1066. Root of AVL Tree (25)
An AVL tree is a self-balancing binary search tree. In an AVL tree, the heights of the two child subtrees of any node differ by at most one; if at any time they differ by more than one, rebalancing is done to restore this property. Figures 1-4 illustrate the rotation rules.
Now given a sequence of insertions, you are supposed to tell the root of the resulting AVL tree.
Input Specification:
Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first line contains a positive integer N (<=20) which is the total number of keys to be inserted. Then N distinct integer keys are given in the next line. All the numbers in a line are separated by a space.
Output Specification:
For each test case, print ythe root of the resulting AVL tree in one line.
Sample Input 1:5 88 70 61 96 120Sample Output 1:
70Sample Input 2:
7 88 70 61 96 120 90 65Sample Output 2:
typedef struct AVLTreeNode *AVLTree; typedef struct AVLTreeNode{ int Data; AVLTree left; AVLTree right; int Height; };
int GetHeight(AVLTree T){ if (T){ int HL = GetHeight(T->left); int HR = GetHeight(T->right); int max = HL > HR ? HL : HR; return max + 1; } else return 0; }
· Ⅲ旋转算法:
AVLTree SingleLeftRotation(AVLTree A){ AVLTree B = A->left; A->left = B->right; B->right = A; A->Height = GetMax(GetHeight(A->left), GetHeight(A->right)) + 1; B->Height = GetMax(GetHeight(B->left), A->Height) + 1;//A is the left subtree of B return B; }②右单旋
AVLTree SingleRightRotation(AVLTree A){ AVLTree B = A->right; A->right = B->left; B->left = A; A->Height = GetMax(GetHeight(A->left), GetHeight(A->right)) + 1; B->Height = GetMax(A->Height, GetHeight(B->right)) + 1;//A is the right subtree of B return B; }③右左双旋
AVLTree DoubleRightLeftRotation(AVLTree A){ right = SingleLeftRotation(A->right); return SingleRightRotation(A); }只需要调用A右子树的左单旋,再返回A的右单旋。相当于把右左双旋反过来考虑,先后后前,从下到上。
AVLTree DoubleLeftRightRotation(AVLTree A){ A->left = SingleRightRotation(A->left); return SingleLeftRotation(A); }Ⅳ插入算法
插入算法非常简单,在树空的时候新建结点,否则判断数和当前结点的大小关系,小左大右,然后判断是否高度差大于1,大于1则判断旋转类型,如果是向左插入并且数据比左子树结点还大,那么就是左旋,否则是左右双旋;对于向右插入一样,如果比右子树结点还大,那么就是 右旋,否则就是右左双旋。
AVLTree AVL_Insertion(int x, AVLTree T){ if (!T){ T = (AVLTree)malloc(sizeof(struct AVLTreeNode)); T->Data = x; T->Height = 0; T->left = T->right = NULL; } else if (x < T->Data){ //Insert to left T->left = AVL_Insertion(x, T->left); if (GetHeight(T->left) - GetHeight(T->right) == 2){ if (x < T->left->Data){ T = SingleLeftRotation(T); } else { T = DoubleLeftRightRotation(T); } } } else if (x > T->Data){ //Insert to right T->right = AVL_Insertion(x, T->right); if (GetHeight(T->right) - GetHeight(T->left) == 2){ if (x > T->right->Data){ T = SingleRightRotation(T); } else{ T = DoubleRightLeftRotation(T); } } }/*if x = T->Data, not insert*/ T->Height = GetMax(GetHeight(T->left), GetHeight(T->right)) + 1; return T; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; typedef struct AVLTreeNode *AVLTree; typedef struct AVLTreeNode{ int Data; AVLTree left; AVLTree right; int Height; }; int GetHeight(AVLTree T){ if (T){ int HL = GetHeight(T->left); int HR = GetHeight(T->right); int max = HL > HR ? HL : HR; return max + 1; } else return 0; } int GetMax(int a, int b){ return a > b ? a : b; } AVLTree SingleLeftRotation(AVLTree A){ AVLTree B = A->left; A->left = B->right; B->right = A; A->Height = GetMax(GetHeight(A->left), GetHeight(A->right)) + 1; B->Height = GetMax(GetHeight(B->left), A->Height) + 1;//A is the left subtree of B return B; } AVLTree SingleRightRotation(AVLTree A){ AVLTree B = A->right; A->right = B->left; B->left = A; A->Height = GetMax(GetHeight(A->left), GetHeight(A->right)) + 1; B->Height = GetMax(A->Height, GetHeight(B->right)) + 1;//A is the right subtree of B return B; } AVLTree DoubleLeftRightRotation(AVLTree A){ A->left = SingleRightRotation(A->left); return SingleLeftRotation(A); } AVLTree DoubleRightLeftRotation(AVLTree A){ A->right = SingleLeftRotation(A->right); return SingleRightRotation(A); } AVLTree AVL_Insertion(int x, AVLTree T){ if (!T){ T = (AVLTree)malloc(sizeof(struct AVLTreeNode)); T->Data = x; T->Height = 0; T->left = T->right = NULL; } else if (x < T->Data){ //Insert to left T->left = AVL_Insertion(x, T->left); if (GetHeight(T->left) - GetHeight(T->right) == 2){ if (x < T->left->Data){ T = SingleLeftRotation(T); } else { T = DoubleLeftRightRotation(T); } } } else if (x > T->Data){ //Insert to right T->right = AVL_Insertion(x, T->right); if (GetHeight(T->right) - GetHeight(T->left) == 2){ if (x > T->right->Data){ T = SingleRightRotation(T); } else{ T = DoubleRightLeftRotation(T); } } }/*if x = T->Data, not insert*/ T->Height = GetMax(GetHeight(T->left), GetHeight(T->right)) + 1; return T; } AVLTree GetRoot(AVLTree A){ return NULL; } int main(){ int N; int count = 0; int data; AVLTree tree = NULL; cin >> N; while (true){ cin >> data; tree = AVL_Insertion(data, tree); count++; if (count == N) break; } cout << tree->Data << endl; return 0; }