

1.只读文件,如,src/core/core-default.xml, src/hdfs/hdfs-default.xmlsrc/mapred/mapred-default.xml.

2.site配置文件,如,conf/core-site.xml, conf/hdfs-site.xml 和conf/mapred-site.xml.

配置hadoop daemon环境:



export HADOOP_NAMENODE_OPTS="-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote $HADOOP_NAMENODE_OPTS"
export HADOOP_DATANODE_OPTS="-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote $HADOOP_DATANODE_OPTS"
export HADOOP_BALANCER_OPTS="-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote $HADOOP_BALANCER_OPTS"
export HADOOP_JOBTRACKER_OPTS="-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote $HADOOP_JOBTRACKER_OPTS"




capacity-scheduler.xml      hadoop-policy.xml      slaves
configuration.xsl           hdfs-site.xml          ssl-client.xml.example
core-site.xml               log4j.properties       ssl-server.xml.example
fair-scheduler.xml          mapred-queue-acls.xml  taskcontroller.cfg
hadoop-env.sh               mapred-site.xml
hadoop-metrics2.properties  masters
mapred.job.tracker Host or IP and port of JobTracker. host:port pair.
mapred.system.dir Path on the HDFS where where the MapReduce framework stores system files e.g. /hadoop/mapred/system/. This is in the default filesystem (HDFS) and must be accessible from both the server and client machines.
mapred.local.dir Comma-separated list of paths on the local filesystem where temporary MapReduce data is written. Multiple paths help spread disk i/o.
mapred.tasktracker.{map|reduce}.tasks.maximum The maximum number of MapReduce tasks, which are run simultaneously on a given TaskTracker, individually. Defaults to 2 (2 maps and 2 reduces), but vary it depending on your hardware.
dfs.hosts/dfs.hosts.exclude List of permitted/excluded DataNodes. If necessary, use these files to control the list of allowable datanodes.
mapred.hosts/mapred.hosts.exclude List of permitted/excluded TaskTrackers. If necessary, use these files to control the list of allowable TaskTrackers.
mapred.queue.names Comma separated list of queues to which jobs can be submitted. The MapReduce system always supports atleast one queue with the name as default. Hence, this parameter's value should always contain the string default. Some job schedulers supported in Hadoop, like the Capacity Scheduler, support multiple queues. If such a scheduler is being used, the list of configured queue names must be specified here. Once queues are defined, users can submit jobs to a queue using the property name mapred.job.queue.name in the job configuration. There could be a separate configuration file for configuring properties of these queues that is managed by the scheduler. Refer to the documentation of the scheduler for information on the same.
mapred.acls.enabled Boolean, specifying whether checks for queue ACLs and job ACLs are to be done for authorizing users for doing queue operations and job operations. If true, queue ACLs are checked while submitting and administering jobs and job ACLs are checked for authorizing view and modification of jobs. Queue ACLs are specified using the configuration parameters of the form mapred.queue.queue-name.acl-name, defined below under mapred-queue-acls.xml. Job ACLs are described at Job Authorization




conf/hdfs-site.xml dfs.block.size 134217728 HDFS blocksize of 128MB for large file-systems.
conf/hdfs-site.xml dfs.namenode.handler.count 40 More NameNode server threads to handle RPCs from large number of DataNodes.
conf/mapred-site.xml mapred.reduce.parallel.copies 20 Higher number of parallel copies run by reduces to fetch outputs from very large number of maps.
conf/mapred-site.xml mapred.map.child.java.opts -Xmx512M Larger heap-size for child jvms of maps.
conf/mapred-site.xml mapred.reduce.child.java.opts -Xmx512M Larger heap-size for child jvms of reduces.
conf/core-site.xml fs.inmemory.size.mb 200 Larger amount of memory allocated for the in-memory file-system used to merge map-outputs at the reduces.
conf/core-site.xml io.sort.factor 100 More streams merged at once while sorting files.
conf/core-site.xml io.sort.mb 200 Higher memory-limit while sorting data.
conf/core-site.xml io.file.buffer.size 131072 Size of read/write buffer used in SequenceFiles.




posted @ 2012-09-08 10:41  宏定义  阅读(370)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报