

1.首先VC实现了将<Ret(T1, T2, ...)>这种类型的类型参数,改变为<Ret, T1, T2, ...>这种类型的类型参数。使用的方法如下:

template <class _Fty>
class function : public _Get_function_impl<_Fty>::type
    using _Mybase = _Get_function_impl<_Fty>::type;
    function() noexcept
    {    // construct empty function wrapper

    template <class _Fx,
         class = typename _Mybase::_Enable_if_callable_t<_Fx&, function>>
    function(_Fx _Func)
    {    // construct wrapper holding copy of _Func

    // 没有其他的数据成员


template <class _Ret,
    class... _Types>
struct _Get_function_impl<_Ret CALL_OPT (_Types...)>
    using type = _Func_class<_Ret, _Types...>;


using max_align_t =  double;    // most aligned type
// size in pointers of std::function and std::any (roughly 3 pointers larger than std::string when building debug
constexpr int _Small_object_num_ptrs = 6 + 16 / sizeof(void *);
constexpr size_t _Space_size = (_Small_object_num_ptrs - 1) * sizeof(void*);

template <class _Ret,
    class... _Types>
    class _Func_class
{   // implement function template
    using result_type = _Ret;

    using _Ptrt = _Func_base<_Ret, _Types...>;

    _Func_class() noexcept
    {    // construct without stored object

    _Ret operator()(_Types... _Args) const
    if (_Empty())
    const auto _Impl = _Getimpl();
    return (_Impl->_Do_call(_STD forward<_Types>(Args)...));

    // 用于判断传入的函数对象可以调用_Types...表示的参数,并且返回_Ret类型的参数,
    // 而且不为function类型(至少上面的调用时是这个意思)
    template<class _Fx,
    class _Function>
    using _Enable_if_callable_t = enable_if_t<conjunction_v<negation<is_same<decay_t<_Fx>, _Function>>,
        _Is_invocable_r<_Ret, _Fx, _Types...>>>;

    bool _Empty() const _NOEXCEPT
    {    // return true if no stored object
    return (_Getimpl() == 0);

    template <class _Fx>
    void _Reset(_Fx&& _Val)
    {    // store copy of _Val
    if (!_Test_callable(_Val))
    {   // null member pointer/function pointer/std::function
        return;    // already empty

    using _Impl = _Func_impl_no_alloc<decay_t<_Fx>, _Ret, _Types...>;
    _Reset_impl<_Impl>(std::forward<_Fx>(_Val), _Is_large<_Impl>());

    template <class _Myimpl, class _Fx>
    void _Reset_impl(_Fx&& _Val, true_type)
    {    // store copy of _Val, large (dynamically allocated)

    template <class _Myimpl, class _Fx>
    void _Reset_impl(_Fx&& _Val, false_type)
    {    // store copy of _Val, small (locally stored)
    // placement operator new,将对象创建在_Mystorage所在的地址
    _Set(::new (_Getspace()) _Myimpl(std::forward<_Fx>(_Val)));

    void _Tidy() noexcept
    {    // clean up
    if (!_Empty())
    {   // destroy callable object and maybe delete it

    union _Storage
    {    // storage for small objects (basic_string is small)
    max_align_t _Dummy1;    // for maximum alignment
    char _Dummy2[_Space_size];    // to permit aliasing
    _Ptrt *_Ptrs[_Small_object_num_ptrs];        // _Ptrs[_Small_object_num_ptrs - 1] is reserved

    _Storage _Mystorage;    // 数据成员

    bool _Local() const noexcept
    {    // test for locally stored copy of object
    return (_Getimpl() == _Getspace());

    _Ptrt* _Getimpl() const noexcept
    {    // get pointer to object
    return (_Mystorage._Ptrs[_Small_object_num_ptrs - 1]);

    void _Set(_Ptrt* _Ptr) noexcept
    {    // store pointer to object
    _Mystorage._Ptrs[_Small_object_num_ptrs - 1] = _Ptr;

    void *_Getspace() noexcept
    {    // get pointer to storage space
    return (&_Mystorage);

    const void* _Getspace() const noexcept
    return (&_Mystorage);

这个类只有一个数据成员,就是_Storage _Mystorage;其中_Storage是个union,union中两个成员用了Dummy开头,dummy的意思,就是只是为了实现某些目的,实际中并不会应用,_Dummy1的目的是为了让这个对象最大对齐,_Dummy2说是用于别名,我从实现来看,更像用来表示多大的函数对象可以本地存储,_Space_size表示的就是可以将函数对象直接存储到_Func_class中最大的值,而_Ptrs[_Small_object_num_ptrs]的大小,刚好比_Dummy2对一个指针的长度大小,因为最后一个指针需要用了存储实际函数的起始地址,这点,可以参考_Getimpl函数和_Set函数。这样做的目的,应该是减少new的次数,因为new的次数过多,容易导致比较严重的碎片化,而且new本来速度也比不了在堆栈中分配内存的速度,不过,另一方面,从实现来看,一个function占用的大小,远大于一个函数指针的大小,更远大于一个没有数据成员的函数对象的大小。如果对于内存占用有很大的要求,而且需要的函数对象又特别多,例如附带函数的事件处理队列等,需要慎重考虑一下。


_Ptrt *_Ptrs[_Small_object_num_ptrs];中的_Ptrt,也就是_Func_base:

template <class _Rx,
     class... _Types>
class _Func_base
{    // abstract base for implementation types
    virtual _Func_base* _Copy(void*) const = 0;
    virtual _Func_base* _Move(void*) const = 0;
    virtual _Fx _Do_call(Types&&...) = 0;
    virtual void _Delete_this(bool) _NOEXCEPT = 0;

    _Func_base() = default;
    _Func_base(const _Func_base&) = delete;
    _Func_base& operator=(const _Func_base&) = delete;
    // destructor non-virtual due to _Delete_this()

template <class _Callable,
    class _Rx,
    class... _Types>
class _Func_impl_no_alloc final : public _Func_base<_Rx, _Types...>
{        // derived class for specific implementation types that don't use allocators
    using _Mybase = _Func_base<_Rx, _Types...>;
    using _Nothrow_move = is_nothrow_move_constructible<_Callable>;

    template <class _Other,
    class = enable_if_t<!is_same_v<_Func_impl_no_alloc, decay_t<_Other>>>>
    explicit _Func_impl_no_alloc(_Other&& _Val)
    : _Callee(std::forward<_Other>(_Val))
    {    // construct

    virtual _Mybase *_Copy(void *_Where) const override
    {    // return clone of *this
    return (_Clone(_Where, _Is_large<_Func_impl_no_alloc>()));

    _Mybase *_Clone(void *, true_type) const
    {    // return clone of *this, large (dynamically allocated)
    return (_Global_new<_Func_impl_no_alloc>(_Callee));

    _Mybase *_Clone(void *_Where, false_type) const
    {    // return clone of *this, small (locally stored)
    return (::new (_Where) _Func_impl_no_alloc(_Callee));

    virtual _Mybase *_Move(void *_Where) override
    {    // return clone of *this
    return (::new (_Where) _Func_impl_no_alloc(std::move(_Callee)));

    virtual _Rx _Do_call(_Types&&... _Args) override
    return (_Invoker_ret<_Rx>::_Call(_Callee, std::forward<_Types>(_Args)...));

    virtual const void *_Get() const noexcept override
    {    // return address of stored object
    return (std::addressof(_Callee));

    virtual void _Delete_this(bool _Dealloc) noexcept override
    if (_Dealloc)
        _Deallocate<alignof(_Func_impl_no_alloc)>(this, sizeof(_Func_impl_no_alloc));

_Callable _Callee;

我们认真查看上述代码,不难发现,区分在_Copy函数中的_Is_large<_Func_impl_no_alloc>(),实际调用是:_Mybase *_Clone(void *, true_type),采用的是在堆中分配一段空间,而_Mybase *_Clone(void *_Where, false_type)采用的是placement operator new,将对象创建在本地。我们查看_Func_class中的Reset系列函数,也可以发现_Is_large的使用,以及堆栈分配和本地分配的区别。下面,给出_Is_large的实现:

template <class _Impl>
struct _Is_large
    : bool_constant<_Space_size < sizeof(_Impl)
    || !_Impl::_Nothrow_move::value>
{   // determine whether _Impl must be dynamically allocated

其中true_type是bool_constant<true>,而false_type是bool_constant<false>,为不同的类型。最后,还要要简单提及一下的是:_Func_class是继承于public _Arg_types<_Types...>,而

// 这个类的目的是提供argument_type, first_argument_type, second_argument_type,
// 因为C++17中已经为deprecated,所以,没有查看的必要
template <class... _Types>
struct _Arg_types
{   // provide argument_type, etc. (sometimes)



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