【ASM】Oracle ASM命令行工具


ASMCMD命令是命令行工具,可以用来管理Oracle ASM实例、磁盘组、磁盘组的文件访问控制、磁盘组内的文件和目录、模板和卷。该命令可以运行在交互模式或者非交互模式。


  • ASMCMD实例管理命令:dsget、dsset、lsct、lsop、lspwusr、orapwusr、shutdown、spbackup、spcopy、spget、spmove、spset、startup;
  • ASMCMD文件管理命令:cd、cp、du、find、ls、lsof、mkalias、pwd、rm、rmalias;
  • ASMCMD磁盘组管理命令:chdg、chkdg、dropdg、iostat、lsattr、lsdg、lsdsk、lsod、md_backup、md_restore、mkdg、mount、offline、online、rebal、remap、setattr、umount;
  • ASMCMD模板管理命令:chtmpl、lstmpl、mktmpl、rmtmpl;
  • ASMCMD文件访问控制命令:chgrp、chmod、chown、groups、grpmod、lsgrp、lsusr、mkgrp、mkusr、passwd、rmgrp、rmusr;
  • ASMCMD卷管理命令:volcreate、voldelete、voldisable、volenable、volinfo、volresize、volset、volstat;


[grid@strong ~]$ asmcmd
[grid@strong ~]$ asmcmd -V
asmcmd version
[grid@strong ~]$ asmcmd help
            asmcmd [-V] [-v <errors|warnings|normal|info|debug>] [--privilege <sysasm|sysdba>] [-p] [command]

        Starts asmcmd (if no parameters) or executes the command with given parameters

        asmcmd [-V] [-v <errors|warnings|normal|info|debug>] [--privilege <sysasm|sysdba>] [-p] [command]

        Specify the connect string after the -c option to use the listener to 
        connect.  By default, ASMCMD asks for a password in a non-echoing 
        prompt, unless the password is specified as part of the connect string.

        The connect identifier is in the form of "host:port:sid", with the
        host and the port being option.  Host defaults to "localhost" and port
        to 1521.  If the sid is not specified as a part of the connect 
        identifier, then it is read from the environment variable ORACLE_SID.

        If no connect string is used, then environment variables 
        ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID determine the instance to which the program 
        connects, and asmcmd establishes a bequeath connection to the it, in 
        the same manner as a SQLPLUS / AS SYSASM.  The user must be a member 
        of the SYSDBA group to exercise this option.

        Specifying the -V option prints the asmcmd version number and
        exits immediately.

        Specifying the -v option prints extra information that can help
        advanced users diagnose problems.

        Specify the --privilege option to choose the type of connection. There are
        only two possibilities: connecting as SYSASM or as SYSDBA.
        The default value if this option is unspecified is SYSASM:

        Specifying the -p option allows the current directory to be displayed 
        in the command prompt, like so:


        The parameter command specifies one of the following commands, along 
        with its parameters.

        Type "help [command]" to get help on a specific ASMCMD command.


        md_backup, md_restore

        lsattr, setattr

        cd, cp, du, find, help, ls, lsct, lsdg, lsof, mkalias
        mkdir, pwd, rm, rmalias

        chdg, chkdg, dropdg, iostat, lsdsk, lsod, mkdg, mount
        offline, online, rebal, remap, umount

        dsget, dsset, lsop, shutdown, spbackup, spcopy, spget
        spmove, spset, startup

        chtmpl, lstmpl, mktmpl, rmtmpl

        chgrp, chmod, chown, groups, grpmod, lsgrp, lspwusr, lsusr
        mkgrp, mkusr, orapwusr, passwd, rmgrp, rmusr

        volcreate, voldelete, voldisable, volenable, volinfo
        volresize, volset, volstat
ASMCMD> help ls

        Lists the contents of an Oracle ASM directory, the attributes of the 
        specified file, or the names and attributes of all disk groups from the
        V$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT or V$ASM_DISKGROUP view. The default view is 

        ls [-lsdtLg] [--absolutepath][--suppressheader] [--reverse][--permission][pattern]

        The options for the ls command are described below.

        (none)		 - Displays only filenames and directory names.
        -l		 - Displays extended file information, including 
   striping and redundancy information and whether the 
   file was system-generated (indicated by Y under the 
   SYS column) or user-created (as in the case of an 
   alias, indicated by N under the SYS column). When 
   used in the "ls -l +" command, displays directory 
   information. Note that not all possible file 
   attributes or disk group attributes are included. 
   To view the complete set of column values for a file 
   or a disk group, query the V$ASM_FILE and 
        -s		 - Displays file space information.
        -d		 - If the value for the name argument is a directory,
   then ls displays information about that directory,
   rather than the directory contents. Typically used 
   with another flag, such as the -l flag.
        --reverse	 - Reverses the sort order of the listing.
        -t		 - Sorts the listing by timestamp (latest first) 
   instead of by name.
        -L		 - If the value for the name argument is an alias,
   then ASMCMD displays information about the file that 
   it references. Typically used with another flag,
                           such as the -l flag.
        --absolutepath   - For each listed file, displays the absolute path of 
   the alias that references it, if any.
        -g		 - Selects from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT, or from 
   GV$ASM_DISKGROUP if the -c flag is also specified.
   GV$ASM_DISKGOUP.INST_ID is included in the output.
        --suppressheader - Suppresses column headings.
        --permission	 - Shows the permissions of a file 
   (V$ASM_FILE.permission, V$ASM_FILE.owner,
   V$ASM_FILE.usergroup, V$ASM_ALIAS.name).
        pattern		 - Name of a file, directory, or pattern.

        Command options enable you to modify and customize the output of 
        the command. Table 12-20 lists the options and their descriptions.
        For disk group information, this command queries the 
        V$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT view by default, which can be modified by 
        using the -g option.
If you specify all of the options, then the command shows a union 
        of their attributes, with duplicates removed.
If you enter ls +, then the command returns information about all
        disk groups, including information about whether the disk groups 
        are mounted.
        name		- can be a filename or directory name, 
  including wildcard characters.
        If name is a directory name, then ls lists the contents of the
        directory and depending on flag settings, ls also lists information
        about each directory member. Directories are listed with a trailing
        slash (/) to distinguish them from files.
        If the value that you enter for name is a filename, then ls lists 
        the file and depending on the flag settings, ls also lists 
        information about the file. The file must be located in the current 
        directory if the filename is specified with a relative path.

        The following are examples of the ls command that display various 
        information about directories and the contents of the directories.

ASMCMD [+] > ls +data/orcl/datafile

ASMCMD [+] > ls -lt +data/orcl/datafile
Type      Redund  Striped  Time             Sys  Name
DATAFILE  MIRROR  COARSE   JUL 13 08:00:00  Y    EXAMPLE.265.691577295
DATAFILE  MIRROR  COARSE   JUL 13 05:00:00  Y    SYSAUX.257.691577149
DATAFILE  MIRROR  COARSE   JUL 13 02:00:00  Y    USERS.259.691577151
DATAFILE  MIRROR  COARSE   JUL 13 02:00:00  Y    UNDOTBS1.258.691577151
DATAFILE  MIRROR  COARSE   JUL 13 02:00:00  Y    SYSTEM.256.691577149

ASMCMD [+] > ls -l +data/orcl/datafile/sy*
Type      Redund  Striped  Time             Sys  Name
DATAFILE  MIRROR  COARSE   JUL 13 05:00:00  Y    SYSAUX.257.691577149
DATAFILE  MIRROR  COARSE   JUL 13 02:00:00  Y    SYSTEM.256.691577149

ASMCMD [+] > ls -s  +data/orcl/datafile
Block_Size  Blocks      Bytes       Space  Name
      8192   12801  104865792   214958080  EXAMPLE.265.691577295
      8192   88321  723525632  1452277760  SYSAUX.257.691577149
      8192   88321  723525632  1452277760  SYSTEM.256.691577149
      8192    7681   62922752   131072000  UNDOTBS1.258.691577151
      8192     641    5251072    12582912  USERS.259.691577151

ASMCMD [+] > ls --permission  +data/orcl/datafile
User  Group  Permission  Name
              rw-rw-rw-  EXAMPLE.265.691577295
              rw-rw-rw-  SYSAUX.257.691577149
              rw-rw-rw-  SYSTEM.256.691577149
              rw-rw-rw-  UNDOTBS1.258.691577151
              rw-rw-rw-  USERS.259.691577151


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