyPage pJoinPage = new ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI.JoinRelatePageClass();

    // Setup layer link
    ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.ISet pMySet = new ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.SetClass();

    // make the symbology tab active
    pComPropSheet.ActivePage = 4;

    // show the property sheet
    bool bOK = pComPropSheet.EditProperties(pMySet, 0);

    m_activeView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, null, m_activeView.Extent);
    return (bOK);




●·● SystemUI 命名空间

1. The SystemUI library mainly defined types used by user interface components in the ArcGIS system. Interfaces such as ICommand and ITool are defined in this library. Implementation of these types is normally done in one or more libraries, higher in the Architecture.


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●·● ICommand 接口

1. Provides access to members that define a COM command.

  CoClasses that implement ICommand


CoClasses and ClassesDescription
AnimationCreateTimeTrackCommand (esriAnimationUI) Command to create a new time layer track.
AutoCompletePolygonFeatureTool (esriEditor) Tool that uses the AutoCompletePolygon Task to create a new Polygon from a Line sketch geometry.
Button (esriFramework) Button CoType.
ColorCorrectionWindowCommand (esriArcMapUI) Opens Color Correction Window
CommandHost Use this class to host C++ command implementations in a Toolbar.
ConstructPointsCommand (esriEditor)  
Controls3DAnalystContourTool (esriControls) Generates the contour that passes through a query point.
Controls3DAnalystSteepestPathTool (esriControls) Generates the steepest path down from a point.
ControlsAddDataCommand (esriControls) Browses data sets and adds data.
ControlsAGOLSignonCommand (esriControls) ArcGIS Online Signin Command.
ControlsAlignBottomCommand (esriControls) Aligns selected elements to the bottom.
ControlsAlignCenterCommand (esriControls) Aligns selected elements to the horizontal center.
ControlsAlignLeftCommand (esriControls) Aligns selected elements to the left.
ControlsAlignMiddleCommand (esriControls) Aligns selected elements to the vertical center.
ControlsAlignRightCommand (esriControls) Aligns selected elements to the right.
ControlsAlignToMarginsCommand (esriControls) Toggles whether alignment is to page margins or elements in the selection.
ControlsAlignTopCommand (esriControls) Aligns selected elements to the top.
ControlsBringForwardCommand (esriControls) Brings the selected element(s) forward.
ControlsBringToFrontCommand (esriControls) Brings the selected element(s) to the front.
ControlsClearSelectionCommand (esriControls) Unselects the currently selected features in all layers.
ControlsContextHelpCommand (esriControls) Provides context sensitive help for toolbar items.
ControlsDistributeHorizontallyCommand (esriControls) Distributes selected elements evenly in the vertical direction.
ControlsDistributeVerticallyCommand (esriControls) Distributes selected elements evenly in the horizontal direction.
ControlsDynamicDisplayNavigatorCommand (esriControls) Toggles the Dynamic Display in view navigator on or off.
ControlsEditingAttributeCommand (esriControls) Shows the feature property editor.
ControlsEditingClearCommand (esriControls) Delete the selected element(s).
ControlsEditingCopyCommand (esriControls) Copy the selected element(s).
ControlsEditingCutCommand (esriControls) Cut the selected element(s).
ControlsEditingEditTool (esriControls) Edits features and their geometries.
ControlsEditingPasteCommand (esriControls) Paste the clipboard contents into your map.
ControlsEditingSaveCommand (esriControls) Saves any pending edits.
ControlsEditingSketchAbsoluteXYCommand (esriControls) Adds a point at known location.
ControlsEditingSketchChangeLengthCommand (esriControls) Removes the last vertex and preserves the direction of the segment.
ControlsEditingSketchDeflectionCommand (esriControls) Constrains the direction of the segment being created relative to the previous segment.
ControlsEditingSketchDeleteCommand (esriControls) Deletes the edit sketch.
ControlsEditingSketchDeltaXYCommand (esriControls) Adds a point at an offset from the last point.
ControlsEditingSketchDirectionCommand (esriControls) Constrains the direction of the segment being created.
ControlsEditingSketchDirectionLengthCommand (esriControls) Adds a segment using a direction and length.
ControlsEditingSketchFinishCommand (esriControls) Completes the edit sketch.
ControlsEditingSketchFinishPartCommand (esriControls) Completes a part of a multi-part geometry.
ControlsEditingSketchFinishSquareCommand (esriControls) Squares off and finishes the sketch.
ControlsEditingSketchLengthCommand (esriControls) Constrains the length of the segment being created.
ControlsEditingSketchParallelCommand (esriControls) Constrains the direction parallel to the segment.
ControlsEditingSketchPerpendicularCommand (esriControls) Constrains the direction to be perpendicular to the segment.
ControlsEditingSketchPropertiesCommand (esriControls) Shows a dialog for editing properties of the edit sketch geometry.
ControlsEditingSketchReplaceCommand (esriControls) Replaces the sketch geometry.
ControlsEditingSketchSegmentDeflectionCommand (esriControls) Constrains the direction to a given deflection from the segment.
ControlsEditingSketchStreamingCommand (esriControls) Set/unsets stream mode editing.
ControlsEditingSketchTool (esriControls) Adds points to the edit sketch.
ControlsEditingSnapEdgeCommand (esriControls) Snap to an edge.
ControlsEditingSnapEndpointCommand (esriControls) Snap to an endpoint.
ControlsEditingSnapMidpointCommand (esriControls) Snap to a midpoint.
ControlsEditingSnappingCommand (esriControls) Shows the snapping environment dialog.
ControlsEditingSnapVertexCommand (esriControls) Snap to a vertex.
ControlsEditingStartCommand (esriControls) Starts an edit session.
ControlsEditingStopCommand (esriControls) Stops the edit session.
ControlsEditingTargetToolControl (esriControls) Layer in which features you create will be stored.
ControlsEditingTaskToolControl (esriControls) Selects the edit task.
ControlsEditingVertexDeleteCommand (esriControls) Deletes a vertex from the edit sketch.
ControlsEditingVertexInsertCommand (esriControls) Inserts a vertex into the edit sketch.
ControlsEditingVertexMoveCommand (esriControls) Moves the vertex to a new location.
ControlsEditingVertexMoveToCommand (esriControls) Moves the vertex relative to its current location.
ControlsFindRouteCommand (esriControls) Shows a dialog to find route and display driving directions.
ControlsFlickerRateToolControl (esriControls) Controls the rate (in milliseconds) of the layer flicker.
ControlsFullScreenCommand (esriControls) The applications active window take up the full screen.
ControlsGenericGetPositionTool (esriControls) Tools that can be used to retrieve the cursor coordinates as the user clicks on the map or globe.
ControlsGlobeFindCommand (esriControls) Finds features on a globe, launches a modeless dialog to search fields in globe layers.
ControlsGlobeFixedLineOfSightTool (esriControls) Rotates the observer around the target.
ControlsGlobeFixedZoomInCommand (esriControls) Zooms in with a fixed scale.
ControlsGlobeFixedZoomOutCommand (esriControls) Zooms out with a fixed scale.
ControlsGlobeFlickerCommand (esriControls) Reveals layers below the selected layer in the globe by flickering for the specified time duration.
ControlsGlobeFlyTool (esriControls) Flies over the globe.
ControlsGlobeFullExtentCommand (esriControls) Zooms to full extent of the globe.
ControlsGlobeGoToCommand (esriControls) Pans the globe to a specified location.
ControlsGlobeHyperlinkTool (esriControls) Hyperlinks to features on a globe, if more than one hyperlink is under the cursor a dialog is shown allowing the user to select which hyperlink to jump to.
ControlsGlobeIdentifyTool (esriControls) Finds features on a globe, launches a modeless dialog to search fields in globe layers.
ControlsGlobeKMLNetworkLinkCommand (esriControls) Add KML Network Link.
ControlsGlobeLayerListToolControl (esriControls) Tool control that displays a layer list for the globe.
ControlsGlobeLookAroundTool (esriControls) Rotates the observer to look around.
ControlsGlobeMeasureTool (esriControls) Measures features on a globe, a floating tooltip is used to show the result. The message property returns a string for the status bar.
ControlsGlobeNavigateTool (esriControls) Navigates the globe.
ControlsGlobeNavigationModeCommand (esriControls) Toggles globe and surface navigation modes.
ControlsGlobeNorthCommand (esriControls) Orientates the observer to look north.
ControlsGlobeOpenDocCommand (esriControls) Opens a globe document.
ControlsGlobeOrbitalFlyTool (esriControls) Flies in orbital trajectories over the globe.
ControlsGlobePanDragTool (esriControls) Trackball style pan tool.
ControlsGlobePanTool (esriControls) Pans the globe.
ControlsGlobeRotateBackCommand (esriControls) Rotates globe backward.
ControlsGlobeRotateClockwiseCommand (esriControls) Rotate globe in a clockwise direction.
ControlsGlobeRotateCounterClockwiseCommand (esriControls) Rotate globe in a counter clockwise direction.
ControlsGlobeRotateForwardCommand (esriControls) Rotates globe forward.
ControlsGlobeSelectFeaturesTool (esriControls) Selects features by clicking.
ControlsGlobeSpinClockwiseCommand (esriControls) Spins globe in a clockwise direction.
ControlsGlobeSpinCounterClockwiseCommand (esriControls) Spins globe in a counter Clockwise direction.
ControlsGlobeSpinFasterCommand (esriControls) Spins globe faster.
ControlsGlobeSpinSlowerCommand (esriControls) Spins globe slower.
ControlsGlobeSpinStopCommand (esriControls) Stops globe from spinning.
ControlsGlobeSwipeTool (esriControls) Interactively reveals layers on a globe.
ControlsGlobeTargetCenterTool (esriControls) Centers view at selected target.
ControlsGlobeTargetPanTool (esriControls) Pans to selected target.
ControlsGlobeTargetZoomTool (esriControls) Zooms to selected target.
ControlsGlobeWalkTool (esriControls) Walks on the globe surface.
ControlsGlobeZoomInOutTool (esriControls) Dynamically zooms in or out the globle.
ControlsGroupCommand (esriControls) Groups the selected elements.
ControlsInkAddInkToSketchCommand (esriControls) Adds the current ink sketch to the current edit sketch.
ControlsInkClearInkCommand (esriControls) Deletes the current ink sketch.
ControlsInkEraserTool (esriControls) Erases ink from a map or layout.
ControlsInkFindInkCommand (esriControls) Finds ink which represents a given text string.
ControlsInkFinishSketchCommand (esriControls) Converts the current ink sketch to a GraphicElement.
ControlsInkGenericDrawTool (esriControls) A generic ink drawing tool.
ControlsInkHighlightTool (esriControls) Draws semi-transparent ink on a map or layout.
ControlsInkOptionsCommand (esriControls) Displays a dialog allowing you to change ink-related options.
ControlsInkPenTool (esriControls) Draws colored ink on a map or layout.
ControlsInkReactivateCommand (esriControls) Converts a GraphicElement back into ink.
ControlsInkRecognizeCommand (esriControls) Recognizes ink as text and converts it to a TextElement (only available on a TabletPC).
ControlsLayerListToolControl (esriControls) Tool control that displays a layer list for the focus map.
ControlsLayerTransparencyCommand (esriControls) Command to set the transparency value on a layer.
ControlsMapClearMapRotationCommand (esriControls) Set the data frame's rotation to zero.
ControlsMapCreateBookmarkCommand (esriControls) Creates a spatial bookmark for the focus map.
ControlsMapDownCommand (esriControls) Scrolls the map down.
ControlsMapFindCommand (esriControls) Finds features and locations on a map. Launches a modeless dialog to search fields in map layers and to locate addresses and places.
ControlsMapFlickerCommand (esriControls) Reveals layers below the selected layer in the map by flickering for the specified time duration.
ControlsMapFullExtentCommand (esriControls) Zooms to the full extent of the map.
ControlsMapGoToCommand (esriControls) Pans the Map to a specified location.
ControlsMapHyperlinkTool (esriControls) Hyperlinks to features on a map, if more than one hyperlink is under the cursor a dialog is shown allowing the user to select which hyperlink to jump to.
ControlsMapIdentifyTool (esriControls) Identifies features on a map, launches a modeless identify dialog containing the results.
ControlsMapLeftCommand (esriControls) Scrolls the map left.
ControlsMapManageBookmarksCommand (esriControls) Manages spatial bookmarks for the focus map.
ControlsMapMeasureTool (esriControls) Measures features on a map, a floating tooltip is used to show the result. The message property returns a string for the status bar.
ControlsMapPageDownCommand (esriControls) Moves the map one page down.
ControlsMapPageLeftCommand (esriControls) Moves the map one page left.
ControlsMapPageRightCommand (esriControls) Moves the map one page right.
ControlsMapPageUpCommand (esriControls) Moves the map one page up.
ControlsMapPanTool (esriControls) Pans the map.
ControlsMapRefreshViewCommand (esriControls) Refreshes the active view.
ControlsMapRightCommand (esriControls) Scrolls the map right.
ControlsMapRoamTool (esriControls) Click the mouse left button to start or finish roaming, move the mouse to change roaming direction and speed.
ControlsMapRotateTool (esriControls) Rotates the focus data frame.
ControlsMapSwipeTool (esriControls) Interactively reveals layers on a map.
ControlsMapUpCommand (esriControls) Scrolls the map up.
ControlsMapZoomInFixedCommand (esriControls) Zooms in with a fixed scale.
ControlsMapZoomInTool (esriControls) Zooms in by clicking a point or dragging a box.
ControlsMapZoomOutFixedCommand (esriControls) Zooms out with a fixed scale.
ControlsMapZoomOutTool (esriControls) Zooms out by clicking a point or dragging a box.
ControlsMapZoomPanTool (esriControls) Drags up/down with left mouse button down to zoom out/in, or with right mouse button down to pan.
ControlsMapZoomToLastExtentBackCommand (esriControls) Goes backward to previous extent.
ControlsMapZoomToLastExtentForwardCommand (esriControls) Goes forward to next extent.
ControlsMapZoomToolControl (esriControls) Zooms the map by a particular percentage.
ControlsMyPlacesCommand (esriControls) Shows my places window.
ControlsNetworkAnalystClosestFacilityCommand (esriControls) Finds the best route between incidents and facilities.
ControlsNetworkAnalystCreateLocationTool (esriControls) Create a Network Location.
ControlsNetworkAnalystDirectionsCommand (esriControls) Display the Directions Window.
ControlsNetworkAnalystLayerToolControl (esriControls) Active Network Dataset Layer.
ControlsNetworkAnalystLocationAllocationCommand (esriControls) Chooses the best candidate facilities to service the demand.
ControlsNetworkAnalystODCostMatrixCommand (esriControls) OD Cost Matrix Analysis.
ControlsNetworkAnalystRouteCommand (esriControls) Create a new Route Analysis Layer.
ControlsNetworkAnalystSelectLocationTool (esriControls) Select or Move Network Locations.
ControlsNetworkAnalystServiceAreaCommand (esriControls) Finds the what can be traversed within a specified cutoff.
ControlsNetworkAnalystSolveCommand (esriControls) Run the current analysis.
ControlsNetworkAnalystVehicleRoutingProblemCommand (esriControls) Optimizes the route assignment and sequence for a set of orders using a fleet of vehicles.
ControlsNetworkAnalystWindowCommand (esriControls) Show/Hide the Network Analyst Window.
ControlsNewCircleTool (esriControls) Draws a circle.
ControlsNewCurveTool (esriControls) Draws a cubic Bezier curve.
ControlsNewEllipseTool (esriControls) Draws an ellipse.
ControlsNewFrameTool (esriControls) Creates a new frame element.
ControlsNewFreeHandTool (esriControls) Draws a freehand line.
ControlsNewLineTool (esriControls) Draws a straight line.
ControlsNewMarkerTool (esriControls) Create a new marker graphic element.
ControlsNewPolygonTool (esriControls) Draws a polygon.
ControlsNewRectangleTool (esriControls) Draws a rectangle.
ControlsNudgeDownCommand (esriControls) Moves the selected element(s) down.
ControlsNudgeLeftCommand (esriControls) Moves the selected element(s) left.
ControlsNudgeRightCommand (esriControls) Moves the selected element(s) right.
ControlsNudgeUpCommand (esriControls) Moves the selected element(s) up.
ControlsOpenDocCommand (esriControls) Opens an existing map.
ControlsPageFocusNextMapCommand (esriControls) Moves the focus to the next data frame.
ControlsPageFocusPreviousMapCommand (esriControls) Moves the focus to the previous data frame.
ControlsPageNewMapCommand (esriControls) Creates a new data frame.
ControlsPagePanTool (esriControls) Pans the map layout by dragging it.
ControlsPageZoom100PercentCommand (esriControls) Zooms the map layout to 100% (1:1).
ControlsPageZoomInFixedCommand (esriControls) Zooms in on the center of the map layout.
ControlsPageZoomInTool (esriControls) Zooms in on the map layout by clicking a point or dragging a box.
ControlsPageZoomOutFixedCommand (esriControls) Zooms out on the center of the map layout.
ControlsPageZoomOutTool (esriControls) Zooms out on the map layout by clicking a point or dragging a box.
ControlsPageZoomPageToLastExtentBackCommand (esriControls) Goes back to previous extent of the map layout.
ControlsPageZoomPageToLastExtentForwardCommand (esriControls) Goes forward to the next extent of the map layout.
ControlsPageZoomPageWidthCommand (esriControls) Zooms to the width of the page.
ControlsPageZoomToolControl (esriControls) Zooms the map layout by a particular percentage.
ControlsPageZoomWholePageCommand (esriControls) Zooms to the whole map layout.
ControlsRedoCommand (esriControls) Redoes the last operation.
ControlsRotateElementTool (esriControls) Rotates the selected text or graphic(s).
ControlsRotateLeftCommand (esriControls) Rotates the selected text or graphic(s) 90 degrees counterclockwise.
ControlsRotateRightCommand (esriControls) Rotates the selected text or graphic(s) 90 degrees clockwise.
ControlsSaveAsDocCommand (esriControls) Saves current map document to a new file.
ControlsSceneExpandFOVCommand (esriControls) Expands the field of view.
ControlsSceneFlyTool (esriControls) Flies through the scene.
ControlsSceneFullExtentCommand (esriControls) Displays the scene at full extent.
ControlsSceneNarrowFOVCommand (esriControls) Narrows the field of view.
ControlsSceneNavigateTool (esriControls) Navigates the scene.
ControlsSceneOpenDocCommand (esriControls) Opens a scene document.
ControlsScenePanTool (esriControls) Pans the scene.
ControlsSceneSelectFeaturesTool (esriControls) Selects features by clicking.
ControlsSceneSelectGraphicsTool (esriControls) Selects graphics by clicking.
ControlsSceneSetObserverTool (esriControls) Sets observer position to selected point.
ControlsSceneTargetCenterTool (esriControls) Centers view at selected target.
ControlsSceneTargetZoomTool (esriControls) Zooms to selected target.
ControlsSceneZoomInOutTool (esriControls) Dynamically zooms in and out on the scene.
ControlsSceneZoomInTool (esriControls) Zooms in on the scene.
ControlsSceneZoomOutTool (esriControls) Zooms out on the scene.
ControlsSchematicCreateDiagramCommand (esriSchematicControls) Generate new Schematic diagram.
ControlsSchematicDecreaseLabelSizeCommand (esriSchematicControls) Decrease the label size.
ControlsSchematicDecreaseSymbolSizeCommand (esriSchematicControls) Decrease the symbol size.
ControlsSchematicEditTargetControl (esriSchematicControls) Select schematic diagram target.
ControlsSchematicImportLayerPropertiesCommand (esriSchematicControls) Import layer properties from a file.
ControlsSchematicIncreaseLabelSizeCommand (esriSchematicControls) Increase the label size.
ControlsSchematicIncreaseSymbolSizeCommand (esriSchematicControls) Increase the symbol size.
ControlsSchematicLayoutExecuteCommand (esriSchematicControls) Perform selected Schematic layout task.
ControlsSchematicLayoutPropertiesCommand (esriSchematicControls) Show the selected schematic layout properties form.
ControlsSchematicLayoutToolControl (esriSchematicControls) Select schematic diagram layout.
ControlsSchematicMoveElementTool (esriSchematicControls) Move the Schematic element.
ControlsSchematicPropagateLayerPropertiesCommand (esriSchematicControls) Propagate layer properties to all diagrams of the same template.
ControlsSchematicRemoveLinkPointsCommand (esriSchematicControls) Remove the link points.
ControlsSchematicRestoreDefaultLayerPropertiesCommand (esriSchematicControls) Restore the default layer properties.
ControlsSchematicSaveAsDiagramCommand (esriSchematicControls) Save Schematic Diagram as.
ControlsSchematicSaveEditsCommand (esriSchematicControls) Save diagram edits command.
ControlsSchematicSelectEndTool (esriSchematicControls) Define a Schematic end.
ControlsSchematicSelectRootTool (esriSchematicControls) Define a Schematic root.
ControlsSchematicSquareLinksCommand (esriSchematicControls) Square the Schematic links.
ControlsSchematicStartEditCommand (esriSchematicControls) Start editing the schematic diagram.
ControlsSchematicStopEditCommand (esriSchematicControls) Stop editing the schematic diagram.
ControlsSchematicUpdateDiagramCommand (esriSchematicControls) Update a Schematic diagram.
ControlsSelectAllCommand (esriControls) Selects all the features in selectable layers.
ControlsSelectByGraphicsCommand (esriControls) Selects features that are intersected by the selected graphics.
ControlsSelectFeaturesTool (esriControls) Selects features by clicking or dragging a box.
ControlsSelectScreenCommand (esriControls) Selects the features currently visible on the screen.
ControlsSelectTool (esriControls) Selects, resizes and moves text, graphics and other objects placed on the map.
ControlsSendBackwardCommand (esriControls) Sends the selected element(s) backward.
ControlsSendToBackCommand (esriControls) Sends the selected element(s) to the back.
ControlsSnappingEnabledCommand (esriControls) Update the snapping environment. Use Snapping.
ControlsSnappingToEdgeCommand (esriControls) Update the snapping environment. Snap to an edge.
ControlsSnappingToEndCommand (esriControls) Update the snapping environment. Snap to an end.
ControlsSnappingToIntersectionCommand (esriControls) Update the snapping environment. Snap to an intersection.
ControlsSnappingToMidpointCommand (esriControls) Update the snapping environment. Snap to a midpoint.
ControlsSnappingToPointCommand (esriControls) Update the snapping environment. Snap to a point.
ControlsSnappingToTangentCommand (esriControls) Update the snapping environment. Snap to an intersection.
ControlsSnappingToVertexCommand (esriControls) Update the snapping environment. Snap to a vertex.
ControlsSwitchSelectionCommand (esriControls) Makes unselected features selected.
ControlsToggleDynamicDisplayCommand (esriControls) Toggles Dynamic Display on or off.
ControlsUndoCommand (esriControls) Undoes the last operation.
ControlsUngroupCommand (esriControls) Ungroups the selected elements.
ControlsZoomToSelectedCommand (esriControls) Zooms to the selected features in all layers.
CutPolygonsTool (esriEditor)  
EditMetadataToolMenuItem (esriGeoprocessingUI) Edit Metadata Tool Menu Item.
EditTool (esriEditor) Editing tool which edits features.
ExportScriptToolMenuItems (esriGeoprocessingUI) Export Script Tool Menu Item.
FDLDataSrcCmdEdit (esriDataInteropUI) FDLDataSrcCmdEdit Class
GlobeDeployCommand (esriArcGlobe) Command to run the deployment wizard.
GPCoverageToolCommand (esriGeoprocessingUI) The Geoprocessoring coverage tool command.
GPSystemToolCommand (esriGeoprocessingUI) The Geoprocessoring system tool command.
GPToolCommand (esriGeoprocessingUI) The Geoprocessoring custom tool command.
IdentifyWindowCommand (esriArcMapUI) Command to open the Identify Window.
ImageAnalysisWindowCommand (esriArcMapUI) Command to open the Image Analysis Window.
ImportScriptToolMenuItems (esriGeoprocessingUI) Import Script Tool Menu Item.
LineFeatureTool (esriEditor) Tool that creates a new Polyline sketch geometry.
MapViewCommandsMenuItems (esriArcMapUI) Map View Commands Menu Items.
MirrorFeaturesTool (esriEditor)  
MissingCommand (esriControls) Missing commands that cannot be created by the ToolbarControl.
MxPickAddressCommand (esriLocationUI) MxAddressInspectorTool Pick Address command.
NewAddressLocatorMenuItem (esriLocationUI) New Address Locator Menu Item.
NewCompositeAddressLocatorMenuItem (esriLocationUI) New Composite Address Locator Menu Item.
OpenTableCommand (esriArcMapUI) Global Command that opens the table(s) associated to the current selection in the TOC.
PointAtEndOfLineTool (esriEditor) Tool that creates a new Point/Multipoint at the end of a line geometry.
PointFeatureTool (esriEditor) Tool that creates a new Point/Multipoint sketch geometry.
PolygonFeatureTool (esriEditor) Tool that creates a new Polygon sketch geometry.
ReplaceGeometryTool (esriEditor)  
ReshapeFeatureTool (esriEditor)  
SetScriptPasswordToolMenuItems (esriGeoprocessingUI) Set Script Password Tool Menu Item.
SketchAngleDistanceCommand (esriEditor) Initializes a new AngleDistanceConstructor on the Editor.
SketchArcCommand (esriEditor) Initializes a new ArcConstructor on the Editor.
SketchBezierCurveCommand (esriEditor) Initializes a new BezierCurveConstructor on the Editor.
SketchDistanceDistanceCommand (esriEditor) Initializes a new DistanceDistanceConstructor on the Editor.
SketchEndPointArcCommand (esriEditor) Initializes a new EndPointConstructor on the Editor.
SketchIntersectionCommand (esriEditor) Initializes a new IntersectionConstructor on the Editor.
SketchMidpointCommand (esriEditor) Initializes a new MidpointConstructor on the Editor.
SketchPointCommand (esriEditor) Initializes a new PointConstructor on the Editor.
SketchRightAngleCommand (esriEditor) Initializes a new RightAngleConstructor on the Editor.
SketchStraightCommand (esriEditor) Initializes a new StraightConstructor on the Editor.
SketchTangentCurveCommand (esriEditor) Initializes a new TangentCurveConstructor on the Editor.
SketchTraceCommand (esriEditor) Initializes a new TraceConstructor on the Editor.
TableContextMenuArrangeItems (esriArcMapUI) Arrange table windows context menu items.
TimeSliderWindowCommand (esriArcMapUI) Command to open the Time Slider Window.
Tool (esriFramework) Tool CoType.
ToolControl (esriFramework) ToolControl CoType.
ToolHost Use this class to host pure C++ tool implementations in a Toolbar.
ViewMetadataToolMenuItem (esriGeoprocessingUI) View Metadata Tool Menu Item.


2. 属性和方法:

Read-only property Bitmap The bitmap that is used as the icon on this command.
Read-only property Caption The caption of this command.
Read-only property Category The name of the category with which this command is associated.
Read-only property Checked Indicates if this command is checked.
Read-only property Enabled Indicates if this command is enabled.
Read-only property HelpContextID The help context ID associated with this command.
Read-only property HelpFile The name of the help file associated with this command.
Read-only property Message The statusbar message for this command.
Read-only property Name The name of this commmand.
Method OnClick Occurs when this command is clicked.
Method OnCreate
(object Hook)
Occurs when this command is created.
ICommand pMxd = new ControlsOpenDocCommand();
ICommand pZoomOutIn = new ControlsMapZoomPanTool();
axMapControl1.CurrentTool = pZoomOutIn as ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI.ITool;
Read-only property Tooltip The tooltip for this command.



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●·● ITool 接口

1. Provides access to members that define a tool.

  CoClasses that implement ITool

CoClasses and ClassesDescription
AutoCompletePolygonFeatureTool (esriEditor) Tool that uses the AutoCompletePolygon Task to create a new Polygon from a Line sketch geometry.
Controls3DAnalystContourTool (esriControls) Generates the contour that passes through a query point.
Controls3DAnalystSteepestPathTool (esriControls) Generates the steepest path down from a point.
ControlsEditingEditTool (esriControls) Edits features and their geometries.
ControlsEditingSketchTool (esriControls) Adds points to the edit sketch.
ControlsGenericGetPositionTool (esriControls) Tools that can be used to retrieve the cursor coordinates as the user clicks on the map or globe.
ControlsGlobeFixedLineOfSightTool (esriControls) Rotates the observer around the target.
ControlsGlobeFlyTool (esriControls) Flies over the globe.
ControlsGlobeHyperlinkTool (esriControls) Hyperlinks to features on a globe, if more than one hyperlink is under the cursor a dialog is shown allowing the user to select which hyperlink to jump to.
ControlsGlobeIdentifyTool (esriControls) Finds features on a globe, launches a modeless dialog to search fields in globe layers.
ControlsGlobeLookAroundTool (esriControls) Rotates the observer to look around.
ControlsGlobeMeasureTool (esriControls) Measures features on a globe, a floating tooltip is used to show the result. The message property returns a string for the status bar.
ControlsGlobeNavigateTool (esriControls) Navigates the globe.
ControlsGlobeOrbitalFlyTool (esriControls) Flies in orbital trajectories over the globe.
ControlsGlobePanDragTool (esriControls) Trackball style pan tool.
ControlsGlobePanTool (esriControls) Pans the globe.
ControlsGlobeSelectFeaturesTool (esriControls) Selects features by clicking.
ControlsGlobeSwipeTool (esriControls) Interactively reveals layers on a globe.
ControlsGlobeTargetCenterTool (esriControls) Centers view at selected target.
ControlsGlobeTargetPanTool (esriControls) Pans to selected target.
ControlsGlobeTargetZoomTool (esriControls) Zooms to selected target.
ControlsGlobeWalkTool (esriControls) Walks on the globe surface.
ControlsGlobeZoomInOutTool (esriControls) Dynamically zooms in or out the globle.
ControlsInkEraserTool (esriControls) Erases ink from a map or layout.
ControlsInkGenericDrawTool (esriControls) A generic ink drawing tool.
ControlsInkHighlightTool (esriControls) Draws semi-transparent ink on a map or layout.
ControlsInkPenTool (esriControls) Draws colored ink on a map or layout.
ControlsMapHyperlinkTool (esriControls) Hyperlinks to features on a map, if more than one hyperlink is under the cursor a dialog is shown allowing the user to select which hyperlink to jump to.
ControlsMapIdentifyTool (esriControls) Identifies features on a map, launches a modeless identify dialog containing the results.
ControlsMapMeasureTool (esriControls) Measures features on a map, a floating tooltip is used to show the result. The message property returns a string for the status bar.
ControlsMapPanTool (esriControls) Pans the map.
ControlsMapRoamTool (esriControls) Click the mouse left button to start or finish roaming, move the mouse to change roaming direction and speed.
ControlsMapRotateTool (esriControls) Rotates the focus data frame.
ControlsMapSwipeTool (esriControls) Interactively reveals layers on a map.
ControlsMapZoomInTool (esriControls) Zooms in by clicking a point or dragging a box.
ControlsMapZoomOutTool (esriControls) Zooms out by clicking a point or dragging a box.
ControlsMapZoomPanTool (esriControls) Drags up/down with left mouse button down to zoom out/in, or with right mouse button down to pan.
ControlsNetworkAnalystCreateLocationTool (esriControls) Create a Network Location.
ControlsNetworkAnalystSelectLocationTool (esriControls) Select or Move Network Locations.
ControlsNewCircleTool (esriControls) Draws a circle.
ControlsNewCurveTool (esriControls) Draws a cubic Bezier curve.
ControlsNewEllipseTool (esriControls) Draws an ellipse.
ControlsNewFrameTool (esriControls) Creates a new frame element.
ControlsNewFreeHandTool (esriControls) Draws a freehand line.
ControlsNewLineTool (esriControls) Draws a straight line.
ControlsNewMarkerTool (esriControls) Create a new marker graphic element.
ControlsNewPolygonTool (esriControls) Draws a polygon.
ControlsNewRectangleTool (esriControls) Draws a rectangle.
ControlsPagePanTool (esriControls) Pans the map layout by dragging it.
ControlsPageZoomInTool (esriControls) Zooms in on the map layout by clicking a point or dragging a box.
ControlsPageZoomOutTool (esriControls) Zooms out on the map layout by clicking a point or dragging a box.
ControlsRotateElementTool (esriControls) Rotates the selected text or graphic(s).
ControlsSceneFlyTool (esriControls) Flies through the scene.
ControlsSceneNavigateTool (esriControls) Navigates the scene.
ControlsScenePanTool (esriControls) Pans the scene.
ControlsSceneSelectFeaturesTool (esriControls) Selects features by clicking.
ControlsSceneSelectGraphicsTool (esriControls) Selects graphics by clicking.
ControlsSceneSetObserverTool (esriControls) Sets observer position to selected point.
ControlsSceneTargetCenterTool (esriControls) Centers view at selected target.
ControlsSceneTargetZoomTool (esriControls) Zooms to selected target.
ControlsSceneZoomInOutTool (esriControls) Dynamically zooms in and out on the scene.
ControlsSceneZoomInTool (esriControls) Zooms in on the scene.
ControlsSceneZoomOutTool (esriControls) Zooms out on the scene.
ControlsSchematicMoveElementTool (esriSchematicControls) Move the Schematic element.
ControlsSchematicSelectEndTool (esriSchematicControls) Define a Schematic end.
ControlsSchematicSelectRootTool (esriSchematicControls) Define a Schematic root.
ControlsSelectFeaturesTool (esriControls) Selects features by clicking or dragging a box.
ControlsSelectTool (esriControls) Selects, resizes and moves text, graphics and other objects placed on the map.
CutPolygonsTool (esriEditor)  
EditTool (esriEditor) Editing tool which edits features.
LineFeatureTool (esriEditor) Tool that creates a new Polyline sketch geometry.
MirrorFeaturesTool (esriEditor)  
MxAddressInspectorTool (esriLocationUI) Displays Address of a Location Using Application's Current Locator.
MxLocatorManager2Control (esriLocationUI) Management of the Locators.
PointAtEndOfLineTool (esriEditor) Tool that creates a new Point/Multipoint at the end of a line geometry.
PointFeatureTool (esriEditor) Tool that creates a new Point/Multipoint sketch geometry.
PolygonFeatureTool (esriEditor) Tool that creates a new Polygon sketch geometry.
ReplaceGeometryTool (esriEditor)  
ReshapeFeatureTool (esriEditor)  
SingleLineSearchControl (esriLocationUI) Make a Search of Address Based on Entered String Using Application's Current Locator.
Tool (esriFramework) Tool CoType.
ToolHost Use this class to host pure C++ tool implementations in a Toolbar.


2. 属性和方法:

Read-only property Cursor The mouse pointer for this tool.
Method Deactivate Causes the tool to no longer be the active tool.
Method OnContextMenu Context menu event occured at the given xy location.
Method OnDblClick Occurs when a mouse button is double clicked when this tool is active.
Method OnKeyDown Occurs when a key on the keyboard is pressed when this tool is active.
Method OnKeyUp Occurs when a key on the keyboard is released when this tool is active.
Method OnMouseDown Occurs when a mouse button is pressed when this tool is active.
Method OnMouseMove Occurs when the mouse is moved when this tool is active.
Method OnMouseUp Occurs when a mouse button is released when this tool is active.
Method Refresh Occurs when a screen display in the application is refreshed.


●·● stdole 命名空间





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●·● IFontDisp 接口


1. Provides access to members that define a COM command.




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●·● Font 接口



1. Provides access to members that define a COM command.





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●·● IPictureDisp 接口




1. Provides access to members that define a COM command.







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