




1. Cubic


The protocol modifies the linear window growth function of existing TCP standards to be a cubic function

in order to improve the scalability of TCP over fast and long distance networks. It also achieves more

equitable bandwith allocations among flows with different RTTs by making the window growth to be

independent of RTT——thus those flows grow their congestion window at the same rate. During steady

state, Cubic increases the window size aggresively when the window is far from the saturation point,

and the slowly when it is close to the saturation point.


和 High-Speed的算法。



Because it stays longer near the previous saturation point than other variants, it can be sluggish to find

the new saturation point if the saturation point has increased far beyond the last one.



The key feature of Cubic is that its window growth depends only on the real tiime between two consecutive

congestion events. When RTTs are short, since the window growth rate is fixed, its growth rate could be

slower than TCP standards.


Cubic取消了max increment。This feature is not needed after entensive testing due to the increased

stability of Cubic. Cubic replaced BIC-TCP as the default algorithm in 2006 after version 2.6.18.




2. scalable tcp

The design objective of STCP is to make the recovery time from loss events be constant regardless of

the window size. This is why it is called "Scalable". Note that the recovery time of TCP-NewReno largely

depends on the current window size.


STCP suggests alternative algorithms for cwnd increase and decrease(in congestion avoidance)


cwnd = cwnd + 0.01 (per ACK received in an RTT)

Upon the first detection of congestion, the cwnd is decreased accordingly:

cwnd = cwnd - (0.125*cwnd)




3. highspeed tcp

HighSpeed TCP(HSTCP) uses a generalized AIMD where the linear increase factor and multiplicative

decrease factor are adjusted by a convex function of the current congestion window size. When the

congestion window is less than some cutoff value, HSTCP uses the same factors as TCP. Most of

high-speed TCP variants support this form of TCP compatibility, which is based on the window size.

When the window grows beyond the cutoff point, the convex function increase the increase factor and

reduces the decrease factor proportionally to the window size.






HTCP, like Cubic, uses the elapsed time(t) since the last congestion event for calculating the current

congestion window size. The window growth function of HTCP is a quadratic function of t. HTCP is

unique in that it adjusts the decrease factor by a function of RTTs which is engineered to estimate the

queue size in the network path of the current flow. Thus, the decrease factor is adjusted to be

proportional to the queue size.






5. Vegas

TCP-Vegas measures the difference(O) between expected throughput and actual throughput based

on round-trip delays. When O is less than a low threshold a, TCP-Vegas believes the path is not

congested and thus increases the sending rate. When O is larger than a upper threshold B, which

is strong indication of congestion, TCP-Vegas reduces the sending rate.Otherwise, TCP-Vegas

maintains the current sending rate. The expected throughput is calculated by dividing the current

congestion window by the minimum RTT which typically contains the delay when the path is not

congested. For each round trip time, TCP-Vegas computes the actual throughput by dividing the

number of packets sent by the sampled RTT.











FAST determines the current congestion window size based on both round-trip delays and

packet losses over a path. FAST updates the sending rate at every other RTT with rate-pacing.

The algorithm estimates the queuing delay of the path using RTTs and if the delay is well below

a threshold, it increases the window aggressively and if it gets closer to the threshold, the algorithm

slowly reduces the increasing rate. The opposite happens when the delay increases beyond the

threshold: slowly decreases the window first and then aggressively decreases the window.

For packet losses, FAST halves the congestion window and enters loss recovery just like TCP.






7. Westwood

TCP-Westwood estimates an end-to-end available bandwidth by accounting the rate of returning

ACKs. For packet losses, unlike TCP which "blindly" reduces the congestion window to the half,

TCP-Westwood sets the slow start threshold to this estimate. This mechanism is effective

especially over wireless links where frequent channel losses are misinterpreted as congestion

losses and thus TCP reduces the congestion window unnecessarily.






8. Illinois

TCP-Illinois uses a queueing delay to determine an increase factor a and multiplicative

decrease factor B instantaneously during the window increment phase. Precisely, TCP-Illinois

sets a large a and small B when the average delay d is small, which is the indication that

congestion is not imminent, and sets a small a and large B when d is large because of imminent congestion.





9. Hybla

TCP-Hybla scales the window increment rule to ensure fairness among the flows with

different RTTs. TCP-Hybla behaves as TCP-NewReno when the RTT of a flow is less than

a certain reference RTT(e.g. 25ms). Otherwise, TCP-Hybla increases the congestion window size

more aggressively to compensate throughput drop due to RTT increase.



Equalize performance for connections with different RTTs.

Cwnd increase:

                cwnd + 2^p - 1 (slow start)

cwnd =  

                cwnd + p^2 / cwnd (congestion avoidance)

p is a normalized RTT: p = RTT/RTT0. RTT0 is in Linux set to 25ms

Designed for connections with long RTTs




10. Veno

TCP-Veno determines the congestion window size very similar to TCP-NewReno, but it uses

the delay information of TCP-Vegas to differentiate non-congestion losses. When packet loss

happens, if the queue size inferred by the delay increase is within a certain threshold, which is

the strong indication of random loss, TCP-Veno reduces the congestion window by 20%, not by 50%.





11. BIC

Reduces the cwnd with a multiplicative factor(minimum) in case of packet loss.

Performs a binary search between(minimum) and the cwnd at the time of loss(maximum).

Additionally performs 'max probing' , if the cwnd grows past the current maximum.


However, BIC-TCP's growth function can still be too aggressive for TCP, especially under short RTT or low speed net works.




posted on 2011-12-20 14:43  张大大123  阅读(269)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
