zencart 掉炸天的tpl_main_page.php



 * Common Template - tpl_main_page.php


 * @version $Id: tpl_main_page.php 7085 2007-09-22 04:56:31Z ajeh $


// the following IF statement can be duplicated/modified as needed to set additional flags

  if (in_array($current_page_base,explode(",",'list_pages_to_skip_all_right_sideboxes_on_here,separated_by_commas,and_no_spaces')) ) {

    $flag_disable_right = true;



  $header_template = 'tpl_header.php';

  $footer_template = 'tpl_footer.php';

  $left_column_file = 'column_left.php';

  $right_column_file = 'column_right.php';

  $body_id = ($this_is_home_page) ? 'indexHome' : str_replace('_', '', $_GET['main_page']);


<body id="<?php echo $body_id . 'Body'; ?>"<?php if($zv_onload !='') echo ' onload="'.$zv_onload.'"'; ?>><div class="rebaseWrap">



  * prepares and displays header output



  if (CUSTOMERS_APPROVAL_AUTHORIZATION == 1 && CUSTOMERS_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER_OFF == 'true' and ($_SESSION['customers_authorization'] != 0 or $_SESSION['customer_id'] == '')) {

    $flag_disable_header = true;


  require($template->get_template_dir('tpl_header.php',DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,'common'). '/tpl_header.php');?> 

  <div id="content"><div id="mainWrapper">


  if (SHOW_BANNERS_GROUP_SET1 != '' && $banner = zen_banner_exists('dynamic', SHOW_BANNERS_GROUP_SET1)) {

    if ($banner->RecordCount() > 0) {


<div id="bannerOne" class="banners"><?php echo zen_display_banner('static', $banner); ?></div>





    <!-- bof  breadcrumb -->

    <?php if (DEFINE_BREADCRUMB_STATUS == '1' || (DEFINE_BREADCRUMB_STATUS == '2' && !$this_is_home_page) ) { ?>

    <div id="navBreadCrumb">

      <ul><?php echo $breadcrumb->trail(BREAD_CRUMBS_SEPARATOR); ?><br class="clearBoth" /></ul>


    <?php } ?>

    <!-- eof breadcrumb -->

    <div class="content_main">

      <div id="contentMainWrapper">



if (COLUMN_LEFT_STATUS == 0 || (CUSTOMERS_APPROVAL == '1' and $_SESSION['customer_id'] == '') || (CUSTOMERS_APPROVAL_AUTHORIZATION == 1 && CUSTOMERS_AUTHORIZATION_COLUMN_LEFT_OFF == 'true' and ($_SESSION['customers_authorization'] != 0 or $_SESSION['customer_id'] == ''))) {

  // global disable of column_left

  $flag_disable_left = true;





$flag_disable_left = true;



if (!isset($flag_disable_left) || !$flag_disable_left) {


          <div id="navColumnOne" class="columnLeft fl" style="width: <?php echo COLUMN_WIDTH_LEFT; ?>"><?php


  * prepares and displays left column sideboxes




            <div id="navColumnOneWrapper" style="width: <?php echo BOX_WIDTH_LEFT; ?>">




$column_width= '195px';



  require(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'sideboxes/' . $template_dir . '/categories_css.php');

  require(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'sideboxes/' . $template_dir . '/information.php');


else if($this_is_home_page||$current_page_base=="product_info")



  case $this_is_home_page://对首页进行帅选判断

  require(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'sideboxes/' . $template_dir . '/live_help.php');

  require(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'sideboxes/' . $template_dir . '/categories_css.php');//好屌

  require(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'sideboxes/' . $template_dir . '/recently_sold.php');

  require(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'sideboxes/banner_box_all.php');

  require(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'sideboxes/' . $template_dir . '/news_scroller.php');


  case "product_info"://对产品页的性侵害

     require(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'sideboxes/' . $template_dir . '/categories_css.php');

     //require(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'sideboxes/' . $template_dir . '/best_sellers.php');

  //require(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'sideboxes/' . $template_dir . '/featured.php');

     require(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'sideboxes/' . $template_dir . '/recently_sold.php');



           require(DIR_WS_MODULES . zen_get_module_directory('column_left.php'));






  require(DIR_WS_MODULES . zen_get_module_directory('column_left.php'));



//require(DIR_WS_MODULES . zen_get_module_directory('column_left.php'));







          <div class="secCenter clearfix"><?php if ($messageStack->size('upload') > 0) echo $messageStack->output('upload'); ?>



  * prepares and displays center column



 require($body_code); ?></div>


//if (COLUMN_RIGHT_STATUS == 0 || (CUSTOMERS_APPROVAL == '1' and $_SESSION['customer_id'] == '') || (CUSTOMERS_APPROVAL_AUTHORIZATION == 1 && CUSTOMERS_AUTHORIZATION_COLUMN_RIGHT_OFF == 'true' && $_SESSION['customers_authorization'] != 0)) {

if (COLUMN_RIGHT_STATUS == 0 || (CUSTOMERS_APPROVAL == '1' and $_SESSION['customer_id'] == '') || (CUSTOMERS_APPROVAL_AUTHORIZATION == 1 && CUSTOMERS_AUTHORIZATION_COLUMN_RIGHT_OFF == 'true' and ($_SESSION['customers_authorization'] != 0 or $_SESSION['customer_id'] == ''))) {

  // global disable of column_right

  $flag_disable_right = true;


if (!isset($flag_disable_right) || !$flag_disable_right) {


          <div id="navColumnTwo" class="columnRight" style="width: <?php echo COLUMN_WIDTH_RIGHT; ?>"><?php


  * prepares and displays right column sideboxes




            <div id="navColumnTwoWrapper" style="width: <?php echo BOX_WIDTH_RIGHT; ?>">

              <?php require(DIR_WS_MODULES . zen_get_module_directory('column_right.php')); ?>









<br class="clearBoth" /></div>



  * prepares and displays footer output



  if (CUSTOMERS_APPROVAL_AUTHORIZATION == 1 && CUSTOMERS_AUTHORIZATION_FOOTER_OFF == 'true' and ($_SESSION['customers_authorization'] != 0 or $_SESSION['customer_id'] == '')) {

    $flag_disable_footer = true;


  require($template->get_template_dir('tpl_footer.php',DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,'common'). '/tpl_footer.php');




  if (DISPLAY_PAGE_PARSE_TIME == 'true') {


<div class="smallText center">Parse Time: <?php echo $parse_time; ?> - Number of Queries: <?php echo $db->queryCount(); ?> - Query Time: <?php echo $db->queryTime(); ?></div>






posted @ 2013-10-31 15:57  也许明天  阅读(512)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报