Rstudio 01 连接MySQL
> install.packages("RMySQL") also installing the dependency ‘DBI’ trying URL '' Content type 'application/zip' length 744728 bytes (727 KB) downloaded 727 KB trying URL '' Content type 'application/zip' length 2296782 bytes (2.2 MB) downloaded 2.2 MB package ‘DBI’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked package ‘RMySQL’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked The downloaded binary packages are in C:\Users\fangping\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmp4OKUkD\downloaded_packages > library(RMySQL) 载入需要的程辑包:DBI > help(package=”RMySQL”) #查看RMySQL的说明文档,里面有RMySQL所有可用的方法 Error: unexpected input in "help(package=? > #创建数据库连接 > con <- dbConnect(MySQL(),host="localhost",dbname="test2",user="root",password="xinwei") > #获取连接信息,查看database下所有表,以及删除testname表 > summary(con) <MySQLConnection:0,0> User: root Host: localhost Dbname: test2 Connection type: localhost via TCP/IP Results: > dbGetInfo(con) $host [1] "localhost" $user [1] "root" $dbname [1] "test2" $conType [1] "localhost via TCP/IP" $serverVersion [1] "5.6.36" $protocolVersion [1] 10 $threadId [1] 3 $rsId list() > dbListTables(con) [1] "data_category_url" "demo" "tb_common_biz" [4] "tb_data_createtime" "tb_data_privilege" "test_event" [7] "xw_sequence" >
#读数据库表(show tables);
> dbReadTable(con,"xixi")
fruits <-data.frame(id=1:3,create_time=c("2017-05-03 16:11:40","2017-05-03 16:11:41","2017-05-03 16:11:42"),privilege_person=c(0,1,2),person_or_role=c(1,2,3),is_creator=c(1,2,3),data_id=c(20170512001,20170512002,2017051200))
> dbReadTable(con,"xixi")
id create_time privilege_person person_or_role is_creator data_id
1 1 2017-05-03 16:11:40 0 1 1 20170512001
2 2 2017-05-03 16:11:41 1 2 2 20170512002
3 3 2017-05-03 16:11:42 2 3 3 2017051200
> dbListTables(con)
[1] "data_category_url" "demo" "fruits" "tb_common_biz"
[5] "tb_data_createtime" "tb_data_privilege" "test_event" "xixi"
[9] "xw_sequence"