【算法】(查找你附近的人) GeoHash核心原理解析及代码实现
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6. geohash的php 、python、java、C#实现代码
饭饱之后机机开始反思了,地图后台如何根据自己所在位置查询来查询附近餐馆的呢?苦思冥想了半天,机机想出了个方法:计算所在位置P与北京所有餐馆 的距离,然后返回距离<=1000米的餐馆。小得意了一会儿,机机发现北京的餐馆何其多啊,这样计算不得了,于是想了,既然知道经纬度了,那它应该 知道自己在西城区,那应该计算所在位置P与西城区所有餐馆的距离啊,机机运用了递归的思想,想到了西城区也很多餐馆啊,应该计算所在位置P与所在街道所有 餐馆的距离,这样计算量又小了,效率也提升了。
首先来点感性认识,http://openlocation.org/geohash/geohash-js/ 提供了在地图上显示geohash编码的功能。
1)GeoHash将二维的经纬度转换成字符串,比如下图展示了北京9个区域的GeoHash字符串,分别是WX4ER,WX4G2、WX4G3等 等,每一个字符串代表了某一矩形区域。也就是说,这个矩形区域内所有的点(经纬度坐标)都共享相同的GeoHash字符串,这样既可以保护隐私(只表示大 概区域位置而不是具体的点),又比较容易做缓存,比如左上角这个区域内的用户不断发送位置信息请求餐馆数据,由于这些用户的GeoHash字符串都是WX4ER,所以可以把WX4ER当作key,把该区域的餐馆信息当作value来进行缓存,而如果不使用GeoHash的话,由于区域内的用户传来的经纬度是各不相同的,很难做缓存。
3)字符串相似的表示距离相近(特殊情况后文阐述),这样可以利用字符串的前缀匹配来查询附近的POI信息。如下两个图所示,一个在城区,一个在郊 区,城区的GeoHash字符串之间比较相似,郊区的字符串之间也比较相似,而城区和郊区的GeoHash字符串相似程度要低些。
![]() |
![]() |
城区 | 郊区 |
通过上面的介绍我们知道了GeoHash就是一种将经纬度转换成字符串的方法,并且使得在大部分情况下,字符串前缀匹配越多的距离越近,回到我们的 案例,根据所在位置查询来查询附近餐馆时,只需要将所在位置经纬度转换成GeoHash字符串,并与各个餐馆的GeoHash字符串进行前缀匹配,匹配越 多的距离越近。
2.1. 根据经纬度计算GeoHash二进制编码
地球纬度区间是[-90,90], 北海公园的纬度是39.928167,可以通过下面算法对纬度39.928167进行逼近编码:
2)接着将区间[0,90]进行二分为 [0,45),[45,90],可以确定39.928167属于左区间 [0,45),给标记为0;
bit | min | mid | max |
1 | -90.000 | 0.000 | 90.000 |
0 | 0.000 | 45.000 | 90.000 |
1 | 0.000 | 22.500 | 45.000 |
1 | 22.500 | 33.750 | 45.000 |
1 | 33.7500 | 39.375 | 45.000 |
0 | 39.375 | 42.188 | 45.000 |
0 | 39.375 | 40.7815 | 42.188 |
0 | 39.375 | 40.07825 | 40.7815 |
1 | 39.375 | 39.726625 | 40.07825 |
1 | 39.726625 | 39.9024375 | 40.07825 |
bit | min | mid | max |
1 | -180 | 0.000 | 180 |
1 | 0.000 | 90 | 180 |
0 | 90 | 135 | 180 |
1 | 90 | 112.5 | 135 |
0 | 112.5 | 123.75 | 135 |
0 | 112.5 | 118.125 | 123.75 |
1 | 112.5 | 115.3125 | 118.125 |
0 | 115.3125 | 116.71875 | 118.125 |
1 | 115.3125 | 116.015625 | 116.71875 |
1 | 116.015625 | 116.3671875 | 116.71875 |
2.2. 组码
通过上述计算,纬度产生的编码为10111 00011,经度产生的编码为11010 01011。偶数位放经度,奇数位放纬度,把2串编码组合生成新串:11100 11101 00100 01111。
最后使用用0-9、b-z(去掉a, i, l, o)这32个字母进行base32编码,首先将11100 11101 00100 01111转成十进制,对应着28、29、4、15,十进制对应的编码就是wx4g。同理,将编码转换成经纬度的解码算法与之相反,具体不再赘述。
三、GeoHash Base32编码长度与精度
可以看出,当geohash base32编码长度为8时,精度在19米左右,而当编码长度为9时,精度在2米左右,编码长度需要根据数据情况进行选择。
如图所示,我们将二进制编码的结果填写到空间中,当将空间划分为四块时候,编码的顺序分别是左下角00,左上角01,右下脚10,右上角11,也就 是类似于Z的曲线,当我们递归的将各个块分解成更小的子块时,编码的顺序是自相似的(分形),每一个子快也形成Z曲线,这种类型的曲线被称为Peano空 间填充曲线。
这种类型的空间填充曲线的优点是将二维空间转换成一维曲线(事实上是分形维),对大部分而言,编码相似的距离也相近, 但Peano空间填充曲线最大的缺点就是突变性,有些编码相邻但距离却相差很远,比如0111与1000,编码是相邻的,但距离相差很大。
除Peano空间填充曲线外,还有很多空间填充曲线,如图所示,其中效果公认较好是Hilbert空间填充曲线,相较于Peano曲线而 言,Hilbert曲线没有较大的突变。为什么GeoHash不选择Hilbert空间填充曲线呢?可能是Peano曲线思路以及计算上比较简单吧,事实 上,Peano曲线就是一种四叉树线性编码方式。
1)由于GeoHash是将区域划分为一个个规则矩形,并对每个矩形进行编码,这样在查询附近POI信息时会导致以下问题,比如红色的点是我们的位 置,绿色的两个点分别是附近的两个餐馆,但是在查询的时候会发现距离较远餐馆的GeoHash编码与我们一样(因为在同一个GeoHash区域块上),而 较近餐馆的GeoHash编码与我们不一致。这个问题往往产生在边界处。
具体可以参考文章: Geohash求当前区域周围8个区域编码的一种思路
六、geohash的php 、python、java、C#实现代码
php版本的实现方式:http://blog.dixo.net/downloads/geohash-php-class/ 我下载了一个上传的

<?php /** * Geohash generation class * http://blog.dixo.net/downloads/ * * This file copyright (C) 2008 Paul Dixon (paul@elphin.com) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /** * Encode and decode geohashes * */ class Geohash { private $coding="0123456789bcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz"; private $codingMap=array(); public function Geohash() { //build map from encoding char to 0 padded bitfield for($i=0; $i<32; $i++) { $this->codingMap[substr($this->coding,$i,1)]=str_pad(decbin($i), 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } } /** * Decode a geohash and return an array with decimal lat,long in it */ public function decode($hash) { //decode hash into binary string $binary=""; $hl=strlen($hash); for($i=0; $i<$hl; $i++) { $binary.=$this->codingMap[substr($hash,$i,1)]; } //split the binary into lat and log binary strings $bl=strlen($binary); $blat=""; $blong=""; for ($i=0; $i<$bl; $i++) { if ($i%2) $blat=$blat.substr($binary,$i,1); else $blong=$blong.substr($binary,$i,1); } //now concert to decimal $lat=$this->binDecode($blat,-90,90); $long=$this->binDecode($blong,-180,180); //figure out how precise the bit count makes this calculation $latErr=$this->calcError(strlen($blat),-90,90); $longErr=$this->calcError(strlen($blong),-180,180); //how many decimal places should we use? There's a little art to //this to ensure I get the same roundings as geohash.org $latPlaces=max(1, -round(log10($latErr))) - 1; $longPlaces=max(1, -round(log10($longErr))) - 1; //round it $lat=round($lat, $latPlaces); $long=round($long, $longPlaces); return array($lat,$long); } /** * Encode a hash from given lat and long */ public function encode($lat,$long) { //how many bits does latitude need? $plat=$this->precision($lat); $latbits=1; $err=45; while($err>$plat) { $latbits++; $err/=2; } //how many bits does longitude need? $plong=$this->precision($long); $longbits=1; $err=90; while($err>$plong) { $longbits++; $err/=2; } //bit counts need to be equal $bits=max($latbits,$longbits); //as the hash create bits in groups of 5, lets not //waste any bits - lets bulk it up to a multiple of 5 //and favour the longitude for any odd bits $longbits=$bits; $latbits=$bits; $addlong=1; while (($longbits+$latbits)%5 != 0) { $longbits+=$addlong; $latbits+=!$addlong; $addlong=!$addlong; } //encode each as binary string $blat=$this->binEncode($lat,-90,90, $latbits); $blong=$this->binEncode($long,-180,180,$longbits); //merge lat and long together $binary=""; $uselong=1; while (strlen($blat)+strlen($blong)) { if ($uselong) { $binary=$binary.substr($blong,0,1); $blong=substr($blong,1); } else { $binary=$binary.substr($blat,0,1); $blat=substr($blat,1); } $uselong=!$uselong; } //convert binary string to hash $hash=""; for ($i=0; $i<strlen($binary); $i+=5) { $n=bindec(substr($binary,$i,5)); $hash=$hash.$this->coding[$n]; } return $hash; } /** * What's the maximum error for $bits bits covering a range $min to $max */ private function calcError($bits,$min,$max) { $err=($max-$min)/2; while ($bits--) $err/=2; return $err; } /* * returns precision of number * precision of 42 is 0.5 * precision of 42.4 is 0.05 * precision of 42.41 is 0.005 etc */ private function precision($number) { $precision=0; $pt=strpos($number,'.'); if ($pt!==false) { $precision=-(strlen($number)-$pt-1); } return pow(10,$precision)/2; } /** * create binary encoding of number as detailed in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geohash#Example * removing the tail recursion is left an exercise for the reader */ private function binEncode($number, $min, $max, $bitcount) { if ($bitcount==0) return ""; #echo "$bitcount: $min $max<br>"; //this is our mid point - we will produce a bit to say //whether $number is above or below this mid point $mid=($min+$max)/2; if ($number>$mid) return "1".$this->binEncode($number, $mid, $max,$bitcount-1); else return "0".$this->binEncode($number, $min, $mid,$bitcount-1); } /** * decodes binary encoding of number as detailed in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geohash#Example * removing the tail recursion is left an exercise for the reader */ private function binDecode($binary, $min, $max) { $mid=($min+$max)/2; if (strlen($binary)==0) return $mid; $bit=substr($binary,0,1); $binary=substr($binary,1); if ($bit==1) return $this->binDecode($binary, $mid, $max); else return $this->binDecode($binary, $min, $mid); } } ?>

import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.HashMap; public class Geohash { private static int numbits = 6 * 5; final static char[] digits = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'm', 'n', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z' }; final static HashMap<Character, Integer> lookup = new HashMap<Character, Integer>(); static { int i = 0; for (char c : digits) lookup.put(c, i++); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ System.out.println(new Geohash().encode(45, 125)); } public double[] decode(String geohash) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); for (char c : geohash.toCharArray()) { int i = lookup.get(c) + 32; buffer.append( Integer.toString(i, 2).substring(1) ); } BitSet lonset = new BitSet(); BitSet latset = new BitSet(); //even bits int j =0; for (int i=0; i< numbits*2;i+=2) { boolean isSet = false; if ( i < buffer.length() ) isSet = buffer.charAt(i) == '1'; lonset.set(j++, isSet); } //odd bits j=0; for (int i=1; i< numbits*2;i+=2) { boolean isSet = false; if ( i < buffer.length() ) isSet = buffer.charAt(i) == '1'; latset.set(j++, isSet); } double lon = decode(lonset, -180, 180); double lat = decode(latset, -90, 90); return new double[] {lat, lon}; } private double decode(BitSet bs, double floor, double ceiling) { double mid = 0; for (int i=0; i<bs.length(); i++) { mid = (floor + ceiling) / 2; if (bs.get(i)) floor = mid; else ceiling = mid; } return mid; } public String encode(double lat, double lon) { BitSet latbits = getBits(lat, -90, 90); BitSet lonbits = getBits(lon, -180, 180); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < numbits; i++) { buffer.append( (lonbits.get(i))?'1':'0'); buffer.append( (latbits.get(i))?'1':'0'); } return base32(Long.parseLong(buffer.toString(), 2)); } private BitSet getBits(double lat, double floor, double ceiling) { BitSet buffer = new BitSet(numbits); for (int i = 0; i < numbits; i++) { double mid = (floor + ceiling) / 2; if (lat >= mid) { buffer.set(i); floor = mid; } else { ceiling = mid; } } return buffer; } public static String base32(long i) { char[] buf = new char[65]; int charPos = 64; boolean negative = (i < 0); if (!negative) i = -i; while (i <= -32) { buf[charPos--] = digits[(int) (-(i % 32))]; i /= 32; } buf[charPos] = digits[(int) (-i)]; if (negative) buf[--charPos] = '-'; return new String(buf, charPos, (65 - charPos)); } }

C#版本的geohash代 using System; namespace sharonjl.utils { public static class Geohash { #region Direction enum public enum Direction { Top = 0, Right = 1, Bottom = 2, Left = 3 } #endregion private const string Base32 = "0123456789bcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz"; private static readonly int[] Bits = new[] {16, 8, 4, 2, 1}; private static readonly string[][] Neighbors = { new[] { "p0r21436x8zb9dcf5h7kjnmqesgutwvy", // Top "bc01fg45238967deuvhjyznpkmstqrwx", // Right "14365h7k9dcfesgujnmqp0r2twvyx8zb", // Bottom "238967debc01fg45kmstqrwxuvhjyznp", // Left }, new[] { "bc01fg45238967deuvhjyznpkmstqrwx", // Top "p0r21436x8zb9dcf5h7kjnmqesgutwvy", // Right "238967debc01fg45kmstqrwxuvhjyznp", // Bottom "14365h7k9dcfesgujnmqp0r2twvyx8zb", // Left } }; private static readonly string[][] Borders = { new[] {"prxz", "bcfguvyz", "028b", "0145hjnp"}, new[] {"bcfguvyz", "prxz", "0145hjnp", "028b"} }; public static String CalculateAdjacent(String hash, Direction direction) { hash = hash.ToLower(); char lastChr = hash[hash.Length - 1]; int type = hash.Length%2; var dir = (int) direction; string nHash = hash.Substring(0, hash.Length - 1); if (Borders[type][dir].IndexOf(lastChr) != -1) { nHash = CalculateAdjacent(nHash, (Direction) dir); } return nHash + Base32[Neighbors[type][dir].IndexOf(lastChr)]; } public static void RefineInterval(ref double[] interval, int cd, int mask) { if ((cd & mask) != 0) { interval[0] = (interval[0] + interval[1])/2; } else { interval[1] = (interval[0] + interval[1])/2; } } public static double[] Decode(String geohash) { bool even = true; double[] lat = {-90.0, 90.0}; double[] lon = {-180.0, 180.0}; foreach (char c in geohash) { int cd = Base32.IndexOf(c); for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { int mask = Bits[j]; if (even) { RefineInterval(ref lon, cd, mask); } else { RefineInterval(ref lat, cd, mask); } even = !even; } } return new[] {(lat[0] + lat[1])/2, (lon[0] + lon[1])/2}; } public static String Encode(double latitude, double longitude, int precision = 12) { bool even = true; int bit = 0; int ch = 0; string geohash = ""; double[] lat = {-90.0, 90.0}; double[] lon = {-180.0, 180.0}; if (precision < 1 || precision > 20) precision = 12; while (geohash.Length < precision) { double mid; if (even) { mid = (lon[0] + lon[1])/2; if (longitude > mid) { ch |= Bits[bit]; lon[0] = mid; } else lon[1] = mid; } else { mid = (lat[0] + lat[1])/2; if (latitude > mid) { ch |= Bits[bit]; lat[0] = mid; } else lat[1] = mid; } even = !even; if (bit < 4) bit++; else { geohash += Base32[ch]; bit = 0; ch = 0; } } return geohash; } } } C#代码来自:https://github.com/sharonjl/geohash-net
七. 参考资料
- 作者:天行健·自强不息
- 出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/aiweixiao/
- 本文版权归作者和博客园共有,欢迎转载,如需联系 sishuinianhua369#126.com
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