bom type:Phantom


'type': fields.selection([('normal','Normal BoM'),('phantom','Sets / Phantom')], 'BoM Type', required=True,
help= "If a by-product is used in several products, it can be useful to create its own BoM. "\
"Though if you don't want separated production orders for this by-product, select Set/Phantom as BoM type. "\

"If a Phantom BoM is used for a root product, it will be sold and shipped as a set of components, instead of being produced."),

如果虚拟对bom用于一个顶层产品。销售装箱时 会直接用bom组件 替代 销售产品,而不创建生产单据。


虚拟的bom用于不要生产加工的产品组合: 例如,几个产品打包销售,a+b+c 组合成D销售,

销售D时,并不需要用a b c 来生产D, 这种情况,为D 建立一个 phantom BOM。 销售D,会直接生成abc   的送货单。


posted on 2014-06-05 14:30  Odoo在中国  阅读(414)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
