《Redis实战》-Josiah L.Carlson 的python的源代码翻译成C# 第一章

  static void Main(string[] args)
            var redis = new CSRedis.CSRedisClient(",defaultDatabase=0,poolsize=500,ssl=false,writeBuffer=10240,prefix=test_");//prefix所有的key会加上test_
            bool bool_echo;
            long long_echo;

            # <start id="simple-string-calls"/>
            $ redis - cli                                 #A
            redis > set hello world       #D
            OK                                          #E
            redis > get hello             #F
            "world"                                     #G
            redis > del hello             #H
            (integer) 1                                 #I
            redis > get hello             #J
            redis >
            # <end id="simple-string-calls"/>
            # A Start the redis-cli client up
            # D Set the key 'hello' to the value 'world'
            # E If a SET command succeeds, it returns 'OK', which turns into True on the Python side
            # F Now get the value stored at the key 'hello'
            # G It is still 'world', like we just set it
            # H Let's delete the key/value pair
            # I If there was a value to delete, DEL returns the number of items that were deleted
            # J There is no more value, so trying to fetch the value returns nil, which turns into None on the Python side
            # END

            #region simple-string-calls
            bool_echo = redis.Set("hello", "world");
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.Set('hello', 'world'); {Bool2String_echo(bool_echo)}");
            var hello = redis.Get("hello");
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.Get('hello'); {hello}");
            long_echo = redis.Del("hello");
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.Del('hello'); {long_echo}");
            hello = redis.Get("hello");
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.Get('hello'); {hello ?? "null"}");

            # <start id="simple-list-calls"/>
            redis> rpush list-key item   #A
            (integer) 1                                 #A
            redis> rpush list-key item2  #A
            (integer) 2                                 #A
            redis> rpush list-key item   #A
            (integer) 3                                 #A
            redis> lrange list-key 0 -1  #B
            1) "item"                                   #B
            2) "item2"                                  #B
            3) "item"                                   #B
            redis> lindex list-key 1     #C
            "item2"                                     #C
            redis> lpop list-key         #D
            "item"                                      #D
            redis> lrange list-key 0 -1  #D
            1) "item2"                                  #D
            2) "item"                                   #D
            # <end id="simple-list-calls"/>
            #A When we push items onto a LIST, the command returns the current length of the list
            #B We can fetch the entire list by passing a range of 0 for the start index, and -1 for the last index
            #C We can fetch individual items from the list with LINDEX
            #D By popping an item from the list, it is no longer available

            #region simple-list-calls
            long_echo = redis.RPush("list-key", "item");
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.RPush('list-key', 'item'); {long_echo}");
            long_echo = redis.RPush("list-key", "item2");
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.RPush('list-key', 'item2');{long_echo}");
            long_echo = redis.RPush("list-key", "item");
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.RPush('list-key', 'item'); {long_echo}");
            var list_key = redis.LRange("list-key", 0, -1);
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.LRange('list-key', 0, -1); {StringArray2String(list_key)}");
            var list_key1 = redis.LIndex("list-key", 1);
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.LIndex('list-key', 1); {list_key1}");
            var list_keyleft = redis.LPop("list-key");
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.LPop('list-key'); {list_keyleft}");
            list_key = redis.LRange("list-key", 0, -1);
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.LRange('list-key', 0, -1); {StringArray2String(list_key)}");

            # <start id="simple-set-calls"/>
            redis > sadd set - key item     #A
            (integer) 1                                 #A
            redis > sadd set - key item2    #A
            (integer) 1                                 #A
            redis > sadd set - key item3    #A
            (integer) 1                                 #A
            redis > sadd set - key item     #A
            (integer) 0                                 #A
            redis > smembers set - key      #B
            1) "item"                                   #B
            2) "item2"                                  #B
            3) "item3"                                  #B
            redis > sismember set - key item4   #C
            (integer) 0                                     #C
            redis > sismember set - key item    #C
            (integer) 1                                     #C
            redis > srem set - key item2    #D
            (integer) 1                                 #D
            redis > srem set - key item2    #D
            (integer) 0                                 #D
            redis > smembers set - key
            1) "item"
            2) "item3"
            redis >
            # <end id="simple-set-calls"/>
            # A When adding an item to a SET, Redis will return a 1 if the item is new to the set and 0 if it was already in the SET
            # B We can fetch all of the items in the SET, which returns them as a sequence of items, which is turned into a Python set from Python
            # C We can also ask Redis whether an item is in the SET, which turns into a boolean in Python
            # D When we attempt to remove items, our commands return the number of items that were removed
            # END

            #region simple-set-calls
            long_echo = redis.SAdd("set-key", "item");
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.SAdd('set-key', 'item'); {long_echo}");
            long_echo = redis.SAdd("set-key", "item2");
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.SAdd('set-key', 'item2'); {long_echo}");
            long_echo = redis.SAdd("set-key", "item3");
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.SAdd('set-key', 'item3'); {long_echo}");
            long_echo = redis.SAdd("set-key", "item");
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.SAdd('set-key', 'item'); {long_echo}");
            var set_key = redis.SMembers("set-key");
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.SMembers('set-key'); {StringArray2String(set_key)}");
            bool_echo = redis.SIsMember("set-key", "item4");
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.SIsMember('set-key', 'item4'); {Bool2String_echo(bool_echo)}");
            bool_echo = redis.SIsMember("set-key", "item");
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.SIsMember('set-key', 'item'); {Bool2String_echo(bool_echo)}");
            long_echo = redis.SRem("set-key", "item2");
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.SRem('set-key', 'item2'); {long_echo}");
            long_echo = redis.SRem("set-key", "item2");
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.SRem('set-key', 'item2'); {long_echo}");
            set_key = redis.SMembers("set-key");
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.SMembers('set-key'); {StringArray2String(set_key)}");

            # <start id="simple-hash-calls"/>
            redis> hset hash-key sub-key1 value1 #A
            (integer) 1                                         #A
            redis> hset hash-key sub-key2 value2 #A
            (integer) 1                                         #A
            redis> hset hash-key sub-key1 value1 #A
            (integer) 0                                         #A
            redis> hgetall hash-key              #B
            1) "sub-key1"                                       #B
            2) "value1"                                         #B
            3) "sub-key2"                                       #B
            4) "value2"                                         #B
            redis> hdel hash-key sub-key2        #C
            (integer) 1                                         #C
            redis> hdel hash-key sub-key2        #C
            (integer) 0                                         #C
            redis> hget hash-key sub-key1        #D
            "value1"                                            #D
            redis> hgetall hash-key
            1) "sub-key1"
            2) "value1"
            # <end id="simple-hash-calls"/>
            #A When we add items to a hash, again we get a return value that tells us whether the item is new in the hash
            #B We can fetch all of the items in the HASH, which gets translated into a dictionary on the Python side of things
            #C When we delete items from the hash, the command returns whether the item was there before we tried to remove it
            #D We can also fetch individual fields from hashes

            #region simple-hash-calls
            bool_echo = redis.HSet("hash-key", "sub-key1", "value1");
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.HSet('hash-key', 'sub-key1', 'value1'); {Bool2String_echo(bool_echo)}");
            bool_echo = redis.HSet("hash-key", "sub-key2", "value2");
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.HSet('hash-key', 'sub-key2', 'value2'); {Bool2String_echo(bool_echo)}");
            bool_echo = redis.HSet("hash-key", "sub-key1", "value1");
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.HSet('hash-key', 'sub-key1', 'value1'); {Bool2String_echo(bool_echo)}");
            var hash_key = redis.HGetAll("hash-key");
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.HGetAll('hash-key'); {Dictionary2String(hash_key)}");
            long_echo = redis.HDel("hash-key", "sub-key2");
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.HDel('hash-key', 'sub-key2'); {long_echo}");
            long_echo = redis.HDel("hash-key", "sub-key2");
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.HDel('hash-key', 'sub-key2'); {long_echo}");
            var sub_key1 = redis.HGet("hash-key", "sub-key1");
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.HGet('hash-key', 'sub-key1'); {sub_key1}");
            hash_key = redis.HGetAll("hash-key");
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.HGetAll('hash-key'); {Dictionary2String(hash_key)}");

            # <start id="simple-zset-calls"/>
            redis> zadd zset-key 728 member1     #A
            (integer) 1                                         #A
            redis> zadd zset-key 982 member0     #A
            (integer) 1                                         #A
            redis> zadd zset-key 982 member0     #A
            (integer) 0                                         #A
            redis> zrange zset-key 0 -1 withscores   #B
            1) "member1"                                            #B
            2) "728"                                                #B
            3) "member0"                                            #B
            4) "982"                                                #B
            redis> zrangebyscore zset-key 0 800 withscores   #C
            1) "member1"                                                    #C
            2) "728"                                                        #C
            redis> zrem zset-key member1     #D
            (integer) 1                                     #D
            redis> zrem zset-key member1     #D
            (integer) 0                                     #D
            redis> zrange zset-key 0 -1 withscores
            1) "member0"
            2) "982"
            # <end id="simple-zset-calls"/>
            #A When we add items to a ZSET, the the command returns the number of new items
            #B We can fetch all of the items in the ZSET, which are ordered by the scores, and scores are turned into floats in Python
            #C We can also fetch a subsequence of items based on their scores
            #D When we remove items, we again find the number of items that were removed

            #region simple-zset-calls
            long_echo = redis.ZAdd("zset-key", (728, "member1"));
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.ZAdd('zset-key', (728, 'member1')); {long_echo}");
            long_echo = redis.ZAdd("zset-key", (982, "member0"));
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.ZAdd('zset-key', (982, 'member0')); {long_echo}");
            var zset_key = redis.ZRangeWithScores("zset-key", 0, -1);
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.ZRangeWithScores('zset-key', 0, -1); {ValueTuple2String(zset_key)}");
            zset_key = redis.ZRangeByScoreWithScores("zset-key", 0, 800);
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.ZRangeByScoreWithScores('zset-key', 0, 800); {ValueTuple2String(zset_key)}");
            long_echo = redis.ZRem("zset-key", "member1");
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.ZRem('zset-key', 'member1'); {long_echo}");
            long_echo = redis.ZRem("zset-key", "member1");
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.ZRem('zset-key', 'member1'); {long_echo}");
            zset_key = redis.ZRangeWithScores("zset-key", 0, -1);
            Console.WriteLine($"redis.ZRangeWithScores('zset-key', 0, -1); {ValueTuple2String(zset_key)}");

            new TestCh01().test_article_functionality();

        static string Bool2String_echo(bool bool_echo)
            return bool_echo ? "OK" : "Fail";

        static string StringArray2String(string[] strs)
            string str = string.Empty;
            for (int i = 0; i < strs.Length; i++)
                str += $"{i}){strs[i]} ";
            return str;

        static string ValueTuple2String((string, decimal)[] tuples)
            string str = string.Empty;
            for (int i = 0; i < tuples.Length; i++)
                str += $"{i}){tuples[i].Item1} {tuples[i].Item2} ";
            return str;

        static string Dictionary2String(Dictionary<string, string> dics)

            string str = string.Empty;
            for (int i = 0; i < dics.Count; i++)
                str += $"{i}){dics.Keys.ToList()[i]} {dics.Values.ToList()[i]} ";
            return str;
View Code
using CSRedis;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace AIStudio.ConSole.Redis.Ch01
# <start id="upvote-code"/>
ONE_WEEK_IN_SECONDS = 7 * 86400                     #A
VOTE_SCORE = 432                                    #A

def article_vote(conn, user, article):
    cutoff = time.time() - ONE_WEEK_IN_SECONDS      #B
    if conn.zscore('time:', article) < cutoff:      #C

    article_id = article.partition(':')[-1]         #D
    if conn.sadd('voted:' + article_id, user):      #E
        conn.zincrby('score:', VOTE_SCORE, article) #E
        conn.hincrby(article, 'votes', 1)           #E
# <end id="upvote-code"/>
#A Prepare our constants
#B Calculate the cutoff time for voting
#C Check to see if the article can still be voted on (we could use the article HASH here, but scores are returned as floats so we don't have to cast it)
#D Get the id portion from the article:id identifier
#E If the user hasn't voted for this article before, increment the article score and vote count (note that our HINCRBY and ZINCRBY calls should be in a Redis transaction, but we don't introduce them until chapter 3 and 4, so ignore that for now)

# <start id="post-article-code"/>
def post_article(conn, user, title, link):
    article_id = str(conn.incr('article:'))     #A

    voted = 'voted:' + article_id
    conn.sadd(voted, user)                      #B
    conn.expire(voted, ONE_WEEK_IN_SECONDS)     #B

    now = time.time()
    article = 'article:' + article_id
    conn.hmset(article, {                       #C
        'title': title,                         #C
        'link': link,                           #C
        'poster': user,                         #C
        'time': now,                            #C
        'votes': 1,                             #C
    })                                          #C

    conn.zadd('score:', {article: now + VOTE_SCORE})#D
    conn.zadd('time:', {article: now})              #D

    return article_id
# <end id="post-article-code"/>
#A Generate a new article id
#B Start with the posting user having voted for the article, and set the article voting information to automatically expire in a week (we discuss expiration in chapter 3)
#C Create the article hash
#D Add the article to the time and score ordered zsets

# <start id="fetch-articles-code"/>

def get_articles(conn, page, order='score:'):
    start = (page-1) * ARTICLES_PER_PAGE            #A
    end = start + ARTICLES_PER_PAGE - 1             #A

    ids = conn.zrevrange(order, start, end)         #B
    articles = []
    for id in ids:                                  #C
        article_data = conn.hgetall(id)             #C
        article_data['id'] = id                     #C
        articles.append(article_data)               #C

    return articles
# <end id="fetch-articles-code"/>
#A Set up the start and end indexes for fetching the articles
#B Fetch the article ids
#C Get the article information from the list of article ids

# <start id="add-remove-groups"/>
def add_remove_groups(conn, article_id, to_add=[], to_remove=[]):
    article = 'article:' + article_id           #A
    for group in to_add:
        conn.sadd('group:' + group, article)    #B
    for group in to_remove:
        conn.srem('group:' + group, article)    #C
# <end id="add-remove-groups"/>
#A Construct the article information like we did in post_article
#B Add the article to groups that it should be a part of
#C Remove the article from groups that it should be removed from

# <start id="fetch-articles-group"/>
def get_group_articles(conn, group, page, order='score:'):
    key = order + group                                     #A
    if not conn.exists(key):                                #B
        conn.zinterstore(key,                               #C
            ['group:' + group, order],                      #C
            aggregate='max',                                #C
        conn.expire(key, 60)                                #D
    return get_articles(conn, page, key)                    #E
# <end id="fetch-articles-group"/>
#A Create a key for each group and each sort order
#B If we haven't sorted these articles recently, we should sort them
#C Actually sort the articles in the group based on score or recency
#D Tell Redis to automatically expire the ZSET in 60 seconds
#E Call our earlier get_articles() function to handle pagination and article data fetching

#--------------- Below this line are helpers to test the code ----------------

class TestCh01(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        import redis
        self.conn = redis.Redis(db=15)

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.conn

    def test_article_functionality(self):
        conn = self.conn
        import pprint

        article_id = str(post_article(conn, 'username', 'A title', 'http://www.google.com'))
        print("We posted a new article with id:", article_id)

        print("Its HASH looks like:")
        r = conn.hgetall('article:' + article_id)

        article_vote(conn, 'other_user', 'article:' + article_id)
        print("We voted for the article, it now has votes:", end=' ')
        v = int(conn.hget('article:' + article_id, 'votes'))
        self.assertTrue(v > 1)

        print("The currently highest-scoring articles are:")
        articles = get_articles(conn, 1)

        self.assertTrue(len(articles) >= 1)

        add_remove_groups(conn, article_id, ['new-group'])
        print("We added the article to a new group, other articles include:")
        articles = get_group_articles(conn, 'new-group', 1)
        self.assertTrue(len(articles) >= 1)

        to_del = (
            conn.keys('time:*') + conn.keys('voted:*') + conn.keys('score:*') + 
            conn.keys('article:*') + conn.keys('group:*')
        if to_del:

if __name__ == '__main__':

    class TestCh01
        public const int ONE_WEEK_IN_SECONDS = 7 * 86400;
        public const int VOTE_SCORE = 432;
        public const int ARTICLES_PER_PAGE = 25;

        CSRedisClient _conn;
        public TestCh01()
            _conn = new CSRedis.CSRedisClient(",defaultDatabase=14,poolsize=500,ssl=false,writeBuffer=10240");

        public void article_vote(CSRedisClient conn, string user, string article)
            var cutoff = (DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(0 - ONE_WEEK_IN_SECONDS) - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;
            if ((conn.ZScore("time:", article) ?? 0) < (decimal)cutoff)

            var article_id = article.Substring(article.IndexOf(":") + 1);
            if (conn.SAdd("voted:" + article_id, user) > 0)
                conn.ZIncrBy("score:", article, VOTE_SCORE);
                conn.HIncrBy(article, "votes", 1);

        public string post_article(CSRedisClient conn, string user, string title, string link)
            var article_id = conn.IncrBy("article:").ToString();
            var voted = "voted:" + article_id;
            conn.SAdd(voted, user);
            conn.Expire(voted, ONE_WEEK_IN_SECONDS);
            var now = (DateTime.Now - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;
            var article = "article:" + article_id;
            conn.HMSet(article, new[]
                "title", title,
                "poster", user ,
                "time", now.ToString(),
                "votes", 1.ToString(),

            conn.ZAdd("score:", ((decimal)(now + VOTE_SCORE), article));
            conn.ZAdd("time:", ((decimal)now, article));

            return article_id;

        public List<Article> get_articles(CSRedisClient conn, int page, string order = "score:")
            var start = (page - 1) * ARTICLES_PER_PAGE;
            var end = start + ARTICLES_PER_PAGE - 1;

            var ids = conn.ZRevRange(order, start, end);
            List<Article> articles = new List<Article>();
            foreach (var id in ids)
                var article_data = conn.HGetAll(id);
                articles.Add(new Article() { id = id, link = article_data["link"], poster = article_data["poster"], time = article_data["time"], title = article_data["title"], votes = article_data["votes"], });

            return articles;

        public void add_remove_groups(CSRedisClient conn, string article_id, string[] to_add, string[] to_remove)
            var article = "article:" + article_id;
            foreach (var group in to_add)
                conn.SAdd("group:" + group, article);
            foreach (var group in to_remove)
                conn.SRem("group:" + group, article);

        public List<Article> get_group_articles(CSRedisClient conn, string group, int page, string order = "score:")
            var key = order + group;
            if (!conn.Exists(key))
                conn.ZInterStore(key, null, RedisAggregate.Max, "group:" + group, order);
                conn.Expire(key, 60);

            return get_articles(conn, page, key);

        public void test_article_functionality()
            var article_id = post_article(_conn, "username", "A title", "http://www.google.com");
            Console.WriteLine("We posted a new article with id:" + article_id);

            Console.WriteLine("Its HASH looks like:");
            var r = _conn.HGetAll("article:" + article_id);

            article_vote(_conn, "other_user", "article:" + article_id);
            Console.WriteLine("We voted for the article, it now has votes:");
            var v = _conn.HGet("article:" + article_id, "votes");

            Console.WriteLine("The currently highest-scoring articles are:");
            var articles = get_articles(_conn, 1);

            add_remove_groups(_conn, article_id, new string[] { "new-group" }, new string[] { });
            Console.WriteLine("We added the article to a new group, other articles include:");
            articles = get_group_articles(_conn, "new-group", 1);

            var keys = _conn.Keys("time:*").Union(_conn.Keys("voted:*")).Union(_conn.Keys("score:*")).Union(_conn.Keys("article:*")).Union(_conn.Keys("group:*")).ToArray();


    public class Article
        public string id { get; set; }
        public string title { get; set; }
        public string link { get; set; }
        public string poster { get; set; }
        public string time { get; set; }
        public string votes { get; set; }

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posted @ 2020-11-29 09:31  竹天笑  阅读(157)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报